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Should School Uniforms Be Banned


Submitted By baker32
Words 563
Pages 3
I am a single African American female living in a middle class economy providing for my family. At this time, I’m at the point in my life where I find living round this economy is difficult. It’s difficult because I’m a single mother that’s living off a single income striving to make things work for my family. I am the second generation to be in this economy. Born and raised in the United States of America in Jackson, MS. This state is where it all began. As the years go by I Constance see things that remind me of history in the past. I grew up in this society “world” with both parents and one sibling. My parents were the kind of parents who always strive for the best. They also make sure that their kids would not suffer for anything in their lives as we travel on our journey for the real world.
In 1999, I graduated high school and wanted to continue with my education. I was determined to finish high school and attend college. I wanted to have a good life by raising a family and a good job, but suddenly things changed.
As the years progress I became a single parent of a lovely daughter who I cherish more than life itself. I often find myself following my parent’s footsteps in caring and raising my daughter. I always strives’ for the best so that my child can have a comfortable life as she grows. After a few years later I graduated from Virginia College where I became a certified Phlebotomy and Medical Assistant. In my journey my goals were becoming a Resister Nurse and living a comfortable life.
In this world today it’s hard being a single parent especially in women. It’s harder in women because a women looks at raising a child totally different from men. Not as saying that some men aren’t good parents but in this world a mother strives a little harder (as for myself) to have the best for their kids. By women doing this it makes our job harder as being a

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