...DANGER SIGNS IN PREGNANCY WHAT ARE THE DANGER SIGNS IN PREGNANCY? Most women go through pregnancy without serious problems. Normal discomforts of pregnancy can include heartburn, a need to urinate often, backache, breast tenderness and swelling, and tiredness. There are some symptoms that may mean danger for you or the baby. knowing these danger signs can help you know when you may need special care from your healthcare provider. Contact your healthcare provider right away if you have any of the following symptoms before the 37th week of pregnancy: pain, pressure, or cramping in your belly contractions between weeks 20 and 37 that happen more than 4 times an hour or are less than 15 minutes apart leaking of fluid from the vagina Also call your provider right away if you have: vaginal bleeding a lot of nausea and vomiting a temperature over 100°F (37.8°C) very bad headache new problems with your vision less movement and kicking by the baby sudden weight gain (3 to 5 pounds within 5 to 7 days) with a lot of swelling of the feet, ankles, face, or hands You should also call your provider if you have: blood in your urine or burning and pain when you urinate (pee) diarrhea that does not go away vaginal discharge with a bad odor, irritation or itching WHAT PROBLEMS MIGHT CAUSE THESE SYMPTOMS? Examples of some of the problems that might cause one or more of these symptoms are: miscarriage tubal pregnancy severe morning sickness preterm labor infection problems with the baby blood pressure...
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...1st Draft Hidden Dangers of ADHD Drugs English 105 English Composition 1 January 20th, 2015 1st Draft Hidden Dangers of ADHD Medications Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, more commonly called ADHD, is a very common disorder found in children that sometimes lingers into adolescence and adulthood (National Institute of Mental Health [NIMH]). According to the NIMH, there are three different classifications of ADHD. Predominantly Hyperactive-impulsive is a classification of this disorder that occurs when more than six signs and symptoms fall in the hyperactive-impulsive class. Another classification is predominantly inattentive. In this class, six or more signs and symptoms of these occur in the attention class. Finally, a combination of both hyperactive-impulsive and inattentive occurs in which six or more of the signs and symptoms are present. Children who are affected by this disorder exhibit a variety of symptoms ranging from the child being easily distracted, difficulty focusing, trouble completing tasks to having trouble sitting still, nonstop chattering, and impulsivity and inappropriately shouting out words (Harvard Health Publications, 2011). A lot of children with behavioral problems are mistakenly diagnosed with ADHD. “Most children get distracted, act impulsively, and struggle to concentrate at one time or another” (NIMH). Boys are often diagnosed with ADHD more than girls. “Based on currently available evidence, it appears that a variety of biological...
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...from any other type of story within a child’s comprehension.” (270) I agree with Bettelheim’s claim that Fairy tales are essential for children as they teach children copious lessons. They are likely to recall these tales even as they grow older. In their versions of “Little Red Riding Hood”, Roald Dahl and James Thurber teach children why it is important to be independent, intuitive and always aware of danger. Unlike many other fairy tales, both these versions of “Little Red Riding Hood” assure girls that they do not need a prince to save them. Roald Dahl’s version as well as Thurber’s encourages children to be independent. In both stories the girl kills the ‘Wolf’ without any help. Readers might argue that the pistol carried by the girl teaches children to resort to violence. However, the pistol must be viewed as a metaphor for an object of self-defense. Not many little girls would be carrying a pistol for their safety. However they could use something else which would help them stand up to a ‘Wolf’. They may even use their intelligence as a tool of self-defense because danger will not always be in a physical form. It may be emotional. In...
