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Sorority Alpha Kapa Alpha

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Women have played a key role in American history from being house wives all the way down to fighting in every war in America’s history. The first women’s rights convention was held in Seneca Fall’s, New York, in 1848. This convention marks the time where woman first publically demanded the right to vote. It took eight years before two guys named Mott and Stanton held women’s rights conventions. Over the course of those eight years the two guys stayed in contact through writing letters, and having phone conversations from time to time. Women’s rights played a major role in the history of the Untied States and still does presently.
For hundreds of years in the early Americas women were treated unfairly. In the work place many women could only …show more content…
At the college level the Sorority Alpha Kappa Alpha has been known for their fight for the rights of women. The sorority was founded in January of 1908, at Howard University in Washington D.C (aka1908, 2014). The sorority has a strong belief in helping the community and independent women. The sorority in the 100 years of its existence has had a strong voice in their communities on the subject of women’s rights. Alpha Kapa Alpha is just one of many activists groups that fought for the rights of all women in the United …show more content…
Women quickly grew tired of not having a voice in public. Many women’s rights activists began speaking at political events demanding a change in the way were treated. Women didn’t have the right to speak in public so they would meet up at certain churches that would allow them to speak within a circle. There was pioneers that were known as “Grimke sisters” who were the first who fought and won for women’s right to speak in public. Frances Wright was the first women to ever pass a curtain of silence. Though her lecturing career had only lasted one year and was very successful, she had been excused for a bad deed. Women didn’t have the equal right of education as men. Most men in this era did not want their wives to be smarter than they were, because they thought women were only meant to be house wives and mother their children. When women were educated they would learn how to cook, clean, bake, make candelas, child care, and other skills there mother’s thought they should know. Not every family could afford to have their kid’s get an education at times only rich families could have got their kids an

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