...Today, Americans tend to believe that the term disability has a broad meaning. Even a subtle difference in one feature of any individual may classify that person as someone with disabilities. In the passage, “Disability and the Justification of Inequality in American History”, author Douglas C. Baynton argues that allegations of disability are at the heart of discrimination against a wide range of people including women, people of color, and immigrants. Although some may disagree, there is convincing evidence supporting Baynton’s argument. “While disabled people can be considered one of the minority groups historically assigned inferior status and subjected to discrimination,” explains the author, “disability has functioned for all such groups as a sign of and justification for inferiority” (Baynton 34). He describes that people of all inferior status are considered to have disabilities. Throughout the text, Baynton restates others’ ideas about what they think about certain groups of people that have “disabilities.” It may be said that any individual that strives away from the normal white and able-bodied male is considered disabled. People against equality of women found that their physical, intellectual, and psychological disabilities left them in that category. Racial inequality supporters and immigration restriction invoked the supposed disabilities of particular racial groups. Therefore, disabled people are one of the minority groups historically assigned inferior...
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...Nancy Mairs is a writer afflicted with multiple sclerosis. In her essay, "Disability", she explains how the media fails to accurately portray individuals living with a debilitating disease. This causes people with a handicap to feel inadequate, isolated, and lonely. Consequently, the media's lack of depiction hinders the able-bodied person's ability to understand, interact, and accept disability as normal. Mairs wants disability to be portrayed in everyday life that way others can be aware of those who have handicaps and realize that they are just like everyone else. Mairs succeeds to get her point across by drawing in the reader with her strong diction as well as using personal experiences and humor in support of her statements. Mairs shocks the reader when she refers to herself as "crippled". Our culture shuns the use of this word when describing someone that is disabled because it is known to be disrespectful. Yet she chose this word, as offensive as it may be, as a strong acknowledgement of her condition and as a message to those who want to use her disability to define her. She uses this dysphemism to describe her reality and to say that pity is the very last thing that she wants from anyone. What she wants is to feel like she belongs by representation. Not only does Mairs use shocking words but shocking examples. She states how she "hasn't noticed any women like me on television" (13). This makes the reader feel her isolation and her need to find a positive...
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...3/31/2016 A Class Divided Research Paper Winquist09 Login Join The Research Paper Factory Join Search Browse Saved Papers Search over 100,000 Essays Home Page » Other Topics A Class Divided In: Other Topics A Class Divided A Class Divided Everyone is likely to some form of discrimination or prejudice. On April 5th, 1968, a teacher in Riceville, Iowa named Jane Elliot conducted an exercise on her third grade class students that dealt with the concept of discrimination that would grow up to be a renowned experience. The exercise was the result from Martin Luther King’s assassination. The documentary is an eye opening into the world of racism and discrimination. The dictionary defines racism as “a doctrine that one race is superior†and discrimination as “the denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups because of prejudice or for other arbitrary reasons†Throughout the American society . and through its history you can find discrimination. The documentary shows us that discrimination doesn’t just go to the extent to the color of your skin or what your ethnicity is, but can fall into any physical characteristics, your social status, where youâ €™re from, having a developmental disability, simple as being a woman and what not of other things, and in this case the color of your eyes. Nevertheless, we past judgment and prejudice based on these types of things where the person themselves are not ...
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...NM1704: Applying a model of nursing roper, logan and tierney model This essay explores the preoperative care provided to one patient in a London hospital during one shift. This care was influenced by the holistic perspective to health. Arsing from the Greek for ‘whole’ this acknowledges physiological, psychological and social factors impacting the patient’s condition. (McFerran & Martin, 2008) It seeks to offer treatment inclusive of these factors rather than treating physical symptoms of a diagnosed disease in isolation. This essay will examine this within a Model of Nursing used in my clinical placement area - the Roper, Logan and Tierney model. The identities of both hospital and patient have been altered to maintain confidentiality and comply with the NMC Code of Conduct. (Council, 2008) During my placement I worked on a coronary care unit where I cared for a patient herein called Peter, a 60 year old White British male. Peter was single, lived alone and unemployed. He had a history of low mood and was admitted to a neighbouring hospital suffering symptoms of acute alcohol withdrawal syndrome (acute confusion, delusions and tremors). This arises when an individual reduces or stops alcohol consumption after prolonged periods of excessive alcohol intake. This can lead to tolerance, physical dependence and physical disturbances upon withdrawal due to the central nervous system reacting in a hyper-excitable state. (About.com, 2010) He was transferred to my area...
