...business enterprises; In addition, your report should explore areas of strategic applications of IT by business enterprises, the challenges involved and suggestions for their improvements. Support your report with reference to case studies and /or examples of companies. i TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................................................... iii 1.0 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................1 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW ..............................................................................................................2 3.0 IT adoption concept on entreprise ..................................................................................................3 3.0.1 Internal Factors ..........................................................................................................................3 3.0.2 External Factors .........................................................................................................................5 4.0...
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...------------------------------------------------- Chapitre 1 : L’importance du Management des SI Q1 : Prquoi le Management des SI est le cours le plus important en ESC ? La loi de Gordon Moore : Co-fondateur d’Intel. En 1965, Moore base sa réflexion sur l’évolution technologique. Il constata que tous les ans la complexité des puces électroniques proposée en entrée de gamme doublait à prix constant. En conséquence, les machines sont devenues de plus en plus puissantes et de moins en moins couteuses. Concernant, Facebook, Linkdin, les futurs pros doivent être capables d’évaluer et d’appliquer ces nvelles technologies/sources d’infos au business. Vous avez besoin de ce cours pr obtenir ces compétences et avoir un job sur. Vous devez avoir des connaissances (informatique, marketing, comptabilité) et oser les mettre en avant. Ms il faut aussi dvper des fonctions cognitives supérieures (facultés que l’on retrouve chez l’Homme comme le raisonnement logique, le jugement moral ou esthétique) en parallèles à nos connaissances en marketing, finance Ex. de Fonctions cognitives supérieures : Raisonnement abstrait | Construire un modèle ou une représentation | Système de pensée | Créer des composantes et montrer cmt les ressources et les résultats des composantes st reliées les unes aux autres. | Collaboration | Dvper des idées et des plans avec les autres. Donner et recevoir des critiques | Habilité à expérimenter | Créer et tester des nvelles alternatives, en accord...
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...Recruter sans l'aide d'internet ? Pas une seule grande entreprise ne l'envisagerait aujourd'hui. Après les sites institutionnels, les job-boards ou les pages recrutement des sites d'entreprise, de nouveaux outils ont vu le jour, moins formels et plus interactifs. Rencontre avec les blogs, chats et réseaux sociaux... Les chats Ces dialogues en direct fleurissent depuis 2 ou 3 ans sur les sites d’entreprise. Parfois destinés à recruter directement, ils sont en général utilisés afin de communiquer sur les recrutements à venir, les métiers, la politique salariale et sociale, la mobilité, etc. Ici, l’objectif n’est pas de dénicher la perle rare en direct, mais bien d’offrir la possibilité aux candidats potentiels de s’informer avec précision et en profondeur sur l’entreprise. Cette communication de recrutement interactive permet également aux DRH d’attirer des cadres motivés et des candidatures bien ciblées. CE QU’IL FAUT RETENIR Une nouvelle façon de communiquer Le chat permet d’instaurer un dialogue direct entre des internautes et un invité. En associant cet outil de communication au recrutement, Canalchat Grandialogue propose aux recruteurs de rencontrer des candidats de manière simple et efficace. Dialogue et interactivité Pour l’entreprise qui recrute, le chat permet de recevoir des candidatures très ciblées. En posant leurs questions, les demandeurs d’emploi sont au courant des postes à pourvoir, de la politique RH de l’entreprise et des modes de recrutement... Tout...
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...Partie Adrien - Audit Interne et Externe (concurrence) L'importance d'un réseau d'anciens élèves est primordiale dans le développement des écoles de nos jours. De plus depuis quelques années elles deviennent de plus en plus puissante depuis la réforme des universités de 2007 qui met en avant la mission d'insertion professionnelle et prennent une place prépondérante et deviennent un atout majeur que les écoles doivent entretenir et développer pour ne pas se laisser distancer. Elles sont maintenant comparer à tous les niveaux (prix, offres, services, effectifs ...) créant ainsi une certaine concurrence entre les écoles. Avec le développement rapide des réseaux sociaux depuis quelques années les distances sont "éliminés" et il devient normale et comme acquis de pouvoir rentrer en contact et/ou communiquer avec les gens du monde entiers quelque soit la distance qui sépare les interlocuteurs. Probablement une des conséquences de toutes les nouvelles possibilités offertes par la technologie, les réseaux peuvent être mis a profit pour développer les réseaux d'anciens à moindre coût . Cependant tout n'est pas si simple, la mécanique d'internet et des réseaux reste encore complexe et il faut donc être préparé pour bien réussir et avoir une vision sur le long terme que ce soit pour le développement du réseau ou que ce soit pour les avantages proposés aux adhérents. Avant tout il faut bien comprendre les enjeux d'un réseaux d'anciens: insertion professionnelle, sourcing, annuaire, offres...
