...The Right to Privacy Ramon Rubalcava Redlands University Abstract [The abstract should be one paragraph of between 150 and 250 words. It is not indented. Section titles, such as the word Abstract above, are not considered headings so they don’t use bold heading format. Instead, use the Section Title style. This style automatically starts your section on a new page, so you don’t have to add page breaks. Note that all of the styles for this template are available on the Home tab of the ribbon, in the Styles gallery.] Keywords: [Click here to add keywords.] The Right to Privacy In this new generation the right to privacy is getting lower by the minute due to all of the social media and new electronic devices being invented daily. The right to privacy should not even be a question everyone should have the right to privacy to a certain extent. The right to privacy is a recent creation of little consequence other than cultural custom. The right to privacy is a big part if not the biggest part of everyone’s freedom because if anyone can come into anyone’s house at any given time or listen to all their calls and read all their text people will feel unsafe and without any freedom; It will feel like a prions where everything is being monitor. Everyone likes their privacy even if they do not have anything to hide just knowing that whatever they do or where ever they go will be only known to them and those they chose to share it with making them feel in control of their life...
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...International Conference on Intelligent System Design and Engineering Application 2012 International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Engineering Application A Social Network Analysis Platform for Organizational Risk Analysis - ORA Yin Qiuju, Chen Qingqing School of Management and Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology, 100081 c_yinqj@163.com Abstract—ORA(Organizational Risk Analyzer) is a dynamic network evaluation and analysis tools which developed by the center for Computational Analysis of Social and Organizational System(CASOS), Carnegie Mellon University. It can track the relevant index of the group, identify the style of location and contrast the relation among networks, groups and individuals from the perspective of dynamic network. ORA also can recognize the key members, groups and vulnerabilities of the network between different time points, basing on which, carry on the further analysis. Compare with other social network analysis platform, ORA can support multiple data input form, and can instantly show the dynamic change of the network. This paper introduces the structure and functions of ORA, moreover, uses it to analyze the structure of a terrorist network, in order to find out the weakness of the organization. problems and to take advantage of network strengths. According to different contexts and types of the data, need to detailed test and determined. ORA can be used to do a risk audit for the organization of its individual...
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...Assessment 1 – Personal Social Media Audit Student Name: KA CHUN CHEUNG Student Number: S3276462 The 7 days diary recorded the social media and applications I have been used between 17 of March to 23 of March. There are few applications have high frequency that I using that, such as Facebook, Wechat, instagram, whatsapp and weibo. During 7 days period of recording, I discover that every morning after I wake up, I will spend some time on bed to go some social micro blog and network on the bed and the duration usually less that 30minutes. After that, I will use some mobile social apps like chatting tools such wechat, whatsapp during the day when I am free. The frequency that I use chatting tools actually is 24/7 standby, I will try to reply ASAP if I am still awake and not busy at that time, so the duration of use the chatting tools is short but frequency is high. When I look at the table, I was quite surprise, I find out actually I am quite addicted to the social networks. Since everyday I will check the social network media at least one time. I think this is because I want to catch up and knows what is going on in my friend circle. Such as Facebook, it was a good web that can look on others updates of statuses, photos, videos and profiles. It was an easy way and convenient way to interact and get connection with your friend circle. The microblog like weibo I found out that I use that a lot, it’s was a famous social microblogs in china just like twitter. It provides...
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...The last three decades have witnessed unprecedented growth in network industries such as video games, computers, credit cards, media, social networking and telecommunications. (Ramon and Francisco, 2009, p.1) The aim of this essay is to provide an understanding of the dynamics of platform completion by analyzing the role of installed base, consumer expectations and platform quality. These factors then help explain a platform’s position, the barriers to entry and the formation of a monopoly in the network market. This essay also focuses on the social media market for Facebook and Google+ and their rise to platform leadership, which is interesting as this is a recent and fascinating new area of research in economics. The remaining of this essay is organized into 3 sections. Section 2 explains the concept of network externalities, differentiates between direct and indirect network externalities, and explains the role of installed base and consumer expectations for products in the network market. The section then goes on to apply these concepts to platform markets to understand platform competition and how using the concept of critical mass a platform rises to dominance. Section 3 discusses some key business strategies applicable to platform markets. Section 4 concludes the analysis by extending a few strategy proposals as to how Google+ may possibly dominate in the social media market, where Facebook is currently dominant. Section 2: Products such as eBay are substantially...
