...RENACIMIENTO Y BARROCO GARCILASO DE LA VEGA (1501-1536) SONETO I Cuando me paro a contemplar mi estado, y a ver los pasos por do me ha traido, hallo, según por do anduve perdido, que a mayor mal pudiera haber llegado; mas cuando del camino está olvidado, a tanto mal no sé por do he venido; sé que me acabo y más he yo sentido ver acabar conmigo mi cuidado. Yo acabaré, que me entregué sin arte a quien sabrá perderme y acabarme si ella quisiere y aún sabrá querello; que, pues, mi voluntad puede matarme, la suya, que no es tanto de mi parte, pudiendo, ¡qué hará sino hacello? SONETO V Escrito está en mi ama vuestro gesto y cuando yo escribir de vos deseo: vos sola lo escribiste; yo lo leo tan solo que aun de vos me guardo en esto. En esto estoy y estaré siempre puesto, que aunque no cabe en mí cuanto en vos veo, de tanto bien lo que no entiendo creo, tomando ya la fe por presupuesto. Yo no nací sino para quereros; mi alma os ha cortado a su medida; por hábito del alma misma os quiero; cuanto tengo confieso yo deberos; por vos nací, por vos tengo la vida, por vos he de morir, y por vos muero. SONETO XIII A Dafne ya los brazos le crecían y en luengos ramos vueltos se mostraban; en verdes hojas vi que se tornaban los cabellos que el oro escurecían; de áspera corteza se cubrían, los tiernos miembros que aun bullendo estaban; los blancos pies en tierra se hincaban y en torcidas raíces se volvían. Aquel que fue la causa de tal daño, a fuerza de llorar, crecer hacía este árbol...
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...Madrid el 9 de Marzo, 1584 * Su nombre Tirso de Molina es un seudónimo de Gabriel Téllez * Estudio en la Universidad de Alcalá * En 1601, se junto con la orden de la merced * Esto empezó su vida como monje * Estudio teología en Toledo para 6 anos y fue ordenado un sacerdote en 1606 * Empezó a escribir obras en este ano, siguiendo la forma de Lope Vega y su comedia nueva * Viajo al caribe en 1616-1618 para estudiar el orden de la merced y el monasterio * Después de regresar a España, Tirso escribió obras sobre temas políticas * Estas obras se consideraban escandalosas y controversiales porque un monje no debía escribir sobre temas políticas en una manera humorosa como Tirso había hecho porque era mal ejemplo para el publico * Tirso también tuvo una tendencia de incluir humor escatológico en sus obras * Consiguió una advertencia, pero desobedeció y fue exiliado a los monasterios rurales * Su sobrino dice que Tirso ha escrito mas que 400 obras, pero solo 55 son reconocidos como originales de Tirso * Sus obras contienen temas importantes y comunes de la época como historia de España y Portugal, contenido bíblico, temas contemporáneos * Temas religiosas, filosóficas y teológicas están presente en sus obras * Sus obras mas famosas son D, El Condenado por Desconfiado (teológico), La Prudencia de la Mujer (histórico), y Don Gil de las Calzas Verdes (humorosa) * Junto con Lope Vega y Pedro Calderón, Tirso de Molina es...
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...Homero (en griego antiguo Ὅμηρος Hómēros; c. siglo VIII a. C.) es el nombre dado al aedo griego antiguo a quien tradicionalmente se le atribuye la autoría de las principales poesías épicas griegas —la Ilíada y la Odisea—. Desde el período helenístico se ha cuestionado si el autor de ambas obras épicas fue la misma persona; sin embargo, antes no solo no existían estas dudas sino que la Ilíada y la Odisea eran considerados relatos históricos reales. Es el pilar sobre el que se apoya la épica grecolatina y, por ende, la literatura occidental. El nombre de Hómēros es una variante jónica del eólico Homaros. Su significado es rehén, prenda o garantía. Hay una teoría que sostiene que su nombre proviene de una sociedad de poetas llamados los Homēridai, que literalmente significa ‘hijos de rehenes’, es decir, descendientes de prisioneros de guerra. Dado que estos hombres no eran enviados a la guerra al dudarse de su lealtad en el campo de batalla, no morían en él. Por tanto, se les confiaba el trabajo de recordar la poesía épica local, para recordar los sucesos pasados, en los tiempos anteriores a la llegada de la literatura escrita. También se ha sugerido que lo que podría contener el nombre Hómeros es un juego de palabras derivado de la expresión ho me horón, que significa el que no ve. En la figura de Homero confluyen realidad y leyenda. La tradición sostenía que Homero era ciego y varios lugares reclamaban ser su lugar de nacimiento: Quíos, Esmirna, Colofón, Atenas, Argos, Rodas...