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...MBA Management des Ressources Humaines – Promotion 2004-2005 L’égalité professionnelle hommes-femmes : Contrainte légale ou facteur de performances ? « L’égalité ne se décrète pas, elle s’organise » Cristina Lunghi, Présidente Fondatrice d’Arborus Travail réalisé par : Olivier LAVICTOIRE, Laure PELUSO, Patrice VIVANT, Christelle VULLIEN Avec le soutien de Laurent BUTLER , EDF-DEV L’égalité professionnelle hommes-femmes : contrainte légale ou facteur de performances ? Remerciements Nous tenons à exprimer nos remerciements à toutes les personnes qui nous ont soutenus durant ce programme de formation. Nous remercions tout particulièrement : o o o o o o le corps professoral du MBA Christiane Isserte, pour sa constante bonne humeur à nos côtés Les participants pour la richesse de nos échanges Nos sociétés respectives pour leur soutien dans notre démarche Nos conjoints pour nous avoir « supportés » pendant le MBA Les professionnels qui ont pris le temps de nous recevoir : • François Fatoux, Délégué général de l’ORSE, • Rachel Silvera, économiste, maître de conférence à Paris X Nanterre, membre du groupe de recherche MAGE du CNRS, • Evelyne Polzhuber, Chargée de Mission à l’ARACT Ile de France, • Cristina Lunghi, Présidente fondatrice d’Arborus, • Daniel Caille, Directeur Général de Dexia Crédit Local, • Yves Gaillot, Responsable du Recrutement de Dexia Crédit Local, • Michel Berrehouc, Directeur du département Ressources Humaines, Relations Sociales et Cadres Dirigeants...
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...|[pic] |Detailed module outline | | |OB 401 E | | |Organisational Behaviour | DEPARTMENT : MANAGEMENT AND ORGANISATION PROGRAMMES: Advanced Undergraduate Transfer Credit, PGE2 INSTRUCTORS : Don MINDAY, coordinator Slava DMITRIEV Jean-Bertrand LEFEBVRE Sophie HENNEKAM -TREGUIER Inju YANG-McCOURT FORMAT : 3 hours weekly: 1 ½ hr. of lecture, 1 ½ hr. tutorial 2 tutorial groups will follow a weekend seminar format CREDITS : 5 ECTS credits PRE-REQUISITE MODULES: None LEARNING OBJECTIVES : This module is designed to prepare students for their future role as business managers by giving them a conceptual framework which should help them to more effectively understand, predict, and influence behaviour in organisations. It is complementary to the 1st year module "Management relationnel" and the 2nd year module "Cross-Cultural Management" LEARNING OUTCOMES : At the end of this module, each student will be able...
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...KATA PENGANTAR Puji dan syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa karena berkat rahmat dan perlindungan-Nya yang telah diberikan kepada penulis sehingga dapat menyelesaikan laporan business creation tepat pada waktunya. Dalam penyelesaian proposal ini, penulis menghadapi berbagai macam kesulitan, antara lain keterbatasan waktu dan pengetahuan. Namun berkat bimbingan dari berbagai pihak, akhirnya penulisi dapat menyelesaikan laporan business creation, walaupun masih dijumpai berbagai kekurangan. Oleh karena itu, dalam kesempatan ini penulis ingin menyampaikan terima kasih yang setinggi-tingginya kepada semua pihak yang membantu dan membimbing penulisan ini. Secara khusus penulis ingin menyampaikan terima kasih kepada: 1. Bapak Rudy Handoko, Dr selaku ketua penanggung jawab sistem pengajaran kuliah S1 Prasetiya Mulya yang telah memberi kesempatan kepada penulis untuk menyusun proposal ini. 2. Bapak Teguh Endaryono, MM dan Bapak Asdwin Noor selaku dosen mata kuliah Business creation yang membimbing penulis selama proses penyusunan laporan dengan bijaksana. 3. Orang tua penulis yang selalu memberi dukungan dan doa kepada penulis hingga akhir penyelesaian laporan ini. 4. Teman-teman penulis yang mendukung baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung sehingga penulis dapat menyelesaikan penelitian ini dengan lancar. 5. Pihak-pihak lain yang telah membantu penulis dalam penyusunan laporan Business creation ini yang tidak dapat disebutkan satu per satu. ...