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...Yoshino’s Essay Summary In The Pressure to Cover, Kenji Yoshino’s essay that was published in the New York Times magazine on January 15, 2006, he informs his audience about the term “covering”. This term was taken from Erving Goffman’s book “Stigma” which is about how people handle their differences and disabilities (34). Yoshino writes educated claims from his experiences as a Japanese homosexual. He introduces his audience to two different terms, passing and covering. Passing applies to an individual who hides the visibility of a characteristic, while covering is toning down the intensity of the characteristic (34). Yoshino approaches these concepts relating to his own identity. In the first paragraph of the essay he says the world is saying “Be gay… Be openly gay, if you want. But don’t flaunt.” This is where covering played into his life. He, and other homosexuals, are expected to tone down their homosexuality in order to fit into the mainstream. This concept applied to many others with “outsider identities” (32). People held themselves back from truly opening up about their personal lives in order to fit in. Being a scholar at Yale University, Yoshino decided to spend his time doing research pertaining one’s identity, called “mesearch,” and focus on the overwhelming pressure to conform that was being felt by many (34). He says that when he first came out he felt the need to follow straight norms, but didn’t know what word to use to describe this demand. That was when...
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...England and survive the massacre that was going on. Risking his own and his family safety, he was committed to make a change for benefit of others. While serving in the United States Army, Griffin developed blindness and slowly lost his sight. He overcame the disability by continuing to work. He taught Piano lessons, wrote essays, and succeeded in his personal life by marrying one of his students and having four kids with her. Griffin was able to cure his blindness and his sight returned, as well as a different perspective on things after all that he had suffered. The experiment was so unusual that Griffin was doubting if he should tell anybody, besides his family, about it. He wished to see what it feels like to be on the other side of the coin. His goal to see what it feels like to be under constant pressure just because of his skin color, to see how people treat him with hatred and disgrace just because he was different, was unexpectedly harsh. In order to do so, he had to disguise himself or somehow make himself one of the blacks. He went to see a doctor to get his skin changed to black, and was successful in getting what he wanted. He was appointed to get ultraviolet treatments and take oral medication in order to keep the skin color dark. Griffin’s first claim that even though southern United States was segregated it was really a tolerant and peaceful towards the blacks was soon changed, and he was facing the consequences. His rights were taken away and he was treated like a slave...
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...Stroke The Causes And Effects Health And Social Care Essay ukessays.com /essays/health-and-social-care/stroke-the-causes-and-effects-health-and-socialcare-essay.php In this assignment I discuss Paul who is a 65 year old male and has suffered a stroke. My aim is to explain what a stroke is, the causes and effects, and give you my understanding of how I as a Health Care Worker can help identify, meet and care for the client's needs following a stroke. For this assignment I will bring together the knowledge I have gained as a health care assistant student to date along with some research also. I have carried out my research using the internet, Irish heart foundation, stroke centre organisation, stroke.ie. My focus as a health care assistant is to explain what care my client should receive after his stroke, identify the assistance needed and give recommendations to meet his rehabilitation, to help him keep abilities and gain back lost abilities and also take care of his needs such as physical, emotional, social and intellectual needs. Introduction "A stroke is caused by an interruption of the blood supply to part of the brain, the term stroke comes from the fact that it usually happens without any warning, 'striking the person from out of the blue" (ihf.com) A stroke can happen to anyone, some people are at higher risk for different reasons such as age and family history. Other risk factors include high blood pressure, smoking, being overweight, diabetes, and high cholesterol. "2...