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... . Ranjan, R. (2013). Survey on social networking services. IET Networks, 2(4), 224. Since it is important when conducting a research essay to include supportive evidence such as statistics, figures etc. to demonstrate solid understanding of the topic, the above article which is a survey on the use of social networking in business applications, particularly social networking platform (SBP). It is a survey based research that analysis the current issues of SBP such as communication capabilities, and attempts to address these issues by providing several recommendations that may surmount such issues. Franchi, E., Poggi, A., & Tomaiuolo, M. (2013). Open social networking for online collaboration. International Journal of e-Collaboration, 9(3), 50. An up-to-date journal article that looks at how social networking is utilised in the business environment, focusing on the Online Social Networks (OSNs) that is effectively easing collaboration across the organisational boundaries. It is useful article to reference as it supports the essence of social network platform in providing business value. In addition, the article shows a real life example of how OSNs is implemented and what type of value is added to the business. O'Donnell, A. (2014). The contribution of networking to small firm marketing. Journal of Small Business Management, 52(1), 164-187. doi:10.1111/jsbm.12038 This journal article presents the benefits of the social network platform within a business, it looks...
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...reporting which systematic and in order.CSR is basically the combined integrated approach of good social and environmental governance practices in to all aspects of business which provide an integrated approach to all aspects material with non-financial issues. There are two basic benefits of CSR for both at company levels and property levels. First, it acts as a guide to the company and its programs that also acts as measure in facilitating organizational shifts and continuity in turnover. Secondly, it also helps in invoking the tracking procedures and measurement that enable analysis in terms of purchases, waste, water and energy. The data above further helps in in decision making in terms of retrofits and programs and capital expenses. The careful implementation of CSR policies can help an organization and it is a resource drain which is good for an organization. The benefits of CSR to Nike are The company has started new business ventures like New Green Venture Capital Arm to Fuel Innovation, New Model of Corporate Venture Capital etc. It has gained customer retention and has established some permanent motivated customers. The company has also improved its relationships with suppliers and developed networks like Native American Employee Network, Latino Employee Network, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Friends Employee Network, Black Employee and Friends Network etc… It has established an employee friendly environment giving rise to human resource retention...
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...most people tend to dismiss it as being no more than mindless entertainment. While there has certainly been a surplus of the campy science fiction shows on the air, some shows have used the science fiction genre to tackle serious social issues as well. This essay will take a look at two shows 54 years apart and will analyze how both use social concerns of the time period and create memorable narratives that speculate about human behavior and interactions. The first show this essay will look at is the generation defining classic The Twilight Zone (1959-1964), and the second show is a modern cult hit from the United Kingdom Utopia (2013-2014). //Through a comparative analysis of the episode “The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street” from The Twilight Zone (1959-1964) and “Episode 5” of the British cult hit, Utopia (2013-2014) this essay illustrates how the science fiction genre can be and has been used generation after generation to highlight certain social issues. Whereas The Twilight Zone uses America’s anxieties of communism and consumer culture to cause paranoia in the early sixties, Utopia uses big business, government conspiracies, and overpopulation in a plot that stirs up concern for the environment. Ultimately this essay will illustrate how social issues lay the foundation for a compelling science fiction narrative. \\ Shortly after WWII ended US soldiers returned home to a country very different than the one they had left. Jobs and wages were plentiful and young adults...
