...PubHealth129- Final Paper TA: Vinne 12/12/12 Single-Payer Systems The United States health care system and the health coverage it has for its citizens are both unmistakably flawed. While our country offers many means of achieving health insurance like private, employer, and government assisted, twenty percent of citizens still do not even have health insurance. This means that these people are not getting coverage on their medical bills, and are therefore a lot less likely to visit the doctor until there is no choice. Even people who do have health insurance in the United States still do not get the affordable, comprehensive coverage they should. Compared to similar industrialized nations, we are far behind their level of comprehensive and affordable services. These countries often have what is called a single-payer system. The single-payer system is a health care plan that funds every person’s medical expenses from the same pool of money. The challenges of implementing the single-payer system are going to be from political barriers and transitioning the United States from a mixed insurance system. There are both advantages and disadvantages to this type of insurance mechanism, but this method has proven to have worked. There is no reason not to implement this advantageous system in America. Right now the insurance industry in the United States is not only complex, but inadequate. There are tens of thousands of different health care organizations; HMOs, private billings...
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...Questioning Assumptions about Health Care Systems Executive Summary The United States Health care system is the subject of much debate. At one extreme are those who argue that Americans have the best healthcare system in the world, pointing to the freely available medical technology and state-of-the-art facilities that have become so symbolic of our system. At the other extreme are those who accuse our system of being fragmented and inefficient, pointing to the fact that the U.S. spends more on health care than any other country in the world, yet still suffers from a substantial rate of uninsured, uneven quality, and administrative waste (Sultz, 2013). A review of U.S. healthcare expenses by the Institute of Medicine revealed that thirty cents of every dollar spent on medical care is wasted, adding up to $750 billion annually (http://www.iom.edu, 2012). The Institute of Medicine report identifies six major areas of medical waste: unnecessary services; inefficient delivery of care; excess administrative costs; inflated prices; prevention failures; and fraud (http://www.iom.edu, 2012). Americans spend twice as much on health care per capita than any other country in the world. In fact, according to a series of studies by the consulting firm McKinsey & Co, the US spends more on health care than the next ten biggest spenders combined: Japan, Germany, France, China, the U.K., Italy, Canada, Brazil, Spain, and Australia (http://www.mckinsey.com, 2008) Introduction ...
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...federal government and state are lacking to meet the increasing costs. In the United States, the health care costs are a lot higher than other advanced nation. According to The Common Wealth Fund, the number of uninsured went from “39.8 million to 43.6 million,” a 9.5 percent jump, from the year 2000 to 2002. (Davis, 2004) “Rising health care costs are a problem for all Americans, but they weigh especially heavily on uninsured and “underinsured” individuals, who pay much of the cost of their health care directly out-of-pocket.” (The Common Wealth Fund, 2004) The higher the costs are to patients, will result in the underuse of suitable care and cause a great financial burden on the sick. After some thoroughly research, I have found that the Single-Payer Health System is the way for the future in the United States. We are no longer able to afford and/or tolerate careless spending on care that is not beneficial to patients or the repeat of over costly and unnecessary procedures. Below is a chart from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, showing the number of persons without health insurance coverage by age group: United States, 1997-2008. (2009) Table 1.1a. Number of persons without health insurance coverage, by age group: United States, 1997–2008 Year Number in millions: all ages Number in millions: under 65 years Number in millions: 18–64 years Number in millions: under 18 years 1997 41.0 40.7 30.8 9.9 1998 39.3 39.0 30.0 9.1...
Words: 2040 - Pages: 9
...Single Payer Health Care System Purpose – The focus of this research is to identify, analyze and evaluate a type of health care system called Single Payer Health Care System by finding answers to the following questions. Health care is one of the basic necessities that a government should provide to its citizens. Single Payer Health Care systems are catered towards the well-being of its citizens that regard people’s health as their main priority. What is a single-payer health care system? Single-payer national health insurance, also known as “Medicare for all,” is a system in which a single public or quasi-public agency organizes health care financing, but the delivery of care remains largely in private hands. Under a single-payer system, all residents of a country would be covered for all medically necessary services, including doctor, hospital, preventive, long-term care, mental health, reproductive health care, dental, vision, prescription drug and medical supply costs. The program would have a single public system of administration, eliminating the present highly expensive multiple, fragmented, and duplicative system operated by different government agencies and private hospitals. The whole operation would be paid by a combination of present Medicare and Medicaid expenditures, existing state and local expenditures for health services, mandated employer contributions, and additional tax revenues equal to the amounts now spent by citizens out of pocket, savings obtained...
