...Health Disparities Based on Socioeconomic Status MHA614: Policy Formation & Leadership in Health Organizations Tuesday, October 28, 2014 Introduction The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) is a body of the United Nations Program that provides assistance to children and their mothers in the developing countries. The organization helps in building a world where every child enjoys the liberty and freedom. The organization believes in the fact that a today’s children will determine tomorrow’s world. Thus, nurturing the children in a positive manner will help in the betterment of the world in the future. The organization was established with the purpose of working with others in order to overcome problems faced by social and economic issues like poverty, violence, ill health discrimination among the children based on race, ethnicity etc. I - UNICEF span and work focus The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) takes a large number of measures to provide the best start for a child’s life as a good care in the initial stages of an individual’s life ensures the best foundation for its future. The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) encourages education for girls making sure that they at least complete their primary school education in order to learn to read and write. This is applicable to boys as well (David Gorski, 2012). But, the organization stresses more upon the girls’ education as an educated girl can be and help one to be a better thinker, a better...
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...should make positive income and decline out quality assurance problems. With that in mind, I came up with few suggestions on how we could fix and strengthen our present weaknesses with revenue, marketing and managed care. Payer Mix Problems Our healthcare facility has been losing money for the last few months on Medicaid and Medicare patients since the enactment of Affordable Healthcare Act. The government is paying less and less for the services that are being provided to our patients and also is very slow at paying claims, however more and more patients are being added to the program which is the result of why Medicaid performed worse than commercial plans and Medicare on key metrics such as days in accounts receivable, denial rates and electronic remittance advice transparency. While some state Medicaid plans, such as Medicaid Connecticut, performed especially well on select metrics, such as enrollment, as a whole the category continues to underperform. (Monegain, 2014) Middlefield Hospital is a community based hospital and in this way, it constantly does its part at being a fundamental piece of its group. Our patients with commercial insurance payers have significantly declined because of the poor economy. Nonetheless, our healthcare facility is still one of the best in the area, because the quality has always been our first priority. My first proposal would be to recommend a "healthcare exchange." The healthcare exchange is, in actuality, a market place in which...
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...Career path I am currently studying at Tresham College studying health and social care level 3. The entry requirement where the following A minimum of 4 GCSEs at C or above including English, maths and science OR an Intermediate Diploma (Level 2) in Health and Social Care at merit grade or above with a good reference OR a relevant Level 2 vocational qualification. I managed to get on this course as I done level 2 health and social care and gained a merit on this course. Mental health nursing Mental health nursing is often complex, demanding and very rewarding. As many as one in three people are thought to suffer some form of mental health problem. However, dealing with the human mind and behaviour is not an exact science. Therapeutic relationships Mental ill health is often brought on by a crisis in life such as depression after the death of a partner. However, depression is just one of the ranges of conditions that come under the heading of mental ill health. There are also neuroses, psychoses, psychological and personality disorders. Therapeutic relationships between the mental health nurse, those with mental ill health, and their families are critical to successful mental health nursing. Helping people back to mental health is also every bit as valuable and satisfying as caring for those with a physical illness. Core qualities and skills Your main tool as a mental health nurse will be the strength of your own personality and communication skills. You will need to...
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...Children's Health Children's Health The health of children sets the foundation for a nation’s destiny. The health of a child has long term implications on nation’s health. Health is the most important thing that a human being can possess that is why the proverb says Health is Wealth. Everyone desires to be free from disease and disability and every child need to be physically and mentally healthy to study well. Investing in children's health has many benefits, including improved development, improved school performance, and long-term savings in health care costs. Healthy children have more opportunities to succeed in schools and are more likely to become healthy, productive adults. Nurses are frontline powerful authority figures in assessing the health issues, finding out the major contributing factors related to the issues, and educating the children about healthy life style to improving the health and well-being. The objective of children’s health is to ensure that appropriate programs and resources are in place to provide prompt effective assistance to preserve and improve the health of the future generation. Health Assessment Good health is a matter of great concern, and keeping children healthy is vital for proper growth and development. Children are one of our nation’s most precious resources and children are going to be our future leaders. Therefore, giving them better education and better health care are key components in succeeding in their life and improving...
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...principles are as follows: 1. Stay safe 2. Healthy 3. Enjoy and achieve 4. Economic well-being 5. Positive contribution. You can easily remember this why using SHEEP an acronym. The NHS - National Health Service – provides healthcare for all UK citizens based on type of healthcare they need rather than the ability to pay for it. It is all funded by taxes. It involves all types of healthcare including the care of children and young people with learning difficulties and disabilities. It holds the duty of providing the suitable resources and assistance for a family. Staff will work very closely with other agencies and a multi-disciplinary team may be involved in the overall care plan for an individual. It came around after the Second World War which ended in 1948. People of that time didn’t have enough money to pay treatments and so the NHS came into plan. Local Government Local government set up places and facilities that are available to the local people that are in need of help, for example extra-curricular clubs which are run by the local authority. Another example would be the Local Authority Children’s Services in England (LACS). This was introduces in the year 2004 and set the bar for the children’s health, socials services and other related. The three main categories include chidren services, chilldrens trusts and intergrated services.Local government decide where it is best to the government for example children services would not be provided in an area...
