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Skateboarding History

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Something that I know a lot about is skateboarding. I have been skateboarding since I was 9 years old. I know how they are made and how you can make them yourself. I also know the history of them as in where they were built and where the first one was ever made. I will explaining what they are and different kinds of brands that sctboaring has created. The first ever skateboard was made in 1956. The birthplace of the very first one is unknown but they were sold first in California. The reason why they were so popular was because surfing became very big in the 1950’s and California was filled with them. It was very hard to get around because there were so many of them and most had cars and nobody was getting anywhere very fast. At first people thought they were crazy riding on a board with wheels but after a couple of years everybody wanted one. A couple years pass and a new kind of shoe was made for skateboards and they were called Van’s. These shoes are still popular in 2018 but back then everybody had a pair of Van’s They were almost like they would be attracted to you everywhere you went. After a while skateboards had changed and there where different kinds of skateboards and …show more content…
Most of them sell clothes and magazines about them but they do still sell skateboards. Over time there where different kinds of boards such as penny boards and longboards and drift boards. The first kind is a penny board which is a small plastic board that make you go downhill very fast. The second one is Long boards witch as the name says is a Long-board and they are not meant to dricks and can go on flat surface for much longer then most boards. One skateboard brand is called Santa Cruz skateboard company. Coming from the name from southern California Santa Cruz was a big group of people who would love to make boards and when they became huge in 1973 they got bigger and started to make cloths and different kinds of

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