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...EVEREST PAPER First and foremost, I would like to discuss Mount Everest regarding the individual level decision-making. The Mount Everest disaster happened due to poor decision, poor judgment, and no reinforcement of the rules regarding how everyone must descend from the Summit by 2:00pm. In addition, the two lead individuals of the expedition, Rob Hall and Scott Fischer were very confident in their ability to bring their clients to the summit. During this adventure, early on, there were obvious issues and signs, such as health issues amongst clients, warning signs of possible bad weather conditions during hike to summit, which they ignored. Moreover, these signs and interruptions lead everyone to believe that there was a possibility, that they would not make a safe return during their descend from the summit. My main concern about this venture was how they both were responsible for everyone getting on top of the summit and failed at taking heed to the warning signs at based camp. Although Hall and Fischer hired all types of individuals they still needed to find out to make sure that everyone that was on this venture was capable to go up to the summit and in good health. In the end both Hall and Fisher lost their lives helping others and still left their clients to survive on their own. Clients that were upon this expedition had concerns but his only concern that he would possibly have to save somebody else during his hike to the summit. They both lost their lives doing...
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...natives and digital immigrants. Digital natives are the younger generation that have grown up with technology at their fingertips. Digital immigrants is the older generation that are not familiar with technology, and they must adapt to the new norm. Both generations should be taught the potential dangers of the internet. The second article describes how teachers and principals are aware of cyberbullying and its impact on students, but they are only slightly prepared to act in response. I agree with the authors of these articles. There are many different potential dangers on the internet that many users are not aware of. The most vulnerable to these potential dangers are the digital natives, because they are young and gullible. One of the most significant dangers is cyberbullying. Cyberbullying has a great impact on students socially, psychologically, and academically. Parents and guardians should be educated on the warning signs of bullying. Many victims of bullying become withdrawn, self-injure, fake illness to stay home, difficulty sleeping or frequent nightmares, and their grades begin to drastically decline. It is also important for parent to be aware if their child is a bully. Signs of a bully is someone that is obsessed with popularity, they display aggressive behavior, they spend a lot of time online, and most times their friends are bullies as...
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...situations or scenarios demand application of different approaches of visual communication. It is therefore important for any visual communicator to employ these approaches accurately to enhance successful communication. In this work communication intended at giving a warning/caution message by the use of symbols and signs, shapes and colors, and images is discussed. The message will be to caution people on the hazards involved when one handles electricity or electrical products carelessly (Baldwin & Roberts, 2006). Signs and Symbols In order to deliver a caution or warning, one can practically use symbols or signs that deliver a message of danger. Such a symbol would be the use of a skull to warn of a possible electrocution. Shapes and Colors Warning can also be affected by the use of certain colors. A red color, for example, is known to be associated with danger. The connection is usually drawn from the fact that it represents the color of blood. Use of Images The use of images is also effective in delivering a caution message to the possible audience. It involves the use of real images or those that have been made to look real and which portray the results of the danger. For example an image with an electrocuted person is effective in delivering the message to those who handle electricity or electrical products so as to be aware of the risks involved in their work (Miksenaar, 2007). Importance of using the Visual...
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...Simran Suner Health and Social Care: Homework 2 During a trip to the Wolverhampton Mander Centre, I came across a number of potential hazards, which could potentially cause harm within this setting. The Mander Centre is a place where many service users can go to enjoy themselves, to shop in the many stores or to go eat in the fine restaurants – the town is place to hundreds of visitors per day, using the faculties available, constantly. This is why I was surprised to see a large number of hazards which could easily harm the service users in this area. One of the first hazards I came across was a bag full of sand, which was supposed to be keeping in place protection barriers, however the heavy bag had been left in the middle of the pavement. I believe this to be a major risk, a service user could easily trip and fall over this bag, which could result in major injuries. To prevent such a thing from happening, I would simply inform a nearby builder or a police officer (who are always round town) about the situation and thus allowing it to be placed correctly. I would not attempt to do this myself, as I do not know why this was placed or where this should be placed and attempting to pick up such a heavy bag, could lead to me resulting in a back injury ; if the item is not lifted and placed properly. The second safety hazard I came across was a large box of waste pilled in front of a closed up shop. This box was over pilling and cans and cups were fallen across the floor. I believe...
