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South Africa Capital Market


Submitted By framix89
Words 5724
Pages 23
South African Reserve Bank Working Paper Series

South African Capital Markets: An Overview
Shakill Hassan October 2013

South African Reserve Bank Working Papers are written by staff members of the South African Reserve Bank and on occasion by consultants under the auspices of the Bank. The papers deal with topical issues and describe preliminary research findings, and develop new analytical or empirical approaches in their analyses. They are solely intended to elicit comments and stimulate debate. The views expressed in this Working Paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of the South African Reserve Bank or South African Reserve Bank policy. While every precaution is taken to ensure the accuracy of information, the South African Reserve Bank shall not be liable to any person for inaccurate information, omissions or opinions contained herein. South African Reserve Bank Working Papers are externally refereed. Information on South African Reserve Bank Working Papers can be found at Enquiries Head: Research Department South African Reserve Bank P O Box 427 Pretoria 0001 Tel. no.: +27 12 313-3911 0861 12 SARB (0861 12 7272)

© South African Reserve Bank All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without fully acknowledging the author(s) and this Working Paper as the source.

1. 2. 3. 3.1 3.2 4. 5. Figures 1. 2. Tables 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Stock Markets in Selected Advanced and Emerging Economies ...................................... 5 Foreign Exchange Turnover, 2013 .................................................................................... 9 Currency Speculation (Forward Carry) Returns

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...28 Feb 2013 |Questions |Marks | |In sequential order, which of the following combination applies in the development of government debt management in South Africa |5 | |Government started developing the macroeconomic framework which laid the basis for active debt management strategies | | |Issuance of debt took place three or four times a year usually coinciding with the date of maturing bonds | | |The bond exchange of South Africa (BESA), a self-regulating organization was formed followed by a panel of primary dealers to | | |promote primary issuance through formal auctions and secondary market (trading) activities | | |The objective of debt management was to promote a balanced maturity profile | | |The objective of debt management focused on reducing the cost of debt subject to acceptable risk limits, ensuring government access| | |to domestic and international capital markets and diversifying debt instruments | | |Choose a correct combination | | |B,A,C,D and E ...

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