...biological, psychological, and sociological factors involved in the formation of gender identity. Gender identity is not completely understood as it is much more complex than the joining of a sperm and an egg. For many people, the terms “gender” and “sex” are interchangeable. Biological sex and gender are different; gender is not inherently connected to one’s physical anatomy as biological sex is. When one thinks’ of the term “gender”, we are referring to the role and personalities one assumes within society, for example in American culture females tend to be perceived as more nurturing and males are aggressive and dominant. Hormones and behavior affect gender identity in significant ways each with a distinct purpose. To understand the difference of biological sex and gender, nature versus nurture, and how the environment has an effect this paper will review and explain the interactions between hormones and behaviors and how those interactions affect the determination of gender identity. Gender development starts at the point one is conceived. Gender identity is defined as an individual’s self conception of being either male or female, as distinguished from actual biological sex (Britannica, 2013). Gender differences exist in nearly every social phenomena and for most persons, gender identity and biological characteristics are the same however there are some circumstances in which some individuals experience little or no connection between sex and gender (Britannica, 2013). Starting...
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...Internal and External Factors Influencing the Development of Gender Identity Lanita Doub Liberty University COUN 502-Human Growth & Development Laura Rolen August 11, 2012 Internal and External Factors Influencing the Development of Gender Identity Gender identity is defined as "the perception of oneself as male or female", ( Feldman, 2011). Gender is established by the time a child reaches his or her preschool years. "By the age of two, children consistently label themselves and those around them as male or female" (Feldman, 2011). Preschoolers are very rigid in their beliefs about gender-appropriate behavior. These beliefs become more pronounced by the age of five years. By age seven years the beliefs are still there, although less rigid. Preschooler's ideas of stereotypical behavior are compared to those of traditional adults. Preschoolers develop a gender schema, "a cognitive framework that organizes information relevant to gender"(Feldman, 2011). For example, a preschool boy may refuse to wear makeup in a school play because he knows that makeup is for girls only. In 1966, Lawrence Kohlberg proposed a cognitive-developmental theory, which explains the rigidity of preschoolers as their understanding of gender, and gender appropriate behavior (Feldman, 2011). Shuvo Ghosh states that the development of gender identity "clearly begins in the intrauterine stage". He attributes this to hormone production...
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...opposite sex will develop stronger gender self-categorisations than will majority males or females, following a co-operative gender-neutral group task. When groups comprise unequal proportions of socially-salient categories (e.g., gender and race), group processes are affected, with the behaviour and self-identities of minority members shifting towards their expected stereotype via a process of role entrapment (Johnson & Schulman, 1989). These behavioural changes become more pronounced with decreasing numerical status and where the token/minority member is normally disadvantaged or subordinated (Saenz, 1994). One explanation suggests that individuals who participate in activities where their social-group membership is made explicit are likely to depersonalise and thereafter self-categorise at the group-stereotype level (Turner et al., 1987). However, existing research on group composition has typically used quasi-competitive activities. This may account for the shift in self-categorisation, especially when there are current, historical or perceived inequalities in the status of group-members, resulting, for example, from race or gender. The current study, then, uses a co-operative group task to investigate the impact of being a single or majority-member of a group on gender self-categorisation. Experimental Design A between-participants 2 × 2 experimental design will be used, with two independent factors (gender and set-size), and two levels of each (male vs. female;...
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...TOPIC SUBJECT HEADINGS For use in Online Catalog (OPAC) SUBJECT HEADINGS For Sample Database Searches Abortion Abortion; Pro-Choice Movement; Pro-Life Movement Abortion Acid rain SEE ALSO Pollution Acid Rain Acid Rain Adoption (interracial, unmarried persons, gays) Adoption; Gay parents; Interracial adoption Adoption AIDS AIDS (Disease); AIDS (Disease) in children AIDS (Disease); Pediatric AIDS (Disease) Alzheimer's disease Alzheimer's disease Alzheimer's disease Animal rights Animal experimentation; Animal rights Animal experimentation; Animal rights Anorexia and Bulimia SEE Eating disorders Athletes and drugs Doping in Sports Drugs and Athletes Banking Bailout (2008) Bailout Battered women SEE ALSO Wife Abuse Abused women Conjugal abuse Birth control Birth control; Contraception Birth control; Contraception Black Reparations Movement Reparations; Slavery--Law and legislation Reparations Body language Body language; Gesture; Nonverbal communication Nonverbal communication Bullying Bullying Bullying; Cyberbullying Business ethics Business ethics; Corporations - Corrupt practices Business ethics; Business enterprises, Corrupt practices Capital punishment (Death Penalty) Capital punishment; Death row Capital punishment Cancer Cancer--Prevention SEE ALSO types of cancer, such asBreast--Cancer Neoplasms--Prevention and Control;Cancer Treatment Censorship SEE ALSO Freedom of the Press Censorship; Prohibited...