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...ayer, 13 de enero de 2014, Cristiano Ronaldo fue galardonado con el balón de oro que la FIFA otorga al mejor jugador de fútbol del mundo del año 2013. Distanciándonos de los debates partidistas, pocos pueden dudar de las tremendas condiciones atléticas de Ronaldo. La potencia que exhibe en cada ocasión en la que se viste de corto no está al alcance de ningún otro jugador. No busquen que no encontrarán a un jugador con tanta potencia. Puede que más veloz sí, pero esa fuerza física está al alcance de pocos deportistas. Y en este contexto nos puede surgir la pregunta: ¿Podríamos clonar a Cristiano y preservar su riqueza genética para ser transmitida a futuros futbolistas? Muchos pensarán que es una pregunta digna de grandes éxitos cinematográficos como «Star Wars» o «Bladde Runner» y que hoy por hoy, esta posibilidad no está al alcance del ser humano y mucho menos en el ámbito de las grandes competiciones deportivas internacionales. Pues bien, lo que parece propio del género de la ciencia ficción ya es realidad en algunas disciplinas deportivas en las que el músculo, la fuerza y la potencia lo ponen atletas de cuatro patas: en Julio de 2012, hace algo más de un año y medio, la FEI (Federación Ecuestre Internacional), de común acuerdo con el COI (Comité Olímpico Internacional), levantaron la prohibición que impedía a los caballos clonados y a su descendencia competir en unos Juegos Olímpicos. Tras la eliminación de esa restricción, Sam, un caballo alemán obtuvo la medalla de oro en las...
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...FIRST VALLEY BANK EXECUTIVE OFFICERS | PERSONNEL | PARTICULAR | ASSIGNMENT | 1 | Lim, Nicolas J. Atty. | President/CEO | HO-CDO | 2 | Lim, Vivian V. | HRM Director | HO-CDO | 3 | Gica, Nicolette L. | VP-Operations | HO-CDO | 4 | Rudinas, Cynthia C. | VP-Compliance | HO-CDO | 5 | Enad, Emily E. | VP-Risk Management | HO-CDO | 6 | Sarsale, Anavic A. | VP-Treasurer | HO-CDO | 7 | Mendez, Glenn A. | Chief of Staff | HO-CDO | 8 | Calago, Ma. Teresa L. | Credit Manager | HO-Baroy | 9 | Estrera, Annie Lisa G. | AVP- Credit | HO-Baroy | 10 | Rizada, Rose Fe G. | KVR Manager | HO-Baroy | 11 | Alfon, Peter M. | Area Manager | Lanao Area | 12 | Fiel, Romulo P. | Area Manager | Zamboanga Area | 13 | Enad,Felizardo A. | Area Manager | Mis. Oriental Area | 14 | Cababan, Samson S. Jr. | MFU Manager | HO-CDO | 15 | Dioso, Errol C. | Supervised Credit Manager | HO-CDO | 16 | Rodrigo, Sarcesion J. | Branch Manager | Baroy | 17 | Bliss, Neri B. | Branch Manager | Kapatagan | 18 | Bagaloyos, Glenn G. | Branch Manager | Maranding | 19 | Mendez, Roseruby L. | Branch Manager | Molave | 20 | Berenguel, Teresita Aida Y. | Branch Manager | Iligan | 21 | Geromo, Hazel G. | Branch Manager | Ozamiz 1 | 22 | Daug, Jophet D. | Branch Manager | Margos | 23 | Catiloc, Edgar P. | Branch Manager | Dumalinao | 24 | Luna, Joel L. | Branch Manager | Pagadian | 25 | Florida, Estrella E. | Branch Manager | Buug | 26 | Undag, Anderson C. | Branch Manager |...