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...Introduction Garud and Karnøe (2003) stated that agency in technology entrepreneurship is distributed and embedded across different kinds of actors in the networks. The aggregation of inputs from various actors (both human and nonhuman) through multiple technological paths creates a momentum that result in technological change. The study compared wind turbine industry in Denmark and U.S. with the notion of “Bricolage” versus “Breakthrough”. The aim of this essay is to examine ways in which actors engage in different levels in shaping technological path. The Social Construction of Technology (SCOT) offers a deeper understanding on a relationship among technology and society and how social factors can influence technological development, whereas the Actor Network Theory (ANT) can help to identify problems and errors in the mechanism that result in a failure of innovation. The paper falls into three main sections. First it describes SCOT and its limitation, using the historical development of bicycle to illustrate. Then, ANT is discussed together with its failure. Thereafter, the SCOT and ANT theories can help to analyze the errors in U.S wind turbine case study and limitation of the paper in Hendry and Harborne’s view. Finally, this essay concludes the main findings and future research suggestions. 10 Reference: AWEA (2014). New analysis: U.S. is world’s number one wind energy producer, leading China and Germany. Available at: http://www.awea.org/MediaCenter/pressrelease.aspx? ItemNumber=6965...
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...presentation. I chose the approach because it is simple to use and strategic in the idea selection process. Each idea presented in the essay should be scored 1-10 for the following three aspects: 1. Novelty – it concerns how novel the idea is and the degree of novelty determines its creativity 2. Attractiveness – it ascertains the attractiveness of the idea. For instance, does it absolutely solve the existing problem? Or is it just a fractional solution. 3. Feasibility/Practicability – how feasible is the idea in being put into practice? Is it really feasible? (Bradac & Rebernik, n.d., p 44) Part One Part one of the essay presents the idea social programs and diverse activities. In this part, I will evaluate two concepts, first the social program and the CATWOE analysis approach using the model. Social Programs According to Laughlin (2011, p 22), the return of corporate benefits to the community is one of the most important policies of Samsung. For purposes of sustaining these social welfare programs, the company normally requires its employees to voluntarily participate in these programs. I will carry out an analysis of the social welfare as presented in the essay as one of the critical ideas. At first, I will try and identify some of its novelty, attractiveness, and feasibility. Novelty As highlighted in the essay, the social welfare program developed by...
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...com/shop/wrtg101-writing-assignment-2-comparison-contrast/ Writing Assignment #2: Comparison-Contrast Analysis Writing assignment #2 will be an essay in which you compare and contrast two objects, concepts, or ideas. You are encouraged to use your field of study to help in generating a topic for this essay. Some sample topics are listed below: If you are majoring in one of the Sciences programs in our SCIP unit, you might be majoring in one of the following: environmental management, biotechnology, laboratory management, social science, gerontology, psychology, or political science You might write a comparison-contrast essay on one of the following: green and non-green buildings two processes in building sustainable communities two countries’ approaches to a particular environmental issue archaeal viruses and bacterial viruses two gene lists in a particular animal community descriptive and prescriptive discriminant analysis in the social sciences two views of a particular field of study in the social sciences two methods of performance appraisal for an employee gender differences in a particular psychological phenomenon two frailty models two cultures’ methods or attitudes toward caring for the elderly If you are majoring in one of the disciplines in our Computer Information Systems and Technology (CITE) unit, you might be majoring in one of the following: computer networks and security, computer science, cybersecurity, digital media and web technology...
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...Critical Analysis: "The Social Responsibility of Busine Critical Analysis of "The Social Responsibility of Business" from Milton Friedman In this essay I evaluate Milton Friedman’s essay: “The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits” in 1970, on the Social Responsibility of a business and his theory, which is called the “Efficiency Perspective”. In every article and book that I have read about social responsibility, Friedman’s “Efficiency Perspective is placed centrally. During my research I found that Friedman is often criticised for being too classical. Friedman believes that manager’s foremost objective or even moral obligation to the firm should be to maximise profits always. There is however one condition that makes his perspective more complicated, not only for me, but also for several well-known authors. According to Friedman, the managers obligations should be carried out: “…while conforming to the basic rules of the society, both those embodied in law and those embodied in ethical custom”. This leads to one of the main questions of my essay: To what extent does Friedman’s “Efficiency Perspective” give foundation for responsible and moral international management behaviour? And need we any concern if it fails to do so? To fully answer the questions, I first need to explain the two different parts of the first question: responsible international management behaviour and moral international management behaviour. In businesses nowadays they...
