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Sp 2750 Key Terms, Chap 1 & 2


Submitted By Jackal16
Words 576
Pages 3
John Doe
Week 1 Homework - SP2750
Chapter 1

1. Group - a number of individuals who join together to achieve a goal, several individuals who are interdependent in some way, a number of individuals who are interacting with one another, a social unit consisting of two or more persons who perceive as belonging to a group, a collection of individuals whose interactions are structured roles and norms, a collection of individuals who influence each other, and a collection of individuals who are trying to satisfy some personal need through their joint association.

2. Group dynamics - the scientific study of the nature of groups, behavior in groups, group development, and the interrelations between groups and individuals, other groups, and larger entities.

3. Group effectiveness - the ability of a group to accomplish its goals effectively. 4. Interdependence - the idea that in a group an event that affects one of them affects them all.

5. Role - expectation of the appropriate behavior of an occupant of a position toward other related positions. 6. Norm - common belief regarding group members’ appropriate behavior, attitudes, and perceptions; rules, implicit or explicit, that regulate the behavior of group members. 7. Status - the degree to which an individual’s contribution is crucial to the success and prestige of the group, how much power and control over outcomes that individual has, and the extent to which the person embodies some idealized or admired characteristic.

8. Sequential-stage theory of group development - the typical order of the phases of group development.

9. Recurring-phase theory of group development - focus on the issues that dominate group interaction again and again. 10. Primary group - small groups characterized by face-to-face interaction, interdependence, and strong group identification such as families and very close friends.

11. Reference group - a group people identify with, compare their attitudes to, and use as a means of evaluating those attitudes.

12. Group processing - one of the five basic elements of group productivity.

13. Action research - using the scientific method to answer research questions that have significant social value.

14. Kurt Lewin - the founder of the field of group dynamics.

Chapter 2
1. Experiential learning - reflecting on one’s experience to generate and continually update an action theory that guides the effectiveness of one’s actions.
2. Procedural learning - involves conceptually learning what a skill is and when it should be used, and then practicing the skill to eliminate errors in its execution until an automated level of mastery is attained.
3. Action theory - a theory as to what actions are needed to achieve a desired consequence in a given situation. 4. Psychological success - the idea that you will feel successful when you are encouraged to take as much responsibility for your own behavior as you can handle. You must believe that you are in control of or at least have some influence over your learning.
5. Role playing - setting up an imaginary setting in which individuals are asked to adopt certain roles and act out a situation. 6. Participant–observer - a person who is skilled enough to both participate in group work and observe group process at the same time.
7. Content - What is being discussed in order to achieve the group’s goals. 8. Process - The sequence of group members’ actions that take place over time and are aimed at achieving the group’s goal.
9. Observing - describing and recording behavior as it occurs.

10. Feedback - information on actual performance that individuals compare with criteria for ideal performance.

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