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...WRITING AN ESSAY RELATED TO ARTICLE (The Malay Mail, 16th March 2016) Nowadays, Malaysian weather is a polemic issue that been discussed everywhere. The temperature could arise to 40 degree Celsius. Based on article that I choose, the writers’ reports about the effects of overheat temperature in Malaysia. They are heat exhaustion, heatstroke and hyperthermia. Firstly, heat exhaustion is a warning that the body is getting too hot. The person may be thirsty, giddy, weak, uncoordinated, nauseous, and sweating too much. The body temperature is usually normal and the pulse is normal or raised. The skin is cold and sticky. Although heat exhaustion often is caused by the body's loss of water and salt, salt supplements should only be taken with advice from a doctor. Heat exhaustion is the body's response to an excessive loss of water and salt contained in sweat. Those most prone to heat exhaustion are elderly people, people with high blood preset and people working or exercising in a hot environment. In the articles, there were 11 cases heat exhaustion in nationwide, which five instances reported at Banting Hospital, two at Langkawi, and one each at Pahang Seremban, and two cases at Kuala Lumpur. Secondly, heat exhaustion is a condition whose symptoms may include heavy sweating and a rapid pulse, a result of your body overheating. It's one of three heat-related syndromes, with heat cramps being the mildest and heatstroke being the most severe. Causes of heat exhaustion include...
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...INTRODUCTION This essay is all about discharge care planning and will be discussed in two parts, the first part will highlight patient profile, assessment and discharge care planning with evidence based rationale using a framework based on Roper- Logan-Tierney (2000) model of nursing which involve giving nursing care holistically by using 12 activities of living (AL) and also incorporate nursing process to carry out care plan in this essay, which are maintaining a safe environment, communicating, breathing, eating and drinking, eliminating, personal cleansing and dressing, controlling body temperature, walking and playing, mobilising, sleeping expressing sexuality and dying. Also with the above mentioned framework, factors influencing the activities of living which include biological, psychological, socio-cultural, environmental and political economic will be considered. Also demonstration of how discharges are planned and problems identified will be discussed, which will involve members of the multidisciplinary team (MDT) and their roles in the patients care, education and support for family/carers. The second part will explore how recent health service legislation has influenced this care plan and its impact on caring of older people with long term condition. In this essay, issues on professional values according to Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Code of Professional Conduct (2008), which include consent, confidentiality, respect and dignity will be undertaking. For the...
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...Discrimination Discriminations against people has been around for so many years. People don’t like another person because they just look different. More and more people are discriminated because of their religion, disability, skin color and many more injustices. Once an innocent person gets discriminated by someone, than the person many turns bad too, and that person wants to discriminate others. Person gets rejected by people because people think he/she does not fit in certain groups and humans get aggressive and show evil behavior towards everyone. People also are hating because they are not perfect and they have weird facial features and body. The creature in Marry Shelley’s Frankenstein Novel, his creator Victor Frankenstein hated and abandoned the creature just because he the creature didn’t look like a normal human. It was interesting to research about this topic because I will learn how human are discriminated in so many different ways. And how people get abandoned because they are not normal like a normal human and because of other differences. I have already known about this topic, “Kid Bullied to Leave School Because He Wasn’t Black Enough” is how people are hate one another just because they are different from them and doesn’t like like them. Another essay called, “The Culture of Cruelty,” From Raising Cain: Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys by Daniel J. Kindlon and Michael Thompson shows that human discriminate because of cultural differences. This relates to civil...
