...& SingTel Annual Report 2014 This Year's Report CoNTENTS overview an overview of our business, providing details on how we performed, key events and achievements from the past year, as well as our strategy moving forward Our Vision and Mission Our Mobile Reach What Differentiates Us Our Strategy An Exciting Year Chairman's Statement GCEO Review 01 02 04 05 06 08 10 12 buSineSS review insight into each of our business units SuSTainabiliTy and governance information on our organisation structure, management team, corporate governance, risk management and sustainability efforts 16 24 30 36 Board of Directors Organisation Structure Management Committee Senior Management Sustainability and Governance Philosophy Corporate Governance Investor Relations Risk Management Philosophy and Approach Sustainability 39 44 45 48 49 50 70 72 80 Group Consumer Group Enterprise Group Digital L!fe Key Awards and Accolades performance our performance at a glance financialS audited financial statements for the year ended 31 march 2014 89 91 92 Directors’ Report Statement of Directors Independent Auditors’ Report Consolidated Income Statement Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income Statements of Financial Position Statements of Changes in Equity Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows Notes to the Financial Statements 102 110 111 112 113 114 116 120 123 addiTional informaTion Shareholder and corporate information, as well as contact points for our offices worldwide...
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...Module 1 National library of New Zealand Is accounting a profession? Ethics Failures in Corporate Financial Reporting The strategic accountant - best show business leadership Public practice: Firm of the future Briefly explain why you think that SMEs do not extensively rely on their external accountants for business advisory services. discuss at least four types of relationships and possible conflicts an accountant faces in performing the above roles How soft skills can boost your career Former Harris Scarfe officer jailed The Ford Pinto Nestle Milk Powder Exxon Oil Company Jacinta faces distress in the office what circumstances apply professional judgement Module 2 Accoutants,ethical issues and the corporate governance context apply the code's conceptual framework approach to explain threat to independence Arthur Andersen and auditor independence accountant no experience,what he should do to perform audit The cautionary tale of Jose L.Gomez contact or obtain professional clearance prior to accepting the appointment? fundraising for a charity,sole tax purposes,voilation of ethic? marketing professional services Explain why integrity is an essential attribute of the profession quality control, merger,not yet completed a review kitchen-tabling-Keith Purcell's earnestness Utilitarianism Does employer have a right to inquire your personal life-rights theory Cheating-the pressure on Pasquale Vialletta to succeed which stage of Kohlberg's of CMD best describes the decisionmaking behaviour...
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...MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM PT. INDOSAT Tbk. Trisakti University 2011/2012 GROUP MEMBERS : MELATI DWI ALFARINA 022091010 RIAN AGUSTIAN 022091049 UMI KULSUM 022091060 WORD OF AUTHOR Praise and thank for Allah presence, who upon His grace writers can complete a paper titled "Customer Relationship Management in PT. Indosat tbk”. Writing this module is one of the tasks and requirements to complete the course of Management Information System University majoring in management. In writing this paper the author feels there are still many shortcomings both in technical writing or material, considering the capabilities of the author. Criticism and suggestions from all parties is the hope of the authors for the sake of improving this paper. The authors also would like to thank the infinite to the parties that helped in completing this research, especially to : 1. Mrs. Diah Arlita SE, MBs who have spent her time, energy and mind in the implementation of the guidance, direction, encouragement in relation to the preparation of this paper. 2. Mr. Ade Rizky from Indosat who have helped us provide information we need pertaining to complete this module. 3. All collegers in the Excelent Class of Manajement, 2009. 4. In particular the authors express gratitude to loved ones who have provided encouragement and assistance and understanding of the authors, both during the lectures and in completing this module. 5. All parties that can not be mentioned one by one, whom had provided assistance...