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...Situational Crime Prevention Situational crime prevention constitutes primary crime prevention measure. This is to say that it is aimed at deterring crime before it occurs. Situational prevention, like other similar primary prevention measures, focuses on subduing crime opportunities instead of the attributes of criminals or even potential criminals. It seeks to curtail opportunities for certain groups of crime by increasing the risks and difficulties associated with them and significantly reducing the rewards. Situational prevention is made up of three key elements: a sound theoretical framework, an authoritative methodology for dealing with specific crimes, and a collection of opportunity-reducing approaches (Felson & Clarke, 1997). Starbucks shops are spread throughout Chicago, a reprieve for professionals and tourists, young and old alike. While criminal trends continuously evolve, there tends to be a steady flow of handbags, laptops and tablets from these shops. There seem to be a high rate of purse and laptop theft in Starbucks premises. This can be attributed to the fact that many people are leaving their personal effects unattended. The carefully engineered warmth, ambience and the welcoming environment has been cited as the reason for this laxity, which motivates the criminals because the possibility of them being caught is very low. Distraction and extraction are the skills used by most thieves to steal from unsuspecting Starbucks patrons. These thieves work without...
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...There is one lesson that seems to be common in a lot of stories. A lesson about how to live your life and to learn to do things for yourself. This lesson I saw in many of the readings/films we read/watched in class, some examples include: Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell, Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë, The Sign of the Four by Arthur Conan Doyle and, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. These stories are all very different but share that same lesson of putting matters into your own hands. Trust no one or you will be hurt or put into danger. In Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell, you can’t trust the government. The government also known as The Party, watches it’s citizens and will vaporize anyone just for doing something as simple as having an individual thought. In any society you should be able to trust the government. Maybe not completely but enough to know you won’t be killed just for thinking. “For how could you establish even the most obvious fact when there existed no record outside your own memory” (Orwell 24)? This quote describes that the Party doesn’t keep records of the past, the records that are kept are constantly changed. People have so little memory of their past that Winston can’t even remember the beginning of the Party’s rule or his childhood. Another example about the government is even the children will turn you in for anything. The children are junior spies that could have you vaporized. “You’re a traitor!’ yelled the boy...
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...two elements of the attractive nuisance doctrine; he will likely not have a claim against Rutherford Country Club. Illinois law permits injured parties to recover damages, under the attractive nuisance doctrine, from a possessor of land who may be liable for trespassing children. The elements Joel Cruz still needs to show a cause of action for are (1) the quarry banks he fell into were an artificial condition upon the land; (6) Rutherford failed to exercise reasonable care to eliminate the danger to children. Stark v. Lowe’s Companies, INC. (Ill. 1998). This memorandum will examine the first and last element of the attractive nuisance doctrine. The issues at-hand are (A) whether the quarry banks Joel Cruz fell into were an artificial condition upon the land and (B) whether Rutherford failed to exercise reasonable care to eliminate the danger of the quarry banks to children. A. The quarry banks Cruz fell into were not an artificial condition upon...
Words: 1600 - Pages: 7
...Sixth Possible Serious Economic Danger for 2015 and Beyond A report by Sandeep Vete 1 DANGER #6: Collapse of US Dollar as world’s de-‐facto currency The modern US currency under the “Dollar Standard” is a FIAT currency but the underlined reality is that the world oil trade and the strength of US military backs the US Dollar. Source: w ww.beforeitsnews.com Demand for dollar is created by its “Petro-‐Dollar” status and mitigates the inflation to a large degree by distributing the consequences globally and not merely affecting United States. Essentially US writes the hot check and the world has to pay the bills. (When Will The Economy Collapse? 2013, July 24) This system is perfect till no one decides to twist the system like Iraq did in 2000 by selling oil in euros or Libya did by try pulling most of Africa off the...