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...Chapter 1: The business systems of Asia Variety in the regional and general features Civilizational traditions • Confucianism • Taoism • Buddhism • Islam • Catholicism Historical external influences • Colonies • India establishing trading connections, mostly in South East Asia • Chinese who left China and settled as business people in the countries around the rim of the South China sea Periods: 1. 1945-1975 After the retreat of colonial powers, countries needed to reestablish their identity and political structures → hostility + Maoist experiments in China 2. 1975-1997 Relative calm period, stable growth, export to foreign countries, rise in FDI a. Mao’s death: collapse of communism → socialist market economy b. Japanese miracle c. Impressive growth of the South-Korean economy 3. Ersatz capitalism → Asian crisis in 1997: inefficient use of capital was covered up by the availability of easy money from governments, optimistic foreign investors lured by the emerging markets. The system could not keep up the pretence as it became sensitive to a downturn in the economic cycle which hit the region in 1997. → End of easy money and beginnings of reforms. 4. After 1997, reforms: • Improvements to accountability and disclosure in the financing of industry • Reduction of favoritism and corruption during control of licenses and capital • Opening of markets to foreign competition • Adoption of international standards in accounting, trading, IPR • General rise...
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...UNDERGRADUATE PORGRAM IN MANAGEMENT INTERNSHIP FINAL REPORT – PRJ100 Trust consulting BY Belhassen Neili Academic year 2014-2015 1 Declaration I certify that I am the author of this project and that any assistance I received in its preparation is fully acknowledged and disclosed in this project. I have also cited any source from which I used data, ideas, or words, either quoted or paraphrased. Further, this report meets all of the rules of quotation and referencing in use at MSB, as well as adheres to the fraud policies listed in the MSB honor code. No portion of the work referred to in this study has been submitted in support of an application for another degree or qualification to this or any other university or institution of learning. Belhassen Neili Student Name Belhassen Neili Signature 10/09/2015 Date 2 Abstract During the professional internship, I discovered a new business filed that I was not interested about at the beginning, yet, after the first week, I had the passion which drives me to execute different task and learning much more about this particular filed of business. Trust consulting was the host company, situated in Nabeul, Tunisia. Though this final report, I will try to match the different activities of the enterprise and describe the way it works stating from global filed until the specific tasks of the company. Keywords: ENS, Trust consulting, technology, Business, work process 3 Table of Contents ...
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...A joint venture is a business agreement in which parties agree to develop, for a finite time, a new entity and new assets by contributing equity. They exercise control over the enterprise and consequently share revenues, expenses and assets. There are other types of companies such as JV limited by guarantee, joint ventures limited by guarantee with partners holding shares. In European law, the term 'joint-venture' (or joint undertaking) is an elusive legal concept, better defined under the rules of company law. In France, the term 'joint venture' is variously translated as 'association d'entreprises', 'entreprise conjointe', 'coentreprise' and 'entreprise commune'. But generally, the term societe anonyme loosely covers all foreign collaborations. In Germany,'joint venture' is better represented as a 'combination of companies' (Konzern)[1] On the other hand, when two or more persons come together to form a temporary partnership for the purpose of carrying out a particular project, such partnership can also be called a joint venture where the parties are "co-venturers". The venture can be for one specific project only - when the JV is referred to more correctly as a consortium (as the building of the Channel Tunnel) - or a continuing business relationship. The consortium JV (also known as a cooperative agreement) is formed where one party seeks technological expertise or technical service arrangements, franchise and brand use agreements, management contracts, rental agreements...
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...The Future of the Internet A Compendium of European Projects on ICT Research Supported by the EU 7th Framework Programme for RTD European Commission I nform ati on S oc i et y and M ed ia Europe Direct is a service to help you find answers to your questions about the European Union New freephone number * 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11 Certain mobile telephone operators do not allow access to 00800 numbers or these calls may be billed. In certain cases, these calls may be chargeable from telephone boxes or hotels. «The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the European Commission or any of its officials» A great deal of additional information on the European Union is available on the Internet. It can be accessed through the Europa server (http://www.europa.eu). Cataloguing data can be found at the end of this publication. ISBN 978-92-79-08008-1 © European Communities, 2008 Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. Printed in Belgium PRINTED ON CHLORE FREE PAPER The Future of the Internet A Compendium of European Projects on ICT Research Supported by the EU 7th Framework Programme for RTD European Commission I nform ati on S oc i et y and M ed ia ••• 2 Preface 5 priorities identified by the Internet Governance Forum: openness, security, access, diversity and critical Internet resources. The use of the Internet in public policies will considerably grow in areas such as education, culture, health and e-government...