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...The Structures of Health and Social Care Provision- Introduction to Essay- During this essay I will be discussing the overall structure of social care provision in England. I will outline the different types of care provided by social services and what barriers may occur to prevent one from being able to use them. I will be analysing the structure of both the new and old social care provision, and discussing the changes which have been put in place. Lastly, I will concentrate on primary and secondary care, and looking at different types of regulation methods to ensure that social services are up to the government’s standards. The Structure of Social Care Provision- The Office of the Director is the central office at NIH (National Institutes of Health). It is responsible for setting policies, managing, planning and coordinating all of the activities for all of the NIH components. The Office of the Director is directly in charge of the Children’s Division, the Family Support Division, the MO HealthNet Division, the Division of Youth Services and the Information Technology Services Division. However, it holds responsible for all Divisions. The Children’s Division looks after children and young people; it includes services such as adoption services, foster care, abuse and neglect investigations and the child welfare manual. The Family Support Division helps to ensure that families achieve an appropriate level of self-support and care through needs...
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...10B – Care provided for looked after children and young people P2: Outline the arrangements for providing quality care for looked after children and young people There are various types of quality care provided for looked after children and young people such as; foster care, residential care, adoption, respite care and temporary/ permanent care, of which can occur due to a care order being put into place. Planning for care in partnership with the child/ young person, parents and other agencies: It is in the child's best interests that any and all care provisions are established and organised whenever possible in a mutually accepted way. In some instances, the parents or family of the child have asked for support and help to be provided, possibly on a short term basis. The chances of the outcome being successful can be increased when all participating parties can come to an agreement on the partnership arrangements for the mutual care and support of the child. Type of Care/ Provision | Characteristics | Foster Care | Foster care is supervised care, which is when a child is looked after by other people who are not members of their own family. Foster care is usually short –term, however it can become long-term depending on the situation and the child's own individual needs; this is provided for children and young people who have been neglected or are unable to live with their parents/ families.This provision provides children and young people with a stable, secure...
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...Health matters in a globalising world Transnational corporations A transnational corporation (TNC) is a company that operates in at least two countries. It is common for TNCs to have a hierarchical structure, with the headquarters and R&D department in the country of origin, and manufacturing plants overseas. As the organisation becomes more global, regional headquarters and R&D departments may develop in the manufacturing areas. TNCs take on many different forms and cover a wide range of companies involved in the following primary, secondary (manufacturing) and tertiary (service) activities: * Resource extraction, particularly in the mining sector, for materials such as oil and gas * Manufacturing in three main sectors: 1. High-tech industries such as computers, scientific instruments, microelectronics, pharmaceuticals 2. Large-volume consumer goods such as motor vehicles, tyres, televisions and other electrical goods 3. Mass-produced consumer goods such as cigarettes, drinks, breakfast cereals, cosmetics, branded goods * Services such as banking/finance, advertising, freight transport, hotels and fast-food operations TNCs are the driving force behind economic globalisation. As the rules regulating the movement of goods and investment have been relaxed and the sources and destinations of investment have become more diverse, such companies have extended their reach. There are now few parts of the world where the influence of TNCs is not...
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...concept and role of hope in children’s palliative care, the ethical and legal issues that affect the reality of giving hope to families and the implications for practice. The death of a child in Western society is an unnatural event that no parent ever expects to experience. The best children’s palliative care is defined as an active and total approach to care, from the point of diagnosis or recognition, throughout the child’s life, death and beyond. It embraces physical, emotional, social and spiritual elements, and focuses on the enhancement of quality of life for the child and support for the family. The articles discusses how hope is essential for the families and that there is a strong link between hope and quality of life. Hope is considered an effective coping strategy in dealing with serious illness. Also, the way in which staff communicate with families will undoubtedly affect whether they allow the preservation of hope. A questionnaire was administered to nurses and doctors about what they perceived as barriers when introducing the idea of palliative care for children to families. The most common obstacle identified was uncertain prognosis. The second most common barrier was that the family members were not ready to acknowledge that their child might have an incurable condition. The fact that parents may not be ready to acknowledge that their child has an incurable condition or is going to die should not detract from the healthcare worker’s duty to be as honest...
