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Sound Waves Research Paper

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This paper talks about three types of sound waves. They involve the sound of a saxophone, flute and a trumpet. (Sound Waves) All information that has been found was found on the Internet by search engines and web pages of all sorts. (Sound Waves) In part one we will focus on parts about the saxophone how the sounds waves are different and how its sound waves compare to the other instruments that will be tested along with it (classroom). The nest will talk about the flute and how this instrument is different from the other two and how its sound waves will be compared to the other two. (Sound Waves) The next and last is the trumpet and its sound waves are different compared to the first to and how the sound waves are different or the same. (Sound Waves) …show more content…
Comparing the three instruments we will see how they differ from each other. (Sound Waves) The saxophone will be one of the higher vibrations because of the reed and the air being pushed threw it by the reed vibrating it sends sound three and creates music. Then the flute, the flute will be one with some of the lower vibrations because, although it still does have air being blown threw it has no reed or no type of a vibration there fore having one of the lowliest vibrations threw out unless it has a higher note or messed up. (Sound Waves) Then the next one will be trumpet it will also be somewhat same of the saxophone high vibrations and close together. (classroom) In this case it is being one of the few to be the same as another. (Placeholder1) The trumpets vibrations come from the lips of a player the lips vibrate which also causes the sound to be heard and loud. The vibrations from the trumpet will flow threw also to make

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