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Should Students Be Allowed to Use Mobile Devices in School?


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Should Students be allowed to Use Mobile Devices in School?
Stacy Scott
January 10, 2014
Linda Camp

Should Students be allowed to Use Mobile Devices in School?
Mobile devices have brought a whole new outlook on the world as we know it today. It can be used for entertainment such as games, movies and music; networking such as social media; communicating such as texting, face-time and Skype; organization such as Outlook; and much, much more. Mobile devices have allowed anyone who uses it to access almost anything they want or need like a pocket-size computer. Schools have already started to incorporate mobile devices in the classroom. This then raises my point that students should be allowed to use mobile devices in school.
The first and most important reason I believe in this is a lot of students have expected or unexpected after school activities. For those students who have required after school activities, this activity may run later than usual, and they may want to let their parents know they are going to be late and why. For those students who have unexpected after school activities such as some extra tutoring, they may want to let their parents know where they are and when they can expect them home or when they can be picked up. This gives the students the opportunity to text, e-mail, or leave a voicemail message to their parents in order to alert them of these types of changes. It also frees the parents from worry and maybe even rushing as well as giving them time to run some errands before picking up their child.
The second reason is that school aged children love technology as well as young adults and adults. Have you ever tried to talk to or tell a child to do something while they were on a mobile device? It is like talking to a wall, and in most cases you literally have to come in between that child and that mobile device to get their attention. There was a survey done where 84% of the participants indicated that they used a mobile computer "many times a day" outside of class. (Kim, Rueckert, Kim, & and Seo, 2013) Now just image if that same passion (or obsession) for mobile devices in the classroom, how much more attentive that a child would be to learn. There is a program called BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) or BYOT (Bring Your Own Technology) that has already started in some states such as Ohio, Minnesota, Texas and Georgia, which allows students to bring their own personal mobile devices to school. (Walker, 2012) In most cases, the students will have to sign an agreement only to use the device during class time for specific projects. (Walker, 2012)
Another reason that it is a good idea to use mobile devices in schools is it prepares students for the mostly technical world of today. Higher education has adopted innovative teaching strategies and devices to influence student learning to meet the demands of a technology-driven society. (Strong, Ho, Odom, & and Irby, 2013) Every mobile device has the capability of downloading numerous types of learning apps such as Quordy for Brain Exercises, Flashcards Deluxe for Quizzes and Flashcards, Graphing Calculator for Math, The Elements for Science, and many, many more for every subject. School websites also provide tools that help students with homework in class. These same schools or websites provide workshops for parents so they can better support their child at home.
All parents want their child to succeed and be successful in everything that they do. If that means incorporating something like a mobile device that we as parents usually see as a distraction or nuisance, then why not incorporate it in the classroom, too? It is after all the 21st century. Schools have been using desktop computers for years which have the same capabilities minus the ability to move it anywhere and everywhere you go. Technology provided today will even allow parents to monitor inappropriate sites their child is using or viewing as well as when. This same technology gives parents the option to block or allow any website of their choice, also sending an alert to the parents mobile device if that child just so happens to access an un-allowed website. What is this technical way of learning worth to you, your child and their future?

Kim, D., Rueckert, D., Kim, D.-J., & and Seo, D. (2013). Students' Perceptions and Experiences of Mobile Learning. Language Learning & Technology, 57.
Strong, R., Ho, S. P., Odom, S. F., & and Irby, T. L. (2013). A Course Focused on the Critical Issues in Agriculture: Students' Acceptance and Use of Mobile Learning. NACTA, 57.
Walker, T. (2012, July 19). Should Schools Embrace "Bring Your Own Device"? Retrieved from neatoday:

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