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...Curriculum Vitae EDUCATION: * Elementary : South City Central School * Secondary : Gingoog City National High School * College : Cagayan Capitol College, Cagayan de Oro City Gingoog Christian College, GiCC, Gingoog City (On-going) OTHER: Trainer’s Methodology 1 Course (On-going) EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: * President : Commerce Student Council, Commerce Department (SY 1992-93) * Com. Budget and Finance : Central Student Government, Cagayan Capitol College (SY 1992-93) * Member : Dance Guild (SY 1989-91) AWARDS AND CERTIFICATE RECEIVED: * General Academic Excellence Award (SY 1988-1989) * Leadership Award (SY 1992-1993) * 2nd placer Inter-collegiate Accounting Quiz Bowl (1992) * CCS (Credit & Collection Specialist) Rookie of the Year Award (1993), Singer Finance Corporation * Automotive Servicing NCII ELIGIBILITY: Civil Service Career Professional – 82.33% SEMINARS OR SYMPOSIA ATTENDED: * Leadership Training Seminar (1992) * Positive Mental Attitude Seminar (1992) EXPERIENCES: * Credit and Collection Specialist, Singer Finance Corporation (1993-1996) * Auto Mechanic, FGC Enterprises (1999-2000) * Automotive Instructor, Goodwill Computer College Incorporated (2001-2008, 2014 * Consultant, Motorpool Division Heavy and Light Equipment, Provincial government of Misamis Oriental (2008-2013) * Automotive Facilitator, Alternative Learning System, DepEd, Gingoog City (2014-present) ...
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...Proposed title: The Effect of Celebrity Advertising in the Philippines Thesis Statement: Philippine Celebrities are very important factors in advertising nowadays because they serve as a very effective means in marketing. Problem (Background of the Proposal): A celebrity can be an actor or an actress who are usually seen in the television programs. Nowadays, many celebrities are now also commercial models and this phenomenon constitutes to the so-called “Celebrity Advertising”. Celebrities are now making a huge impact in advertisement in the Philippines. According to studies, consumers usually buy a product because of the celebrity endorser without knowing the factual effect of that certain commercial product. Specifications: • Must be able to clearly define Celebrity Advertising. • Must be able to show the effect of Celebrity Endorsing or Advertising in the Philippine commercial industry marketing. • Must be to give the different celebrity attributes on how to advertise a commercial product effectively. • Must be able to give the effect of being an endorser of a celebrity (celebrity income in a commercial). • Must be to relate brands, celebrities and consumers in the Philippines • Must be able to identify the risks involved and the celebrity arguments against celebrity advertising in the Philippines • Must be able to distinguish the impact of the brand endorsement by a celebrity on consumer behavior in the Philippines. References: • (2010...
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...Chapter 3 Research Methodology This chapter represents and describes the research design, research setting,sampling procedure,data gathering instruments and statistical treatments of data. Research Design The descriptive method of research was used in this study.With this it does not only require the collection and tabulation of data,but also it entails describing the data presented in this paper.In particular, the study attempted to describe and analyze the factors that lead the development of tardiness among the students of Xavier University High School. Research Setting The research was done in Xavier University Highschool- Ateneo de Cagayan, Cagayan de Oro City. June 1999 marked the beginning of co-education at XUHS and the transfer to the new campus at Pueblo de Oro,its present location,where the respondents of this study where taken. XUHS is owned and administered by the Philippine province of the Society of Jesus.It has been engaged in forming the Filipino youth of the region to become crusaders for God and country through a pedagogy that integrates the Ignatian spirituality in all phases of school life(PAASCU,2011). Furthermore, the school has been accredited by the Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools,Colleges,and Universities(PAASCU) since 1977 (XUHS Faculty Manual,2000).After the lates 2011 re-survey,XUHS has been granted full accreditation for a period of five years and consistently maintained Level II. At present,XUHS has a population of 1...
