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Soldiers Risk Takers

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Risk – Takers Bob Feller once said, “The soldiers that didn’t come back were the heroes. It’s a roll of the dice. If a bullet has your name on it, you’re a hero. If you hear a bullet go by, you’re a survivor.” Being a soldier is not just a profession, when you enter this kind of job, you need to have a lot of courage, strengths and preparations. Soldiers should be prepared for whatever might happen to them while dealing with the war. That’s why they are called risk – takers, they are bravely taking risks on death, serious injuries and psychological harms. Death. Death is one of the things that people fear the most, but bravely faced by our soldiers. They say when you enter the world of the soldiers, it seems like you also choose to die. Every war that happens in the world, there are thousands of foot guards who died fighting for their country and for their loved ones. One of the most …show more content…
PTSD is a mental health problem caused by a traumatic incident just like the war, it has symptoms like nightmares, claustrophobic attack and uncontrollable flashbacks of the traumatic happenings. Having PTSD is not easy, it was proven by a soldier named Huerta. When he was experiencing symptoms of PTSD, especially the claustrophobic attack, he thought he was just having some heart problems, but when he went to see a doctor, there’s no sign of heart ailments, so he was advised to go to the CHMS. But Huerta said to himself, “I wasn’t crazy, why do I need to see them, I know the big army will find out and tag me as ‘broken’”. Some people think that PTSD patients are out of their mind, but that’s not true. They’re suffering from an experience that kept on haunting them. Just like what Huerta said, they’re physically home but their minds are still on the battlefield. PTSD is a serious case, it takes a lot of time for the patient to recover or the opposite may happen, it may get worst as time passes

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