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...College: MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE OF SINGAPORE Hand in Date: Hand in Date: Due Date: 13 November 2015 Due Date: 13 November 2015 Assignment Title: Strategic Analysis Assignment Title: Strategic Analysis Students Signature: (you must sign this declaring that it is all your own work and all sources of information have been referenced) Du Wenwen Students Signature: (you must sign this declaring that it is all your own work and all sources of information have been referenced) Du Wenwen Please complete all of the following details and then make this sheet the first page of each file of your assignment – do not send it as a separate document. For online submissions, your assignments must be submitted as either Word documents (with .doc extension, NOT.docx), text documents with .rtf extension or as .pdf documents. If you wish to submit in any other file format please discuss this with your lecturer well before the assignment submission date. Executive Summary This article is based on two parts. The Part A describes Massimo founded in 1985, acquisitive by Inditex Group in 1995, which developed a group of high-end brands, there are special private customized services. Massimo famous quality clothes. By analysing the internal and external environment and SWOT analysis, Massimo clear to competitive advantage and the evaluation of Situation with the company strategy. Part B is based on Part A. For Massimo's Segmentation Targeting & Positioning...
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...Mission 4 4.0 Corporate Social Responsibility 5 5.0 Five Forces Model of Competition and PESTEL (Marco-Environment) Analysis 6 5.1 Competitive Pressures Created By the Rivalry among Competing Sellers 6 5.2 Competitive Pressure Associated with the Threat of New Entrant 7 5.3 Competitive Pressures Coming from the Sellers of Substitute Product 8 5.4 Competitive Pressures Stemming from Supplier Bargaining Power 9 5.5 Competitive Pressures Stemming from Buyer Bargaining Power and Price Sensitivity 10 6.0 Value Chain Analysis 12 6.1 Primary Activities and Costs 13 6.2 Support Activities and Costs 15 7.0 Financial Analysis (Group account) 18 8.0 Celcom Axiata SWOT (TOWS) 20 8.1 Weakness and Threat 21 8.2 Weakness and Opportunity 22 8.3 Strength and Threat 23 8.4 Strength and Opportunity 24 9.0 Conclusion 26 10.0 References 27 11.0 Appendix 32 1.0 Executive summary We select Axiata Berhad as our research assignment and we focusing in Celcom Axiata Malaysia. In this assignment we will discuss on company introduction, internal and external factors and company strategy. The discussion is about company strategy that had been implemented, the benefit of the strategy and negative impact to the company. For internal and external, we use macro-environment or PESTAL analysis, porter five forces model of competition, value chain analysis and financial ratio to evaluate and form SWOT analysis. Through all the model or analysis, we gain more understanding...
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...Student-ID: H00172723 Course Title: Critical Writing and analysis Course Code: C07CP Assignment Title: ‘Final Essay’ Word Count: 2,561 Social media at small businesses Introduction Social media is defined ‘as the way in which people interact to create, share, and exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks’ (Katona & Sarvary, 2014). Few of the most common social media platforms are differentiated into social networks (such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, instant messaging), collaboration networks (examples: slideshare, Wikipedia, Prezi, Google docs, Zoho docs, survey monkey), image sharing (Instagram, Flickr, Pinterest and Picasa), blogging (Tumblr, Blogger and Word-press), micro-blogging (Twitter) and video-sharing platform (YouTube, Blip and Vimeo). Apple does not use Facebook or Twitter for social media marketing because it is a multinational corporation, but not every business is as large scale and successful as Apple. Social media now represents a new horizon of marketing opportunities to businesses. Marketing is a practice, which establishes what products or services the customers might be interested in. Social media supports the development of marketing of businesses, to have a different perception about the brand; this allows creative methods to implement basic marketing. Social media marketing provides the tools that the businesses needs to be able to observe discussions through the internet efficiently (Assaad and Gómez, 2011)...
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...intellectual strands. It is the study of the ways in which culture is constructed and the ways in which it evolves and changes over time (Study.com 2003 – 2017). Cultural analysis focus on the political dynamics of contemporary culture, its historical foundations, defining traits, conflicts, and contingencies. Researchers in this field investigate how cultural practices relate to wider systems of power associated with or operating through social phenomena, such as ideology and class structures. For Stephen Loosley, who was a New South Wales Senator in the 1990s, culture is ‘a complex of social customs,...
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