Words: 1762 - Pages: 8
...two theories have similarities. Both theorists recognize the importance of the unconscious on development. They also both separate development into stages of a person's life and utilize similar age divisions for these developmental stages. Differences of Freud and Erikson However, there are several differences that exist between the names of the stages and the developmental issues that are encountered during each. Part of the reason for this is that each psychologist has his own unique view of what drives a person's development. Freud's psychosexual theory emphasizes the importance of basic needs and biological forces, while Erikson's psychosocial theory is based upon social and environmental factors. Erikson also expands his theory into adulthood, while Freud's theory ends at an earlier period. Psychosexual vs. Psychosocial Stages Now, let's briefly look at Freud's...
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...1. A social problem is a social condition that a segment of society views as harmful to members of society and in need of remedy. 2. The structure of a society refers to the way society is organized 3. An institution is an established and enduring pattern of social relationships. The five traditional institutions are family religion politics 4. Social group is defined as two or more people who have a common identity, interact, who have a common identity, interact, and form a social relationship. 5. Primary groups are characterized by intimate and informal interaction. 6. Secondary groups are task oriented and characterized by impersonal and formal interaction. 7. Statuses: A status is a position that a person occupies within a social group. 8. Ascribed statuses: Is one that society assigns to an individual on the basis of factors over which the individual has no control. 9. Achieved statuses are assigned on the basis of some characteristics or behavior over which the individual has some control. 10. Roles: The set of rights, obligations and expectations associated with a status. 11. Culture is defined as the meanings and ways of life that characterize a society including beliefs, values, norms, sanctions and symbols. 12. Beliefs are definitions and explanations about what is assumed to be true. 13. Values are social agreements about what us considered good and bad right and wrong. 14. Norms socially defined rules...
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...45 minuets on this question. • Q.2 is a method in context question. Part a) is for 9 marks [could also be a 3 and 6 mark question] and part b) is for 15 marks. You should spend 30 minuets on this question. • Q.3 is a theories essay for 33 marks. THIS QUESTION IS SYNOPTIC! You should spend 45 minuets on this question. Below is a list of all the areas and studies you need to know for each section of the exam. Don’t worry if you don’t know all the studies, each college/school are likely to teach slightly different ones, just make sure you know about that amount for each section. Q.1 For the first two pure crime parts you need to know: Functionalist theories of crime and deviance Durkheim – Social control, social regulation including suicide Merton-Strain theory, blocked aspirations Cohen – Status frustration Cloward and Ohlin – Deviant subcultures New Right/Right Realism James Wilson – Strict law enforcement needed Wilson and Kelling – Broken windows, zero tolerance Murray – Cultural deprivation, single parents and ineffective, the underclass Erdos – Families without fathers Subcultural theories Cohen – Delinquent subcultures Cloward and Ohlin – Delinquency and opportunity, criminal, conflict and retreatist subcultures Willis – pupil subcultures (learning to labour) Patrick – Gang culture (Glasgow gangs) Humphreys – Gay subcultures and covert participant observation Miller – Focal concerns...
Words: 2001 - Pages: 9
...will develop a gender identity that matches his or her genitalia but sometimes this is not the case. So the question remains, what affects an individual’s gender identity more, nature or nurture? Gender Identity Gender identity is defined as a “complex system of beliefs about the subjective self in relation to masculinity and femininity” (Ault & Brzuzy, 2009, p. 187). Gender roles, maleness, and femaleness, have been argued to be a factor of environmental influences, the nurture aspect of child development, and nature, the biological aspect. “Gender identity presents itself in how people outwardly express masculinity and femininity in everyday life and how others respond to this expression” (Ault & Brzuzy, 2009, p. 187). Studying how hormones cause types of behavior provides information on how males and females act and react. By evaluating the relationship between child development, nature, and nurture, this paper hopes to determine which side of the ongoing debate is more influential on behavior. Development of Sex Hormones Hormones influence sex from the time of “conception to sexual maturity of the...