Words: 2570 - Pages: 11
...Policy Analysis Paper The fate of uninsured Veterans: A policy Analysis University of Mississippi Medical Center School of Nursing Define the problem and assemble the evidence Too many Veterans in the United States lack health insurance and are ineligible to receive care provided by the Veteran’s Health Administration. According to American Community Survey (ACS) conducted in 2010, one in 10 of the nation’s 12.5 million veterans under the age of 65 is uninsured. A veteran is defined by federal law as any person who served for any length of time in any military service branch. Contrary to the presumption of most, not all veterans qualify for free healthcare through the Department of Veteran Affairs. The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) operates as a branch of the Department of Veterans Affairs and is the largest health system in the nation. It is recognized for its commitment to providing high-quality population specific healthcare. The VHA also works closely with academic medical centers across the nation. Haley and Kenney (2012) identify eligibility for health care provided by the VHA as being on veteran status, service-connected disabilities and income level. Other factors include demographic location and cost sharing requirements. Health insurance coverage for veterans as with other groups of nonelderly adults has heavy dependence on access to employer sponsored insurance (ESI) and the costs of obtaining it. It must also be considered that the majority of...
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...highest GDP among developed nations yet it fails to deliver a widespread and affordable health care to its citizens. Will health care reform be able to deliver quality services at affordable cost with its existing workforce crisis in the healthcare system? Number of uninsured Americans has significantly increased, mainly due to aging population and income change. The prevalent issue of America’s healthcare system is insurance coverage, access to healthcare. Americans believe this issue should be prioritized, and it is the direct responsibility of federal government to ensure medical care for those citizens that lack insurance. This essay include history of United States healthcare system, its evolution and how healthcare providers can contain costs of healthcare and provide quality and access to healthcare for everyone. From the beginning of 2014 Affordable Care Act by Obama government is trying to solve the enduring issue of American healthcare system. It is a step in the right direction but this reform is facing lots of resistance from Republican Party, that this reform will put country in debt stress. Many Americans are concerned with quality and access to healthcare with the influx in number of insured entering the healthcare system which is already facing the workforce crisis. United States Health care History Healthcare in United States is enduring issue and it is very sensitive subjects for Americans. United states from the beginning choose a market approach...
Words: 2652 - Pages: 11
...Two Systems One Vision “Health care U.S vs. Canada” There are two different ways in which to approach the concept of universal health care one system can be described by aspects of Canada and another system can be described from modeling the current U.S system. The current President and his administration will deal with the daunting task of creating a universal health care plan and making health care affordable for the average American. In their quest to create a universal health care plan they may look towards our friends north of the border. Canada has implemented a Universal health care plan that has been running for several years, abet its health care system is not perfect; it is important for the United states listen to its neighbors and research the possible downfalls. This research paper will discuss the possibility of using the Canadian Health care system as model to improve universal health care in the United States. Many ask how Canada Manage to offer such a comprehensive health care system does. The answer to this question isimply put is money. Health care in Canada is funded by publically funded health care system. The Canada Health care act created five provisions that each provinces and territories would have to meet in order to retain federal monies. These provisions included: • Public Administration: All administration of provincial health insurance must be carried out by a public authority on a non-profit basis. They also must be accountable to the...