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...The real India lives in the village. Rural marketing is the new buzzword as the new marketing mantra for the survival and the growth of and the success forcing companies to go rural. These statements tell the importance of rural marketing for the survival and the growth of any marketers and is supported by the facts given below- The total FMCG market is in excess of US$16.4 billion and is set to treble from US$11.6 billion in 2003 to US$33.4 billion in 2015. It is currently growing at 14%. With 12.2% of the world population living in the villages of India, the Indian rural FMCG market is something no one can overlook. MarketingMix : Marketing mix refers to the set of tools used by a company to promote and sell its brands or product in market. “The most important decisions, and indeed the essence of the marketing manager’s task within a company, are decision about the controllable marketing variables: termed the 4Ps: product, price, place and promotion.” On contrary to the traditional 4P’smodel, some of the marketers are adopting the 4A’smodel, which is considered to be more customers oriented. As per figure 2, “The4A’s of rural marketing mix i.e. Affordability, Availability, Acceptability and the Awareness have been now universally accepted both by practiconers and the academicians, as touch stone for the success of any product/ business strategy in the rural market. What 4P’s are to main stream marketing, the 4A’s are for the rural marketing.” Marketing Mix –The...
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...SEMESTER 2 2011 CPA 118 ETHICS AND GOVERNANCE CPA - ETHNIC SEMESTER 2 2011 MODULE 1 ACCOUNTING AND SOCIETY 1.05 1.05 Part A: Ineraction with society Depictions of A/cting Depiction Defeating depictions defeat Fig 1.1 new bean counter How to become professional? 3 aspects 1.06 Recruiting the best Beard(1994),Smith and Briggs(1999) and Simnik and Felton(2006) Friedman& Lyne(2001);Albrecht and Sack(2000);Coate et al.(2003) Jeacle: colourful accountant linked to corporate collapses 1.07 Moral agency Biddle(2006) Value creation - key to maintain high standards Moral agent - refer to individual making moral judgement for others Moral agent theory based on concept " act appropriotely and professionally" 1.08 Technical functions and social impact Understanding A/cting A/cting defination - Macquarie Dictionary - Technical practice - bookkeeping Not Prefect def - AAA(American A/cting Association) -communication skill… 1.09 Social impact of A/cting + impact - based on historic A/cting info professional capabilities - technical knowledge,soft skill & experience 1.10 Social impact example - A/cting and the GFC "mark-to market" Lonergan (2009) - if A/cting causative factor in GFC 2008/2009 1.11 Q 1.1 Logergan 'standard setters'slow reaction only cause GFC ? NO How wisdom come out? - experience /knowledge Distinguishing feature - building relevant wisdom over time Parker et al. (1989) - induce other behaviour Miller(1994) - intrinsically and inredeemable social impact IMPACT Macro level:...
Words: 3786 - Pages: 16
...SEMESTER 2 2011 CPA 118 ETHICS AND GOVERNANCE MODULE 1 ACCOUNTING AND SOCIETY 1.05 1.05 Part A: Ineraction with society Depictions of A/cting Depiction=描述 Defeating depictions defeat =挫败 Fig 1.1 new bean counter How to become professional? 3 aspects 1.06 Recruiting the best Beard(1994),Smith and Briggs(1999) and Simnik and Felton(2006) Friedman& Lyne(2001);Albrecht and Sack(2000);Coate et al.(2003) Jeacle: colourful accountant linked to corporate collapses 1.07 Moral agency Biddle(2006) Value creation - key to maintain high standards Moral agent - refer to individual making moral judgement for others Moral agent theory based on concept " act appropriotely and professionally" 1.08 Technical functions and social impact Understanding A/cting A/cting defination - Macquarie Dictionary - Technical practice - bookkeeping Not Prefect def - AAA(American A/cting Association) -communication skill… 1.09 Social impact of A/cting + impact - based on historic A/cting info professional capabilities - technical knowledge,soft skill & experience 1.10 Social impact example - A/cting and the GFC "mark-to market" Lonergan (2009) - if A/cting causative factor in GFC 2008/2009 1.11 Q 1.1 Logergan 'standard setters'slow reaction only cause GFC ? NO How wisdom come out? - experience /knowledge Distinguishing feature - building relevant wisdom over time Parker et al. (1989) - induce other behaviour Miller(1994) - intrinsically and inredeemable social impact IMPACT Macro level: all types of business...