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...are guided by different attitudes, beliefs, customs, morals and ethical standards. Societies are based upon different traditions, rituals, and religions; and promote different views regarding family, work, social, and personal responsibilities. Hofstede's framework was originally comprised of four dimensions. The first dimension - individualism/collectivism - is widely acknowledged as a defining element of culture. In individualistic societies people are expected to look out after themselves, whereas in collectivist societies there is a greater emphasis on group welfare and loyalty. Individualists value independence and self-expression, and tend to believe that personal goals and interests are more important than group interests. In contrast, collectivists tend to view themselves as members of an extended family or organization, place group interests ahead of individual needs, and value reciprocation of favors and respect for tradition. The second dimension - uncertainty avoidance - represents the extent to which people feel uncomfortable or threatened by ambiguous and uncertain situations, and thus create belief systems and institutions in order to promote conformity. Societies with higher levels of uncertainty avoidance place greater value on security (e.g., financial, social), feel a greater need for consensus and written rules, and are intolerant of deviations from the norm. In contrast, individuals with low uncertainty avoidance rely less on written rules and are more risk...
Words: 1549 - Pages: 7
...Traditional Marriage vs. Modern Day Marriage Communications 215 Traditional Marriage vs. Modern Day Marriage Traditional Marriage is the social institution under which a man and a woman establish their decision to live as husbands and wife by legal commitments and religious ceremonies. Also defined as the state, condition or relationship of being married; wedlock. Marriage is a social union or legal contract between people that creates kinship. It is an institution in which interpersonal relationships, usually intimate and sexual, are acknowledged in a variety of ways, depending on culture or subculture in which it is found. (Merriam, 1967) Such a union, often formalized by way of a wedding ceremony, may also be called matrimony. I will build a foundation of my personal principals and moral values on traditional marriage opposed to modern (same sex) marriage, and their contributions to the American Family. In society today modern same sex marriage (also called gay marriage) is legally and or socially recognized marriage between two persons of the same biological sex or social gender. The synonym marriage equality is used especially by supporters of legal recognition of same sex marriage. These two definitions are on very opposite ends of the spectrums in society today. These two very different views have caused a lot of adversity and resistance to the American Family Dream. In closing, my personal viewpoint, religious and political standpoint on the issue may be liberating...
Words: 1026 - Pages: 5
...necessarily correct. The term sex is a biological term that refers to the physical differences between males and females. If sex is the term that encompasses male or female, then what exactly is gender? Gender is a psychological term that refers to the awareness and reaction to the biological term of sex. It also is a term that can construe more than one meaning. Gender is determined by biological, psychological, and sociological factors. Gender consists of three elements: gender role, gender identity, and sexual orientation or preference (Kenyon, 1994-2006). Gender role, is defined as the outward manifestations of personality that reflect the gender identity. Basically, it occurs when someone adopts the masculine or feminine behavioral traits that are associated with each sex. Gender role is manifested within society by observable factors such as behavior and appearance (Ghosh, 2009). Gender identity refers to a person’s personal sense of whether he or she are male or female (or rarely, both or neither). Gender identity, in nearly all instances, is self-identified, as a result of a combination of inherent and extrinsic or environmental factors (Ghosh, 2009). And sexual orientation or preference is whom a person is physically and sexually attracted to. In this paper the topics of discussion will be the interaction between hormones and behaviors in addition to how these interactions affect determining gender identity. It will also explore the biological factor, and how it influences...
