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Should Students Have To Stand For The Pledge Of Allegiance

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For many generations, students were asked to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance, which has lead to great deal of controversy. As of July 17, 2002, the New Hampshire School Patriot Act states that “a school district shall authorize a period of time during the school day for the recitation of the pledge of allegiance. Pupil participation in the recitation of the pledge of allegiance shall be voluntary.” It also states that “pupils not participating in the recitation of the pledge of allegiance may silently stand or remain seated but shall be required to respect the rights of those pupils electing to participate.” By looking at multiple First Amendment right cases, it is evident that, from my opinion, I agree that students should not be required to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance, which is important because America is a free country, therefore we are free to do what we choose. …show more content…
Texas stated that he should stand because there are soldiers out there fighting for our country and doing their job, however, one particular veteran disagreed and said, “He’s doing it because of his personal beliefs. I am a veteran, I’m not real big on flag-burning or anything like that, but this country is a free country and we’re free to do what we want.” This veteran’s words display that even they agree that all individuals have the freedom to do and say whatever he or she chooses and that no one shall be required to stand for the pledge. Michalec was not trying to disrespect anyone, he was only acting on his own personal beliefs, which is protected under the first

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