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...Marketing research Marketing research is “the process or set of processes that links the consumers, customers, and end users to the marketer through information — information used to identify and define marketing opportunities and problems; generate, refine, and evaluate marketing actions; monitor marketing performance; and improve understanding of marketing as a process. Marketing research specifies the information required to address these issues, designs the method for collecting information, manages and implements the data collection process, analyzes the results, and communicates the findings and their implications.”[1] It is the systematic gathering, recording, and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data about issues relating to marketing products and services. The goal of marketing research is to identify and assess how changing elements of the marketing mix impacts customer behavior. The term is commonly interchanged with market research; however, expert practitioners may wish to draw a distinction, in that market research is concerned specifically with markets, while marketing research is concerned specifically about marketing processes.[2] Marketing research is often partitioned into two sets of categorical pairs, either by target market: • Consumer marketing research, and • Business-to-business (B2B) marketing research Or, alternatively, by methodological approach: • Qualitative marketing research, and • Quantitative marketing research 1 Role The task of marketing...
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...The Role and Measurement of Quality in Competition Analysis 2013 The OECD Competition Committee discussed the role and measurement of quality in competition analysis in June 2013. This document contains an executive summary of that debate and the documents from the meeting: an analytical note by the OECD staff and written submissions: Australia, Canada, Chile, the European Union, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Portugal, United Kingdom, Ukraine, United States and BIAC. A note by Theodore Voorhees Jr. as well as a detailed summary of the discussion are also included. Competition policy is just as concerned with quality as it is with prices. While the importance of quality is undisputed and issues about quality are mentioned pervasively in competition agency guidelines and court decisions, there is no widely-agreed framework for analysing it which often renders its treatment superficial. There are a number of reasons why in practice, courts and competition authorities rarely analyse quality effects as rigorously as they analyse price effects. First, quality is a subjective concept and therefore much harder to define and measure than prices. In addition, microeconomic theory offers little help in predicting how changes in the level of competition in a market will affect quality and it is usually up to empirical analysis to determine how quality will change in response to varying degrees of competition in the context of particular markets. Given difficulties in terms of the evaluation...
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...Mass media From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The mass media is a diversified collection of media technologies that reach a large audience via mass communication. The technologies through which this communication takes place include a variety of outlets. Broadcast media transmit information electronically, via such media as film, radio, recorded music, or television. Digital media comprises both Internet and mobile mass communication. Internet media comprise such services as email, social media sites, websites, and Internetbased radio and television. Many other mass media outlets have an additional presence on the web, by such means as linking to or running TV ads online, or distributing QR Codes in outdoor or print media to direct mobile users to a website. In this way, they can utilise the easy accessibility and outreach capabilities the Internet affords, as thereby easily broadcast information throughout many different regions of the world simultaneously and costefficiently. Outdoor media transmit information via such media as AR advertising; billboards; blimps; flying billboards (signs in tow of airplanes); placards or kiosks placed inside and outside of buses, commercial buildings, shops, sports stadiums, subway cars, or trains; signs; or skywriting.[1] Print media transmit information via physical objects, such as books, comics, magazines, newspapers, or pamphlets.[2] Event organizing and public speaking can also be considered forms of mass media.[3] The organizations that control these technologies...
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...Social Audit: A Toolkit A Guide for Performance Improvement and Outcome Measurement CENTRE FOR GOOD GOVERNANCE Knowledge Technology People Social Audit: A Toolkit No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer or a research scholar who may quote brief passages in a review in a magazine or a newspaper or for research purposes as the case may be. Copyright CGG 2005 Printed and published by the Director General & Executive Director, Centre for Good Governance Dr MCR HRD IAP Campus, Road No. 25, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad 500 033. 2 |||Social Audit: A Toolkit| |||||| |||||| |||||| ||Contents|||| |Preface|||| |List of abbreviations|||| SECTION – I. SOCIAL AUDIT EXPLAINED|7|| 1.|Introduction to Social Audit|9| 2.|Accountability Mechanisms: Cases from India|10|| 3.|Social Audit Vs Other Audits|13|| 4.|History of Social Audit|14|| 5.|Stakeholders and Social Audit|15|| 6.|Principles of Social Audit|17|| 7.|Uses and Functions of Social Audit|18|| 8.|Benefits of Social Auditing for Government Departments|19|| 9.|The Design and Methodology|20|| 10.|Social Audit for Government of Andhra Pradesh|21|| 11.|Good Governance and Social Audit|22|| 12.|Social Auditing and Performance Evaluation|24|| 13.|How does Social Audit work?|25|| 14.|Who can use Social Audit?|26|| 15.|Social Audit and Social Capital|27|| 16.|Designing...
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