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Slavery In Africa

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Although Europeans contributed to the brutality and corruption in Africa, these issues were already present in the continent before European contact. Between warring tribes, and traditions that include human sacrifice and slavery, Africa was already well experienced in brutality and corruption before meeting any Europeans.
Prior to the continent being divided into colonies, many tribes held lands. This land was considered to be owned by one tribe, as well as all the resources found on said land. With no official boundaries, land and resources were continuously fought over by neighboring tribes. As far back as 10,000 years ago nomadic groups were competing for resources. Archaeologists have recently uncovered a group of ancient African hunter-gatherers …show more content…
Criminals were also punished by being sold as slaves by the ruling classes (Muhammad, 2003). Slaves were mainly used for domestic work, to become wives or concubines, or to elevate the social standing of the slave owner (Wright, 2000). This system of slavery existed before the Tran-Saharan or the Trans-Atlantic slave trade routes, but ultimately fueled these routes (Muhammad, 2003). Beginning around 652 AD, the Muslim king of Egypt conquered land in modern day Sudan, the king imposed a treaty on the defeated king known as Bakht. This treaty demanded an annual supply of hundreds of African slaves to the king of Egypt (Fatunde, 2012). The need of slaves in Islamic countries was recognized by “members of the Songhai and Mali empires, the people of Ghana, and the Berbers of West Africa” (Muhammad, 2003). Slave raids on distant villages was not an uncommon event, before the Trans-Saharan slave trade route and after (Wright, …show more content…
In Chinua Achebe’s novel, Things Fall Apart, the main character, Nwoye, is ordered by the clan’s elders to kill a boy who had been sent to live with Nwoye’s family after he killed one of the woman of the clan. This order comes three years after the boy comes to live with Nwoye, so the two of them had developed a relationship, so much so that Nwoye even preferred the boy to his own son. Despite this, Nwoye killed the boy with his own knife, appeasing the clan elders (Chinua, 1965). It takes a certain level of brutality to kill another person, let alone someone who could be considered a loved

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