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Social Reform Movements: The Shakers And Mormons

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Compare and contrast some of these experiments and relate them to the larger social reform movements which have affected the larger society. What are the professional advantages of having a flexible view of family composition, structure and processes? What would be the advantages of a more flexible family definition in social and economic policy?

As Settles (2015) concluded that both of The Shakers and Mormons communities were utopian religious community. Secondly, gender inequality existed in both groups. After that, they were started roughly at the same time in the United States. Even though they shared some commonalities, there were some differences between the two groups as well. Settles (2015) also mentioned Mormons is an energetic community with a rapid growing speed in today, while The Shakers was terminated in the 20th century. In addition, Mormons had the tradition of polygamy, whereas The Shakers did not have that tradition, since they were influenced by Quaker faith. Moreover, Mormons were not only growing in the United States, they also have branches in Canada and Mexico. However, even though The Shakers were end in 20th century, they were planning to come back. …show more content…
Mormons’ polygamy could be one example. According to Mormon’s Official Declaration 1, “President Wilford Woodrull issued the following Manifesto, which was accepted by the Church as authoritative and binding on October 6, 1890. This led to the end of the practice of plural marriage in the Church” (1890). In this way, Mormon’s women were then placed in a relatively equal position in their marriages. Women in the history were not able to enjoy many rights compared to the women in today. Therefore, the increased in the quality in a marriage, also indicated the increasing social power of

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