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Social Work Juvenile Justice


Submitted By sgrand94
Words 3126
Pages 13
Social Work: Juvenile Delinquency In the last twenty years, juvenile crime is at its lowest point. It has decreased 36% since 1996 (Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention). With this change in crime rate, it can be assumed that the prevention of juvenile delinquency has been a great asset to our country, and leads into the profession of social workers role in juvenile delinquency. An overview of this field requires a social worker to be knowledgeable with criminal law, principles and education that can be gained from experience, familiarity with laws and practices, and awareness of environmental contributors. The social worker must be prepared to work in a variety of settings, and with other professions that contribute to cases.
Overview of Social Problem The Social Work Dictionary states that juvenile delinquency is seen as a person under the age of 18 (some jurisdictions go by 21) that have been involved in criminal activity (juvenile delinquency, 2003). In 2002, juvenile delinquency was at its lowest point in the last two decades. Despite the statistics, most people believe that juvenile crime continues to rise. The media plays a great part in this problem because when a violent crime involves young offenders, the media has excessive coverage on situation. The average age of delinquents continue to be younger and younger. Even though juvenile crime has decreased, but serious violent crime rate for boys and girls are excessively high (McWhirter et al, 2007). Juvenile delinquents commit status offenses as well as other crimes. The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Preventions explains the different type of crimes most commonly committed by juveniles: possession, rape, underage drinking, DUI, robbery, assault, and murder. Juveniles can break any type of crime, but will be tried in juvenile law. A status offence is when one is

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