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Should Students Have Later School Start Later?

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Students walk through the hall like zombies, resting their heads in the middle of class, too tired to do their work. Students are not getting their much-needed sleep. They’re pushed into what feels like a never-ending loop, failing classes, skipping classes or even school entirely. Students are too tired, waking up before the sun even rises just for some education that they cant even remember due to their exhaustion. It’s better for students to have later start times because early start times can cause students to be too tired to learn and have outbursts or breakdowns.

A reason why students need to be late for school is because some students are too tired to learn. In “Should Your School Day Start Later?” an article written by Steph Smith, …show more content…
Some evidence for this is in the article “Teenagers Who Don’t Get Enough Sleep at Higher Risk for Mental Health Problems” by Tori Rodriguez, it is stated that, “Sleep deficits reduce brain function, further disturbing areas in which even well-rested adolescents struggle: executive function, self control, and judgment. All of these interrupting executive function, self control, and judgment can make it hard for the student to think rationally. It will scatter their brain under so much stress that they just have to let it out. For more evidence of my claim, “Should Your School Day Start Later” by Steph Smith will be brought back. It shows the following evidence; “Starting the school day too early can deprive teens of much-needed sleep, experts say.” With the evidence shown before, we can tell how this fits in. With less sleep than needed, you can deprive students by making them go through a loop over and over for years while they can barely keep their eyes open. This will make them too stressed to properly let out their emotions, resulting in the breakdowns and outbursts many adults have joked about and scolded teens for. The students’ exhaustion and high stress levels can cause breakdowns and

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