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...Abstract The purpose of this researcher paper to compare health care systems in three highly advanced developed countries: The United States of America, Canada and Germany. The first part of this research paper will focus on the portrayal of health care systems in the above-mentioned countries, while the second part will examine, evaluated and compare the three systems. Finally, a synopsis of recent changes and proposed future reforms in theses countries will be provided as well. The U.S. Health Care System in Perspective According to (The World Bank Group, 2012), the United States is one of the wealthiest nations in the world. The U.S. health care delivery system is complex and massive. It is ran by the government and financed through general taxes. 49.9 million Americans were uninsured in 2010 and 256.2 million were insured (Stark, 2012). The U.S. health care delivery is divided into many sub systems: Managed Care, Military, Vulnerable Populations and Integrated Delivery. Managed Care seeks to achieve efficiency by integrating the basic functions of healthcare delivery. It is the most leading health care delivery system in the United States and is available to most Americans. Employers and government are the primary financiers of managed care. The Military medical care system is available free of charge to active duty military personnel of the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force and Costal Guard. Certain uniformed nonmilitary services such as the Public Health Services and...
Words: 664 - Pages: 3
...IMPACT OF TAXATION ON PERFORMANCE OF SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES IN MUKONO TOWN COUNCIL BY WOLIJJA ROSERN REG. NO: 10/U/7704/EKE/PE A RESEARCH PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS IN ECONOMICS OF KYAMBOGO UNIVERSITY JULY 2013 DECLARATION I………………………………… hereby declare to the academic board of Kyambogo University that this is my own work from my effort and that it has never been presented to any university or any institution of higher learning for the award of a diploma or a degree. Signed: ……………….. Name: Date:…………………… APPROVAL This is to certify that this research proposal by………………………………………………. ……………………………..Reg.No……………… carried out under my supervision. I recommend that it is now ready for submission to the academic board, Kyambogo University with my due approval. Signed: …………………Date: …………………….. MS University Supervisor Signed:………………… Date:…………………. Ms.……………………….. Supervisor DEDICATION I wish to dedicate this piece of work to my father Mr.………………..and my mother Mrs.……… who saw enlightenment in education and sent me to school. I also dedicate this report to my Supervisor Mr.………………………… who has struggled much so that I bring out good presentable...
Words: 10001 - Pages: 41
...ABSTRACT The research study was aimed at establishing effect of Income Tax Administration on the performance of small Scale Enterprises. Using Gulu Municipality as a case, in all Small Scale Businesses which were selected were analyzed and supplementary data was got from the respondents. The objectives of the study were to examine the Income Tax Administration, to examine the Performance of SSEs in terms of Growth, Profitability, and Survival, to find out the relationship between income tax administration and the performance of SSEs. In the methodology the researcher used research design, study population, sampling procedures which included sample design and also sample size, the data sources like primary data, secondary data, data collection methods and other methods of collecting data. Presentation, interpretation, and the discussions of the findings basing on the responses from the respondents of the questions and the findings were tax payers don’t get tax education, make little profits from their business among others Summary, conclusions, recommendations of the findings of the research analysis the findings of the study and draws summary of the main findings of the study and finally the research draws and gives recommendation and further research. CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND 1.1 - Introduction This chapter covers the introduction, background of the problem, statement of the problem research objectives, research questions,...
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...Analysis of Bill: Universal Healthcare Act The purpose of this analysis is to discuss the impact bill HB0942, Illinois Universal Healthcare Act, will have on the healthcare system in Illinois. This bill will allow easy healthcare access to all individuals living within the state. While there are many positives that can result from this new bill, there are also unintended consequences that could arise that must be taken into consideration. Many groups currently oppose the bill, yet others offer full support and hope to see it in action soon. Funding is a major issue since all citizens of Illinois will be covered by the plan. There are specific provisions included within HB0942 which range from medical services to long term care to job placement for anyone affected. Overview of the Problem Today, many Illinoisans are facing an enormous problem: the rising cost of healthcare. Currently, our state’s medical care cost, as of all America, is outrageously expensive while the quality of care is inadequate compared to other countries around the world. Using the latest statistics by the Physicians for a National Health Program Illinois (PNHP), approximately 1.8 million of the 13 million citizens of Illinois are lacking healthcare coverage ("A Single-Payer Statewide," 2013). It is very clear that the system the state is currently using is not working. For this reason, a new bill is in the process of being passed. The rising cost and lack of access to healthcare is causing...
