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Solar Panel Manufacturing Industry


Submitted By gergeb
Words 678
Pages 3
The industry that I decided to do my paper on is the Solar Panel manufacturing industry. Over the past decade, the dramatic rise in energy cost and the movement to become “greener” as a country, has led to the growth of environmentally friendly industries such as Solar Panel manufacturing. The Solar Power manufacturing industry has been at the head of the pack of the green industrial movement with an average annual revenue growth of 32.3% from 2002 to 2012, including a growth of 9.4% in 2012. One of the other big upsides to being in the green industry is that there are substantial subsidies given out by the government to promote the growth of renewable energies and reduce the dependence on fossil and other non-renewable fuels. One of the biggest issues with Solar Panel manufacturing in the United States is that the consumer could buy Solar Panels for much less overseas, but with the falling prices of silicon, domestic and international sales have become much more competitive. According to a report by IBIS World, the Solar Panel industry had revenue of 4610.5 million in 2012 and is expected to have a continual growth every year up to revenue of 6827.5 million in 2017.
In looking at the various companies that are in the Solar Panel manufacturing I chose First Solar as the franchise I would want to be a part of. One of the first statistics that stood out to me was that they have the second largest market share in the world and the largest market share in the United States at 7.9%. I would want my business to be in the United States so to invest with First Solar would be the ideal choice. In visiting their website, they offer many services to franchisees such as: financial, managerial, and marketing. The company itself has won awards such as the ENR Southwest Award for owner of the year for 2013, with $3.4 billion in net sales in 2012. Another notable award

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