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Movie Character Analysis

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Fictional Characters are characters we all know and loved as children but, have you ever stopped and wondered, ¨hmm we both posses that or those same characteristics¨. Well while viewing some shows and movies Ive found that there are 3 that share similar characteristics as I. All 3 characters that I believed had the same characteristics all come from different shows and or movie. The three fictional characters that most represent my personality are Tarzan from Tarzan for his wild ego that he shows among others and his ability to lead others, Stitch From Lilo and Stitch because he is extremely loyal to Lilo, his friend, but is is wild, and Crush from Finding Nemo because he a helpful, calm, gentle sea turtle and doesn't let anything bother him. …show more content…
Evidence of their friendship and loyalty Evidence of their extremely loyalty can be found in the first movie for Lilo and Stitch. In the aftermath Stitches arrival to Hawaii, he is finally captured and is forced to return to his cell we he was held captive but Lilo refused and showed the leader that was taking stich away that she was his owner and are ¨best friends¨. The leader has a change of heart as he realizes that those two can not be separated and truly are best friends and loyal to each other. This trait definitely helps not only stitch but Lilo as well. The reason being because as long as they have each other they can overcome any obstacle. This is shown through the whole series of Lilo and Stitch. I to and do posses this trait of loyalty to friends and well have strong bonds with them. For example, when I was around 10 I had gotten in trouble because there was a broken vase that I had broken however there was also 4 of my friends with me. My neighbor the owner of the vase heard it shatter and immediately came out to investigate saw us 5 there. He then asked who broke it and I was too scared to answer fearing fury of my parents, Abraham my friend took the blame and he got in trouble. Although this was wrong a few weeks later I took the blame for something he did and I told him,¨I did it cause you had my back that time I broke the vase.¨ This trait can help many because friendships and loyalty are vital in a friendship. They can comfort you in your time of need which can be huge as many teens now and days suffer from depression or worst. They can support you as well when needed like I did almost 8 years ago. The way I developed this trait over the years was having

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