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...Effects of Learning Styles on Academic Achievement September 28, 2012 Chapter 1 THE PROBLEM A. Introduction Xavier University Ateneo de Cagayan is one of the University that aims for a higher learning towards the students. It is also concerned on how students learn by means of their different learning styles, this only means that they learn differently and uniquely especially when they know what’s best for them. Students in Xavier University are being observed, guided and tested by the teachers in many ways like seeing, hearing and experiencing things first hand. Dunn(2000), defined learning style as the way a person processes, internalizes and studies new and challenging material. The cornerstone of this theory is the most people can learn and individuals have their own unique ways of mastering new and difficult subject matter. Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic and Tactile are perceptual elements under the physiological element of the Dunn’s model. In this way, researchers would like to study the students unique learning styles, in what way are they good at and what’s the best learning style for them as an individual. B. Conceptual Framework Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of the study. INDEPENDENT VARIABLE DEPENDENT VARIABLE Learning Styles Knowledge Independent variable influences the dependent variable of this...
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...first to deliver aid in times of calamity. Instead of having a Christmas party, the Naga plant management committee and Bukluran Council launched the Sagip Buhay sa Albay Relief Operations to give aid to those affected in 2006 by Typhoon Reming in Albay. In 2004 the STRO Bukluran Council distributed 330 grocery packages and 140 boxes of Pepsi products to typhoon victims in Infanta, Quezon. In 2006, the Bukluran Council of Tanauan and the Leyte Pepsi-Cola Employees Union (LEPCEU) distributed food and clothing packages to the 150 families who were fire victims in Tacloban City. Pepsi employees performed scores of individual and corporate acts of kindness to those hit by Typhoon Pedring and Typhoon Sendong. When Typhoon Sendong struck Cagayan de Oro, head office employees worked with two volunteer neo-natal pediatricians to send breast milk to needy infants exposed to the elements in evacuation centers. Months after the typhoon, over a hundred thousand Sendong victims were still housed in relocation centers. As an advocate of health and wellness, Pepsi employees organized a medical and dental mission for 500 informal dwellers living in stilt houses along the shoreline of Laguna Lake. In Bicol, Pepsi Philippines supported the major...
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...GARDENIA CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: ENRICHING LIVES Aside from our vision to become the premier company in the baking industry, Gardenia aims to be of service to the Filipino society, contributing to its welfare and development through different worthwhile activities in four categories namely health, education, livelihood and environment. Daily Bread: Reaching out to the less fortunate The Daily Bread Program is integrated into the company’s strategy as breads pulled out from supermarkets or outlets every day of delivery to guarantee freshness are being donated to foundations, while others are converted into fish meals. Through the Daily Bread Program, Gardenia is able to help curb malnutrition in the country. Gardenia is providing almost 10,000 loaves weekly to different sectors including special children, disabled person, out-of-school youth, public school pupils, battered women, indigents, prisoners, and many others for years now. Gardenia prioritizes helping organizations catering to poor children in an aim to educate and mold them to be responsible and productive citizens of the country. And of course, while learning, children have to be adequately fed so they can absorb lessons better. They’re also more attentive and active in class when they’re not hungry. e-CSR: Quickly responding to victims of calamities Likewise, Gardenia partners with Philippine National Red Cross (PNRC), Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), Armed Forces of...
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...Significance of the Study These are the following individuals or institutions that will benefit from the findings of the study: Government. This study will provide a basis on making or improving government policies, rules and regulations regarding accounting for negative externalities in the Philippines. Since climate change is a global issue, the government of the Philippines is in need to intervene with institutions or companies that contribute to it. For the local government of Misamis Oriental, this study will help them on having a good picture on what is the accounting practice related to negative externalities of the companies located within the premises. This will help them on deciding to issue a local provisions or city ordinance and implementations in dealing with the current matter. The Society. The society can derive benefits from this study because whatever rules and policies that the government issues, they will be the end recipient. Sustainable developments by companies will also have a great impact on the society particularly on the regulation of activities that will mitigate the negative impact on the environment. Thus, they are able to lessen the burden in paying alone the consequences of the negative externalities emitted by companies. Academe. This particular institution will be benefited by making this study as one of the references in promoting sustainable responsibility to the students of their respective field. As moulder of the future accountants...