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...Company Given: Bharti Airtel Major Sector: Telecom Industry Analysis: Telecom The Indian Telecommunications network is the third largest in the world and the second largest among the emerging economies of Asia. Today, it is the fastest growing market in the world. The telecommunication sector continued to register significant success during the year and has emerged as one of the key sectors responsible for India’s resurgent India’s economic growth. The mobile services were commercially launched in August 1995 in India. Driven by wireless revolution, the Indian telecommunications industry is one of the fastest growing in the world. Government policies and regulatory framework implemented by Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) have provided a conducive environment for service providers. This has made the sector more competitive, while enhancing the accessibility of telecommunication services at affordable tariffs to the consumers. According to TRAI's report 'Telecom Sector in India: A Decadal Profile', the tele-density has increased from 4.3 in March 2002 to 78.1 in February 2012, wherein the rural areas registered an increase from 1.2 in March 2002 to 38.5 in February 2012. Also, the share of telecommunication services (excluding postal and miscellaneous services), as per cent of the total gross domestic product (GDP), has increased from 0.96 in 2000-01 to 3.78 in 2009 -10. According to the same report, international comparisons (among 222 countries) show that India has...
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...Robi is the dynamic and leading end-to-end countrywide GSM mobile communication solutions of TM International (Bangladesh) Limited. It is a joint venture company between Telecom Malaysia Berhad and A.K. Khan & Co. Limited, which was established in the year 1996, and services launched in 1997 under the brand name Robi. Today, Robi is recognized as a leading brand in Bangladesh and this is driven by our persistent pursuit of quality and technology, putting it clearly ahead of the rest. The future with Robi is promised to be exciting as we strive to employ the best resources and latest technology in offering many more innovative and exciting products and services Vision To be the most preferred GSM cellular service provider in Bangladesh. Mission To provide total customer satisfaction as the company strives to become the most preferred GSM cellular service provider in Bangladesh. TMIB will achieve this through developing people, products, and services of the highest quality and meeting the needs of its employees, shareholders and the nation. 1) Total quality objective 2) Total commitment to the needs of our customers, 3) Following the highest ethics standards, 4) Continual improvement of all work processes, 5) Permanent improvement of all the employees knowledge and skills, 6) Securing quality of the service to match the quality of services offered by the world’s most successful companies in the field 7) Preserving the Company’s leading position...
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...Internship Report on Ufone Internship Report on Ufone By: AYESHA HASAN BAHRIA INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT & COMPUTER SCIENCES The overall consensus of industry analysts is that Pakistan is one of the countries with a huge E X E C U T I V E S UMMARY 3 untapped potential for telecom growth and an attractive investment environment. Recently Business Monitor International (BMI) ranked Pakistan as a key destination for telecom growth. The BMI rankings take into account a number of factors including industry situation, growth potential, competitive landscape and economy and political risks etc. The Pakistan market reached the 90 million subscriber mark in September 2008, almost double from 2006 numbers. The growth slowed after that and at the end of November 2008 the total mobile subscriber number was 90.5 million. Pakistan needs to increase telecom research and development work within the country. China and India are in the process of becoming world major R&D centers for technology and telecommunication. Two top Chinese telecom equipment firms have announced their plans to collaborate with Pakistan: Huawei is working with UET Lahore and ZTE will setup R&D center in Islamabad. The goal of the policy makers should be to increase the rate of transfer of technology from abroad, broaden the pool of local skilled workforce and accelerate the local production of telecom equipment and handset parts etc. PTCL was established to operate cellular telephony. The...
