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Small Town Research Paper

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Compare and Contrast
There are people who live in the big city and those who live in a small town. In the long run, it seems as if some people who live in a big city end up in a small town, and vice versa. Many people thrive in a big city while others live comfortably in a small town. There are differences between a small town and a big city in the attractions, traffic, and commute that make them both attractive.
Jorge Garcia is a 20 year-old man who is from Longview, Texas. This small town is located in East Texas and is a very friendly place. The town has a decent selection of attractions even though it is small. Longview counts one principle shopping mall, several major shopping centers, and several small retailers. Longview also boasts two movie theaters. In the time Jorge has lived in Longview, he has also counted over fifty restaurants and about five different nightclubs. One of the benefits Jorge loves about living in a small city is the commute. Although Longview has expanded over the years, the traffic is still manageable. Even if …show more content…
He has been looking into moving to Dallas, Texas, which is a much bigger city than his hometown. Dallas is also almost a three-hour drive from Longview. Dallas offers many other attractions. There are three major shopping malls, and one of them includes an ice skating rink. Other great attractions Dallas is known for are Six Flags over Texas, Hurricane Harbor, and Medieval Times. As far as the nightlife attractions, Dallas counts more than twenty nightclubs; however, one of the things that concerns Jorge is the amount of traffic Dallas has. For a person like Jorge, who is used to a thirty-minute drive or less to get to his destination, it might be a frustrating adjustment. Commuting in Dallas can take from forty-five minutes up to over an hour depending upon the destination and traffic flow. Moving to the big city is a decision Jorge will soon have to

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