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...CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This Chapter discusses the local and foreign literature and studies of the proposed study. Related Literature The proponents gathered some information that is related in the proposed study entitled, “Payroll System for United Auctioneers Incorporated” to have a guide and background in developing a system. Local. According to Ramon Faloran (2008), in the article “The Computer Edge of the New Employment and Opportunities” that he wrote in the Philippine Daily Inquirer. He stated that: “Computer gives you a different feeling about what is happening in the company. Business will be highly competitive and innovative because the computer provides instant information.” According to Ms. Stephanie Manalaysay (2010), in the essay she wrote in www.studymode.com. She stated that: “Payroll processes are the perfect place to begin when looking to control costs. New developments in software, such as allowing the integration of payroll system info into existing HR systems, mean you can look beyond traditional ERP options.” Junald Astronomo Lagod (2010) stated that: “Any small business owner can tell you that paying employees involves a lot more than writing a check every two week. There are dozens of laws governing employee compensation. If you don’t want to run afoul of various government agencies, you have to be well organized and stay up to date on federal and state guideline.” Gabriel Esteban (May, 2012) stated that: “Payroll...
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...Asingan 6. Pangasinan State University - Sta. Maria 7. University of Pangasinan - Dagupan 8. Urdaneta City University - Urdaneta 9. Pangasinan State University - Lingayen 10. Perpetual Help College - Malasiqui 11. Pangasinan State University - Bayambang 12. University Of Luzon - Dagupan 13. San Carlos College - San Carlos 14. San Carlos College - Alaminos 15. Lyceum Northwestern University - Dagupan 16. Colegio De Dagupan - Dagupan 17. Northern Luzon Adventist College - Dagupan 18. Escuela de Nuestra Senora De La Sallete - Dagupan 19. Our Lady of Manaoag - Manaoag C. BATANGAS 1. University Of Batangas - Batangas City 2. Lyceum of The Philippines - Batangas City 3. La Consolacion College - Tanauan 4. Batangas State University - Rosario 5. Batangas State University - Lobo, Batangas City 6. Batangas State University - Batangas City 7. Sta. Teresa College - Bauan 8. Sta. Teresa College - Nasugbu 9. Lipa City College - Lipa 10. Rizal College of Taal - Taal 11. St. Bridget College - Batangas City 12. Batangas State University - Malvar 13. De La Salle University - Lipa 14. Batangas State University - Lipa 15. University of Batangas - Lipa 16. Batangas...
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...Jimbert S. Roda Prk. Sandayong, Sto.Nino Dist., Pagadian City Contact No: +639106695075 Email: jimbertroda@yahoo.com CAREER OBJECTIVE: To obtain a meaningful and challenging position that enables me to learn and apply my experiences in the Field of Research and Production Industries. PERSONAL INFORMATION: Name : Jimbert S. Roda Date of Birth : September 08, 1990 Age : 25 years old Place of Birth : Dinas, Zamboanga Del Sur Religion : Born Again STRENGTHS: ➢ Capable of long hours of work, passionate and devoted ➢ Very determined person and prefers to get the job done as early as possible ➢ Open-minded and a good communicator ➢ Good attention to detail ➢ Pleasing personality ➢ Good sense of judgment ➢ Able to extend oneself towards others wholeheartedly ➢ Respect other people’s work ethics ➢ Can effectively interact and work well with other people under times of pressure PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: STEEL ASIA MANUFACTURING CORPORATION 2013-2015 Position: Quality Assurance Engineer • Conducts product testing on its physical, mechanical and chemical properties of steel bars and verify if the products meet the specified requirements under PNS and ISO. • Certifies and issues Quality Assurance certificate. MINDANAO STATE UNIVERSITY ...
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