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...amount of social media to air their views and ideology to the American public. While the Republicans spread doubt and fear about the bill, the democrats, conversely, overselling the probable effectiveness of Obamacare. With all this information swirling around the national discussion it is difficult to know exactly what’s true about the bill and what isn’t. Perhaps the most important consequence of this political battle is that currently 500,000 government workers are out of work and not being paid while this shut down plays itself out. This furlough is not only hurting those workers and their families but also proving to have negative implications for the national economy and world stock indexes as uneasiness about the future increases. This paper will discuss the major events of the healthcare debate over the past 20 years that have brought us to this point of unprecedented government gridlock. The modern healthcare debate started in the early nineties with the presidential election of Bill Clinton....
Words: 1824 - Pages: 8
...The U.S. health care system is the subject of much differentiating debates. On one side we have those who argue that Americans have the “best health care system in the world”, pointing to our freely available medical technology and state-of-the-art facilities that have become so highly symbolic of its system. On the hand we have those who criticize the American system as being fragmented and inefficient, pointing to the fact that America spends more on health care than any other country in the world yet still suffers from massive un-insurance, uneven quality, and administrative waste. Understanding the debate between these two diametrically opposed viewpoints requires a basic understanding of the structure of the U.S. health care system. This paper will explain the organization and financing of the system, as well as explain the U.S. health care system in a greater perspective. For most people, the frightening prospect of being unemployed, losing health insurance coverage, having inadequate insurance benefits, or living in a rural community without a physician raises one vital access-related question: Will I be able to get the care I need if I become seriously ill? Because of health care's special status, society has an ethical obligation to ensure that all people have access to an adequate level of health care including access to new technologies as well as existing ones, without facing excessive burdens in obtaining such care. Society's recognition and implementation of...
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...Health Care Utilization The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act otherwise known as “Obamacare”, was signed into law in 2010. It was implemented to make health insurance more affordable to people and to increase access to a more affordable health care insurance. Although it works through the existing health care industry, it is still a political target from both ends of the political spectrum. The conservatives prefer to remain silent and not have any involvement into the health care system. The liberals that do agree with the health care reform do not like the “Obamacare” because the for-profit insurance company model stays the same instead of a single payer system administered through the government. Implementation of Obamacare “Obamacare” was rolled out to be spread over several stages rather than being rolled out at once. After the signing of the law, certain parts of the law was implemented. A couple of those changes implemented as part of the law are children remaining on their parents insurance until age 26 and people not being denied insurance coverage due to pre-existing health conditions. The expansion of access to health care was also written into the law. This mainly referred to the younger adults whose income was too low to be able to afford health insurance and for those people with chronic health issues in which pre-existing caused them to be denied new insurance plans. The individual and business mandates and the state insurance...
Words: 1362 - Pages: 6
...the what to do about healthcare sees us two weeks into a government shut down with a small but determined faction of ideologue republicans threatening to default on our debt by not raising the debt ceiling unless President Barack Obama scraps the biggest piece of legislation he has gotten passed into law since his election in 2008, a bill, commonly referred to as Obamacare. The president, on the other hand, is saying he won’t pay a ransom for the federal government to open back up siting his reelection as vindication that Americans want this legislation to move forward. Social media is being used by both sides of the argument to spread doubt and fear or oversell the law so it is difficult to know exactly what is true and what isn’t. This paper is an attempt to summarize the major events in the healthcare debate that have brought us to this unprecedented point of government gridlock. The modern healthcare debate started in the early nineties with the presidential election of Bill Clinton. Then First Lady Hillary Clinton and the late Senator Ted Kennedy championed the movement. The belief held by the most liberal of democrats was that being an American citizen gave you a birth right to healthcare. Republicans conversely saw any government interference as a radical takeover of an industry and were quick in developing rhetoric to squash the movement. The American public became much more interested in the Healthcare debate at the turn of the century as the costs began to rise at...
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