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Social Reform: Slavery After Colonization Of North America

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In the mid 1860s, a social reform was occurring; the 13th amendment was placed into work, and model contacts were also being implemented. These reforms affected everyone in their daily lives and largely impacted the economy, government, and agricultural industry. Slavery was the main source of labor for most business owners in the south during and after colonization of North America, due to the triangular slave trade system.

Slavery was an easy solution to the lack of workers in the agriculture industry and an extremely cheap source of labor. However, this source was widely controversial and also entirely regional in the North American colonies. With these social reforms came many new labor laws and rules.
Martin R. Delaney’s model contract

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...Themes | 6 | Four Historical Thinking Skills | 7 | Essays Overview | 8 - 15 | Document-based Question (DBQ) | 8 – 12 | Change and Continuity over Time (CCOT) | 13 – 15 | Comparative Essay | 16 – 18 | Released Free Response Questions | 19 – 20 | AP Curriculum Framework | 21 – 38 | Period 1 (Up to 600 B.C.E.)—5% | 21 – 22 | Period 2 (600 B.C.E. to 600 C.E.)—15% | 23 – 25 | Period 3 (600 to 1450)—20% | 26 – 28 | Period 4 (1450 to 1750)—20% | 29 – 31 | Period 5 (1750 to 1900)—20% | 32 – 35 | Period 6 (1900 to the present)—20% | 36 – 38 | Help with Some Confusing Subjects | 39 – 43 | Chinese Dynasties | 39 | Political, Economic, and Social Systems | 40 | Religions | 41 | Primary Sources | 42 | “Must Know” Years | 43 | * Many of the guidelines in this study packet are adapted from the AP World History Course Description, developed by College Board. The AP Exam Purchasing and taking the AP World History exam are requirements of the course. This year, the AP World History exam will be administered on: ___________________________________________ Format I. Multiple Choice a. You will have 55 minutes to answer 70 Questions. b. Each question has options A, B, C, and D. c. Questions are divided evenly between the five course themes (20% each) and six periods. d. Each questions addresses one of the four historical thinking...

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