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...What is a sexual predator online? A sexual predator is better known as pedophile. We have all checked those websites to find out and to see if we have a sex offender living near our homes. How many people have actually checked out the websites children are visiting? The children today are more technological then their parents and the parents need to be aware of the dangers that lurk behind every computer. The most common means by which sexual predators contact children over the Internet is through chat rooms, instant messages and email. In fact, 89% of sexual solicitations were made in either chat rooms or instant messages and 1 in 5 youth (ages 10-17 years) has been sexually solicited online (JAMA, 2001). Considering that 25% of kids online participate in real time chat and 13 million use instant messaging, the risks of such children, either knowingly or unknowingly, interacting with a predator is alarming. (Sexual Predators Online) The internet is a playground for sexual predators and the children are the toys. Adults have the responsibility to educate, console and protect the children from these dangers that face them every day on the internet. Predators disguise themselves as children in these environments and children need to be prepared with the tools to see behind...
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...proceed towards the dangers ahead without a clue of the risk of injury or the possibility of death. London provides the reader with an early sign of what is to come with the opening statement that the “[d]ay had broken cold and gray” (114). Choosing to ignore this, the man continued on his journey to a far away camp. This may not have been such a problem if he traveled with another person like the “old-timer” told him. This wise man warned the young, thoughtless man “after fifty below, a man should travel with a partner” (121). Disregarding the old-timers rightful insight, the man proceeds with his one thought of getting to the camp by 6 pm. One thing the man did bring along was his husky. Even though he brings him along, he again omits another warning, this one being the dog’s behavior because of the cold. If the man treated his dog better, this indication of the dogs behavior may of been more obvious as the dog may of cared more about the mans life. Though these apparent symbols of the danger of traveling are present to the man, he continues his journey to his demise. Starting to feel the affects of the unbearable cold, the man stubbornly goes on with his original plans to make it to the camp. When he made fires along the way, the dog became intensely attracted and strongly urged to stay with it. The cold became so bad that when went to make a fire his hands went numb in less than a minute then relied on the fire to bring back the feeling. As if the signs up to this point...
Words: 403 - Pages: 2
...extremely useful and informative read. It gives valuable advice about how to act upon human intuition, how to recognize threats, and defines what real fear is and it’s purpose. I found the book to be extremely interesting. This book provided me with a sense of understanding on violence and fear and I feel much better prepared when it comes to recognizing dangerous situations. My favorite part of the book was the warning signs to know when a stranger is a potential threat. This was fascinating to me because I’ve been told since I was just a little boy to beware of strangers. But with all these warnings about strangers I had never been told how to recognize when a stranger was being genuinely helpful and friendly, or trying to harm me in any way. I found some of the warning signs intriguing such as a method called Forced Teaming. Stranger’s use forced teaming to create a sense of trust. They team themselves together with their victim by saying “we” and making it seem like they’re closer than they really are to their victims by pairing them together. Other warning signs were fairly obvious such as Discounting The Word No. This means that the stranger won’t leave when you ask him to. However, something I did learn by reading about this was that if you let the stranger get away with discounting the word no just once you have given them control. They feel as if you are weak and can be easily convinced. The proper thing to do is to stick to your No, don’t negotiate. Be stern and show you’re...
Words: 1382 - Pages: 6
...driving with a licensed driver in the front seat. The licensed driver must be at least 21 years of age and been driving for at least one year. To apply for an instruction permit you must be at least 18 years of age or be a 15-year-old who has passed an approved driver license education course. A Provisional License is issued to someone under the age of 18 who does not have an instruction permit. It is a probationary license and must be renewed and must be renewed when the person turns 18 years of age. When applying for a license, you will need to provide or do the following: • • • • • • • • • Bring personal information. Bring your identification documents. Bring other information the DPS requires. Pass an exam that tests your knowledge of road signs, traffic signals, and the rules of the road. Take and pass a vision test. Take proof of liability insurance for the vehicle you will use for the driving test. If you are applying for a Class C license, you may drive a car, van, pickup truck, or SUV. The vehicle must have a current inspection certificate. If you need corrective lenses, you must wear them. • • If you have an instruction permit, you must have a...
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