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...We humans need to weed out the weak and unwanted from our species to ensure the survival of healthy human beings as a whole. If a fetus is unwanted I believe that it is the mother’s decision of aborting, for that fetus has no decision or knowledge of the world yet. If born with a defect, inhibiting its ability to further realize its existence, I am for euthanasia. There have been around 40 million abortions since the Roe v. Wade decision was finalized on January 22, 1973. Many strong opinions arise on whether a woman should have the right to an abortion, and whether the court has the power to grant a woman this right. In the case of Roe v. Wade, the Court prohibited any regulation of abortion in the first trimester, allowed only adjustments pertaining to the health of the mother in the second, and only maternal health reasons in the third. The Roe v. Wade decision is responsible for killing about 35 million innocent human beings, and counting, as a direct result of abortion. The fight over whether to criminalize abortion has grown increasingly fierce in recent years with no end in sight, it is currently legal in all states. Another controversial topic, euthanasia, is also known as the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma. It is similar to abortion but the being is now grown. The world view on euthanasia has always been a very controversial subject. Some countries allow it, yet in other countries...
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...This essay will examine the challenges of managing Mr. W. Fountain nursing problem on his immobility condition. Developing a care plan for Mr. W. Fountain to aid his recovery due to stroke; resulting to mobility problem. Although, mobility as a result of stroke will be the main focus of this essay but I will also briefly explain the process of developing an effective care plan. I will be relating it to my anatomy and physiology knowledge and show why dealing with my father’s stroke condition some twenty seven years ago make Mr. W. Fountain condition more personal to me. At this stage, I will like to highlight that the nursing management for Mr. W. Fountain will be based on the use of Roper Logan Tierney model in practice. (2003). I will be applying the nursing process that includes delving into the phases and cycle of nursing assessment, planning, implementing and evaluating (APIE). At the implementation stage, a care plan with appropriate objectives, implementation steps and evaluation strategies will be drawn in ensuring that his care is more focused on his needs. I will also be using a range of assessment tools: such as waterloo score and strip, trips and fall. Dignity and respect of Mr. Fountain will be maintained all through in this essay. In conclusion a copy of care, feedback from the Lecturer and reflective summary will be attached. According to Glasper and Mcewing (2010) Stroke occurs if there is an interruption of blood flow to part of the brain. Without blood...
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...In this essay I will examine my settings role in promoting inclusion using national policy and legal obligations, I will personally reflect on the strategies carried out with the children and how my setting encourages children to respect their own and other cultures and identify. I will discuss the use of multi-agency to promote inclusion in my setting. Inclusion can be defined as the process of taking necessary steps to ensure that every young person is given equality of opportunities to develop and learn. There is a commitment to removing all barriers to permit everyone to be equally valued. It ensures all children are included in education alongside their peers who may not have the same needs. Topping and Maloney, (2005:1) states that “Inclusion is not a new idea. Although recent concern about inclusion can be traced to the civil rights movements of the 1960s, the ideas behind inclusive education have much deeper roots in liberal and progressive thought.” The Warnock's report (1978) was founded to review...
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...impact in their future, It is difficult to distinguish if the actions made or words said by us will hurt our family or friends, but to prevent those actions person who faces this kind of situation has think if the action that they are about to do it is right, the reason for thinking about that are personal ethics which result in good or bad decisions, in this essay, author focuses on ethics in business organisations and discriminations within which is one of the main problems inside companies. Ethics in Business Words like “morality” and “values” are associating with word “ethics”. Ethics is differencing and thinking between right or wrong choice. it is making choices that...
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...Jordan Quist Dr. A English 101 Persuasive Essay Wanted: Ignorance Vaccine Smallpox causes many terrible symptoms, including rashes, fever, lesions, vomiting, nausea, muscle ache, and headaches. Luckily we no longer have to worry about this horrific disease thanks to the development of vaccines. Vaccines are a version of a virus that has been weakened, then a small portion of the weakened disease is injected into a patient, where white blood cells easily fight off and kill it, and T-cells in the body remember the virus, so if a vaccinated patient comes in contact with the virus they have been vaccinated for, the body can easily fight it off and remain healthy. Unfortunately, some parents have recently come out with a belief that vaccines cause...
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