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...Together good things happen... Bharti Airtel Annual Report 2009-10 Airtel centre The Airtel Centre – Inaugurated on November 13, 2009 Centre of excellence that houses more than 3,000 employees, 13 offices and spread over 600,000 sq.ft. Table Bharti Airtel Annual Report 2010 of contents 1 Corporate information 2 Corporate history and Top 30 shareholders 3 Performance at a glance 4 Awards & honours 5 Chairman’s message 6 Board of directors 7 CEO (International) & JMD’s message 8 CEO (India & South Asia)‘s message 9 Together good things happen 10 Corporate social responsibility 11 Directors’ report 12 Management discussion & analysis 13 Report on corporate governance 14 Secretarial audit report 15 Standalone financial statements with Auditors’ report 16 Consolidated financial statements with Auditors’ report 17 Notice of annual general meeting 2 3 4 5 6 8 12 14 18 24 32 40 46 63 64 115 159 1 Corporate Board of directors Sunil Bharti Mittal Chairman and Managing Director information Group General Counsel & Company Secretary Vijaya Sampath Statutory Auditors Manoj Kohli CEO (International) & Joint Managing Director Non-executive directors Ajay Lal Akhil Gupta Arun Bharat Ram Chua Sock Koong Craig Edward Ehrlich Lim Chuan Poh N. Kumar Nikesh Arora Pulak Chandan Prasad Rajan Bharti Mittal Rakesh Bharti Mittal Tan Yong Choo CEO (India & South Asia) Sanjay Kapoor S.R. Batliboi & Associates, Chartered Accountants Auditors – US GAAP Ernst & Young...
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...CHP-1, INTRODUCTION ON BHARTI AIRTEL Bharti Airtel Limited, commonly known as Airtel, is an Indian telecommunications services company headquartered at New Delhi, India. It operates in 20 countries across South Asia, Africa and the Channel Islands. Airtel has GSM network in all countries, providing 2G, 3G and 4G services depending upon the country of operation. Airtel is the world's third-largest mobile tele communications company with over 261 million subscribers across 20 countries as of August 2012. It is the largest cellular service provider in India, with 185.92 million subscribers as of September 2012. Airtel is the third largest in-country mobile operator by subscriber base, behind China Mobile and China Unicom. Airtel is the largest provider of mobile telephony and second largest provider of fixed telephony in India, and is also a provider of broadband and subscription television services. It offers its telecom services under the airtel brand, and is headed by Sunil Bharti Mittal. Bharti Airtel is the first Indian telecom service provider to achieve Cisco Gold Certification. It also acts as a carrier for national and international long distance communication services. The company has a submarine cable landing station at Chennai, which connects the submarine cable connecting Chennai and Singapore. Airtel is credited with pioneering the business strategy of outsourcing all of its business operations except marketing, sales and finance and building the 'minutes factory'...
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...Draft Final Report E-Commerce in Bangladesh: Status, Potential and Constraints Najmul Hossain December 2000 A report prepared for JOBS/IRIS Program of USAID. The author gratefully acknowledges comments received from Thierry Van Bastelaer, Catherine Mann, Dewan Alamgir, Asif Khan, Abu Saeed Khan, Tahmina Begum, Shabnam Nadiya and Tonmoy Bashar. The views and analyses in the paper do not necessarily reflect the official position of the IRIS Center, the University of Maryland or that of USAID. E-Commerce in Bangladesh: Status, Potential and Constraints ACRONYMS ASM B2B B2C B2G BB BGMEA BTRC BTTB CS DDN DFID DI DSL e-commerce EDF EFT e-mail e-market FDI GOB GSP IDA IOC IPO IPR IRIS ISO ISP IT ITU JOBS L/C LCA LMDS MMDS MOPT NIP OECD OSP Asian Sources Media Group Business-to-Business Business-to-Consumers Business-to-Government Bangladesh Bank Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association Bangladesh Telecommunications Regulatory Commission Bangladesh Telegraph and Telephone Board Contract System Digital Data Network Department For International Development Data International Digital Subscribers Line Electronic Commerce Export Development Fund Electronic Fund Transfer Electronic mail Electronic Market Foreign Direct Investment Government of Bangladesh Generalized System of Preferences International Development Association International Oil Companies Import Policy Order Intellectual Property Rights Center for Institutional Reform and the Informal Sector at...