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...Annotated Bibliography Gerhardt, C., McGoron, K., Thompson, A., Vannatta, K., McNamara, K., Taylor, J., Passo, M., & Noll, R. (2011). Social outcomes among emerging adults with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Children’s Health Care, 40(1), 70-84. doi:10.1080/02739615.2011.537943 Abstract: This longitudinal study examined social outcomes among young adults with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) and matched peers during the transition from adolescence to emerging adulthood. Design: Quantitative. Methods: Participants included 45 participants with JIA (M = 12.64 years post diagnosis), 46 peers, and their parents. Results: Young adults in both groups were similar on a variety of outcomes, including social self-concept, social competence, family relationships, friendships, and romantic relationships. In general, disease factors were not associated with adjustment. Clinical Implications: Interventions to assist social functioning may not be necessary for all children with JIA, but additional research is needed to identify potential subgroups at risk for difficulties. Khani, M., Ziaee, V., Moradinejad, M., & Parvaneh, N. (2013). The effect of positive family history of autoimmunity in juvenile idiopathic arthritis characteristics: A case control study. Iranian Journal of Pediatrics, 23(5), 569-573. Retrieved from http://library.gcu.edu:2048/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com.library.gcu.edu:2048/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ccm&AN=2012347719&site=ehost-live&scope=site Abstract:...
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...GENDER STRATIFICATION I. Sex and Gender Sex - the biological differences between men and women Sex Role - behaviors, attitudes and motivations a culture considers appropriate for men and women Sexual Orientation - attraction to members of the opposite, same or both sexes Gender is a set of social and cultural practices that both reflect and reinforce assumptions about differences between men and women Major sociological emphasis - 3 Points 1. Gender is a social institution. Like family and religion it affects the roles men and women play in society 2. Gender influences differences in “Power” – “Power to” (get jobs, earn, get education) – “Power over” (assert will against others) 3. Gender is a cultural construct, expectations for men and women vary widely II. Sex Role Expectations A. Men -Independent -Aggressive -Sex Initiators -Career Focus -Suppress Emotions -Success = Achievements B. Women -Nurturing/Friendly --Self-Conscious about Appearance -Social Poise -Passive -Submissive -Focus on Marriage and Children -Success = Relationships Athletic ability: • Men have greater upper body strength but, athletic ability, strength and endurance are largely of function of physical activity, training, genes and hormones Intelligence: • Recent studies contradict stereotypes. Differences in math, verbal and mechanical test scores are very small • Many studies show greater variation within sexes than between Stereotyping • Studies tend to emphasize...
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...their male counterparts. This statement continue to plague women in all societies today, as theorist like Murdock believe, given the biological differences between men and women a sexual division of labour is the most efficient way of organising society (Haralambos & Holborn, 2008). This is one way in which the mainstream theorist sought to justify the invisibility of women and assigned roles based on the sex of the individuals. Women has always been viewed or defined by the role she is assigned by society, for which I consider to be socially constructed. However, the role women played in the home is domesticated in the role of homemaker and caregiver, thus, when we examine women’s work, we primarily think of the work that women do at home, their unpaid domestic labour. The old adage ‘women’s work is never done’ speaks to the various household tasks for which women are assumed to take overall responsibility. Many theorist used the biological theory as to heighten why women is best suited for some jobs rather than others. In reality we know that not all women are capable of assuming the role of the caring, nurturing and domesticated type, just as not all male are able to display a rough, tough and superior exterior. According Stoller, it was stated that it does not necessarily follow that being a woman means being ‘feminine’, nor that being a man means behaving in a ‘masculine’ way, girls are not necessarily caring and compassionate boys do not have to be aggressive and competitive...
Words: 2638 - Pages: 11
...Nature vs. Nurture Homosexuality, Addictions and Intelligence There have always been disputes on whether the decision to be homosexual or heterosexual was based on biological or environmental factors. These disputes are known as the Nature vs. Nurture argument. The two sides argue over how gender is chosen within a person. Based on reproductive organs, sex is easily determined at birth: male or female. Gender, however; is the sexual identity an individual takes on. It is possible for sex and gender to be different. For an example of nurture children who were both born with an injured or damaged reproductive organ, males usually can be raised successfully as females. In order to understand which factor is the deciding factor of a person’s gender, both sides of the case must be fully evaluated. DNA studies which appear to prove that gender is a genetic trait. Researchers have analyzed the makeup of the human brain of homosexuals and heterosexuals seeking a connection between gender and the brains physiology. They found when studying the part of the brain directly related to a persons’ sexual drive, that homosexuals had an enlarged hypothalamus, whereas heterosexuals had a normal one indicating a direct correlation between the brain and gender selections (AllPsych). In researching DNA’s role in gender identity, some scientist have identified the gene that determines a person’s sexual preference. Although there are mounting evidence of the existence of a “gay...
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