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Song Of Myself

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What does it mean to truly understand something and how do we go about doing so? Are we using our senses to a certain point or are we overgeneralizing every aspect of whatever it is we are trying to know? As human beings, we have a tendency of assuming, that if it sounds/feels right, it must be so. The problem is that not everything is so simple. Certain subjects, especially poetry, could be subject to assumption or interpretation, but that wouldn’t be a thorough portrayal and most likely you would be incorrect with said approach. While we might not have all the answers, we have the ability to look at and beyond the text to form an interpretation that is not only reasonable but relevant, both to the work and to ourselves. The more detail we can …show more content…
We begin with the individual as our basis, for the title, with its abstract provides the insight to where the speaker going. “Song of Myself” explores this relation between individuals, similarly just like “Crossing Brooklyn Ferry” did. However, the tone our poet sets here is most informal or at least it begins so. We can obtain a better sense through this quote, “I loafe and invite my soul” (84). Taking the physical form of “loafe” along with “soul” our poet gives wind to the relation between the physical body and the spiritual soul. The speaker faultlessly conveys this theme of body and soul for they are the boundaries of the self. While we progress deeper into the poem, it sheds light on the very fabric of human nature; Expanding this unity of individuals into something far more compelling. For example, “Have you reckoned a thousand acres much? Have you reckoned earth?” (85). Revealing the possibilities the physical world presents. Especially with the human spirit in a profound sense; aiming for human excellence. The speaker has a way of interconnecting individuals with his ideals of nature to attempt to understand the

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