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...Contents 02 08 10 12 16 20 24 30 54 02 10 Milestones Group Financial Highlights At a Glance Chairman’s Message Board of Directors Senior Management Organisational Structure Group Structure Corporate Information Corporate Directory Corporate Governance Key Dynamics & Risk Management Corporate Social Responsibility Highlights 25 1.0% Grassroots 26 27 30 47 54 64 0.3% Education 56.1% Corporate Giving in FY2012 86 76 Social Services Operating & Financial Review Fare Revenue ($m) 68 72 CEO's Message Company Overview & Background Group Performance Value Added & Economic Value Added Analysis SMRT and Our Shareholders SMRT Trains & SMRT Light Rail SMRT Buses SMRT Automotive Services SMRT Taxis SMRT Investments (Properties & Media) SMRT International & SMRT Engineering 749.6 9.4 213.1 800.5 10.1 76 220.4 82 84 527.1 569.9 86 92 96 FY2011 Train Bus FY2012 LRT 98 100 102 Financial Report 105 190 191 193 203 Financial Contents Group Properties & Interested Person Transactions Shareholding Statistics Notice of Annual General Meeting Proxy Form SMRT Corporation Ltd Annual Report 2012 1 Milestones 1987 Singapore’s first Mass Rapid Transit system (MRT) opens for service Train service from Yio Chu Kang to Toa Payoh commences Train service from Novena to Outram Park commences 1988 Train service from Tiong Bahru to Clementi commences Train service from Jurong East to Lakeside commences Train service from...
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...Summer Project Report on “Market Research and Route Mapping for Tata Iris and Venture” Submitted in partial fulfillment of PGDM program 2013-15 [pic] Submitted by Name: Tapan Sharma Roll Number: 27 Company Guide Faculty Mr. Ankur Aggarwal Dr. Girish Kathuria Territory Sales Manager -SCVP Professor Tata Motors Ltd EMPI BUSINESS SCHOOL New Delhi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I express my sincere gratitude to my industry guide Mr. Ankur Aggarwal, Territory sales Manager-SCVP, Tata Motors ltd, for his able guidance, continuous support and cooperation throughout my project, without which the present work would not have been possible. I would also like to thank the DSE and DSM of Automobile Sterling, Ashok Ojha , Mr. Harish Sharda, for the constant support and help in the successful completion of my project. Also, I am thankful to my faculty guide Prof./Dr./ Girish Kathuria of my institute, for his continued guidance and invaluable encouragement. Tapan Sharma INDEX |s.no |chapters |page no. | |1 |EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...
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...H otel ProPerties limited ANNUAL REPORT 2008 letoH seitrePorP detimil 8002 TROPER LAUNNA “The Group’s profit before income tax and fair value adjustments to investment properties increased by 28.2% to $94.3 million from $73.5 million last year.” Joseph Grimberg Chairman Contents stnetnoC Chairman’s Statement Business Review Corporate Information Financial Statements Corporate Governance Report Particulars of Group Properties Statistics of Shareholdings 04 06 16 17 86 95 99 Substantial Shareholders 100 Notice of Annual General Meeting 101 Chairman’s statement 2008 FINANCIAL REVIEW Group revenue for the year ended December 31, 2008 increased by 33.6% to $612 million from $458.2 million last year. The strong revenue growth was largely attributable to higher income from The Met condominium development in Thailand as well as stronger contributions from the Group’s hotels & resorts in Singapore, the Maldives and Bali. Consequently, the Group’s profit before income tax and fair value adjustments to investment properties increased by 28.2% to $94.3 million from $73.5 million last year. Group borrowings increased, mainly due to further contributions towards the Group’s 22.5% share of the remaining acquisition cost for the Farrer Court site, as well as payment of development expenditure for The Met condominium in Thailand. This resulted in corresponding increases in investment in associates and development properties. Trade receivables also increased, mainly...
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