Words: 548 - Pages: 3
...development of science and the advancement of civilization, children's mental health difficult has achieved an increasing number of attention. In the past few decades, children's mental health difficult cannot get enough attention, which caused much irreparable damage to many family and society. When children's mental health problem cannot get the correct processing, is likely to cause much bad effect. For instance, some children with mental health difficulties may have the actions which is to hurt themselves or hurt other people. (Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care, 2000)Therefore, the government need to invest to found professional treatment child mental disease hospital and to establish the school to train the professionals to treat the children’s mental health illness. First, only the professional hospital can give children suffer from mental illness to provide the best treatment. Next, the professional psychological disease hospital need professional psychological doctor, and the doctor need the professional school. Finally, government investment to establish corresponding schools and hospitals are more prestige and more reliable. The first reason is only the professional hospital can give children suffer from mental illness to provide the best treatment. There is no health without mental health. A declaration from the World Health Organization (WHO), we can comprehend the psychological health problems relating everyone, children is also not extraordinary. (World...
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...Reflection of the incarcerated In society, the impact and consequences of mass incarceration and the impact that affects their children cannot be ignored. Mass incarceration extends far beyond the individuals behind bars. One aspect that cannot be ignored is the huge effect it has on their children. Children of incarcerated parents often face a myriad of challenges, including emotional distress, financial instability, and disruptions in their education and social lives. These consequences not only affect the immediate well-being of the children, but can have long-lasting implications on their future generation and their opportunities. Topics and my thoughts on what I focused on. Children of incarcerated parents often face emotional and psychological...
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...collaborative practice, discuss a specific clinical case, and identify the participating healthcare and social service groups. Common situations for collaborative care will be discussed, nursing diagnoses and collaborative problems will be differentiated, and barriers to successful collaboration will be discussed. A conclusion will be made based on the findings of the paper. “Collaborative practice is intended to combine the knowledge and skills of several health professionals to maximize the efficiency of both the clinicians and the health care system” (Slippery Rock University, 2007). In other words, it is the intermingling of multiple healthcare disciplines in order to provide the best patient care. An example of this could be the work on a surgical floor where nurses, physicians, surgeons, physical therapy, respiratory therapy, social work, and home health all work together to ensure that each aspect of the recovery is managed well. The clinical case to be discussed is a two month old male who arrived in the pediatric emergency room after a referral from the pediatrician’s office. The child presented to the pediatrician with a two day history of coughing, runny nose, decreased intake and a fever. The child had very few wet diapers in the past 12 hours. The child showed signs of dehydration and was sent by helicopter with the pediatric transport team to the regional children’s hospital. Upon arrival to the emergency room the child had increased work of breathing...
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...American Hospital Association’s goal is to help people obtain health coverage, help businesses offer health coverage to employees, and ensure access to essential services. (aha.org) The term health insurance is commonly used to describe any program that helps pay for medical expenses, whether through privately purchased insurance, social insurance or a non-insurance social welfare program funded by the government. Health Insurance or Healthcare in the United States is provided by many different entities. Health care facilities are mostly owned and operated by the private sector. Health insurance is now primarily provided by the government in the public sector, with 60-65% of healthcare provision and spending coming from programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, Tricare, the Children's Health Insurance Program, and the Veterans Health Administration. (healthpaconline.net) The U.S. Census Bureau reported that a record 50.7 million residents of the population were uninsured in 2009. More money per person is spent on health care in the USA than in any other nation in the world. Despite everyone not having health insurance, the USA has the third highest public healthcare expenditure per capita, because of the high cost of medical care in the country. The United States is the only nation that does not ensure every person has health insurance. Active debate about health care reform in the United States concerns questions of a right to health care, access, fairness, efficiency, cost, choice, value...
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...Childhood Obesity David Sholl Western Governors University Task 3 Childhood Obesity Part A: Description of the Problem The primary focus of the literature review will be childhood obesity among American children between the ages of five and eighteen years. Most parents are not aware that their children have problems until they become overweight. For instance, in a survey conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2011, about 49% of American parents believed that their children were of average size. However, after physical examinations, a team of physicians classified them as overweight. Central adiposity is one of the symptoms of childhood obesity. Children with excessive accumulation of fat around the abdominal area are either overweight or obese. Inability to cope with abrupt physical activities is another symptom. Numerous studies indicate that overweight children have diminished physical stamina because their bodies carry excess weight. Snoring is the other notable symptom of childhood obesity. As fat accumulates around the neck region, it obstructs the windpipe leading to snoring among children. Childhood obesity is now a pandemic in the U.S, and has become a national health crisis. One in every three children in America aged between two and eighteen years are considered overweight or obese. The life-threatening problems of obesity create a critical and compelling call for action that should not be ignored. According to numerous sources obesity is related...
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...Unit 308. 1.1 Explain the impact of poverty on outcomes and life chances for children and young people. Poverty can significantly impact the outcomes and life chances of children and young people in several ways: Children living in poverty often lack access to adequate healthcare, nutritious food, and safe living conditions. This can lead to higher rates of chronic illnesses, malnutrition, and developmental delays, ultimately affecting their overall health and well-being. Poverty can hinder educational attainment due to factors such as inadequate resources at home, lack of access to quality schools, and increased stressors that can affect concentration and learning. Children from low-income families may also be more likely to drop out of school...
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