...A SPECIAL PLACE My favorite place is a place that I can´t stop thinking about. When I get there all my feelings gather to a beautiful flower that sprayes love and happiness. I also become the happiest person in the world . I have so many fantastic memories connected to this place and that´s the only place where I can find the inner me besides my home cause that´s the only two places where I feel safe and home. For me the place is like an gigantic place where you can do anything and where you find ur inner you,the happy peace off your hearth and where the time goes quick cause u´re having it amusingly casue you can enjoy the sunshine a big pool where u can chill have a good conversation and so on. U get good food everyday and best of all you get so much new experience about the place and u learn to talk more english as i really like to do. The only negative thing I can tell you about this place is that this place is situated quite far away from where I live but it depends on what you compare with. I think it´s a once in a life time experience because u don’t travel to the same hotel several times,but this is an exception cause it´s alba queen hotel in turkey,side the best place in the world. It takes about four hours with the airplane from arlanda airport,sweden to turkey and then when I step out of the plane I feel the Turkish atmosfear that takes myy soul and transformes it to a more happy and glad person. When I have landed I take a special bus to the hotel that...
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...perfectly fine. Both the old set and the new set are still there. In addition, there are small tables in between some of the chairs. I remember finding the only Black Widow I've ever seen from up close in person under one of those tables. All of these furniture sets look about the same. They are gray painted steel frames with a stretchy gray seating for the chairs and a glass surface for the tables. There is a gray painted, wooden swing with white cushions on it for comfort. There used to be a white rope hammock sort of thing that hung from the ceiling, but I can't remember who broke it. Lastly, the floorboards of the porch are very old since they’ve been there ever since my grandparents moved in, which was at least twenty years ago. This place is special to me because it was where I went in most of my childhood free time. My grandparents also babysat me there during those long childhood summer vacations. Up until about two years ago when they got tired of having to clean up for it, it was where my family and relatives went to exchange gifts for the people who weren't in my immediate family. This is why my grandparents' house has very significant and important memories to me. ...
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...The place where I am most content also happens to be the place that brings out the best characteristics in me. During the summer and holidays I always take time out of my schedule to go up to the Appalachian mountains of North Carolina. My grandfather and grandmother live in Jefferson, a very small town in the western corner of North Carolina. I love going to the mountains because it gives me the opportunity to spend time with my family, but also help others. During my stay at the mountains I visit the senior center, cook, and attend music. All of these things are unique and special to me. One of my favorite things to do while in the mountains is to visit the senior center. When I visit the senior center with my grandmother we always play the card game Samba with the other ladies there. Samba is a form of Canasta that requires a lot of risky moves. However, drawing a good hand is never a bad thing. I adore talking with the senior ladies because of the knowledge and history they have to share. The ladies always tell me stories about their high school experiences and college majors...
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...your home for an in home party. Keep reading to find out how to get people to come to your online party once you have chosen a date, a place and a time for your party. Tell your friends. You should be sure to tell all your friends and family about your online party. Send out emails that give them the time and the URL of the website where your party is going to be held and be sure to let them know how very excited you are about the party and how happy they will be if they decide to stop by. Evite.com is a great site to utilize to send online party invitations. If there are going to be any specials on certain products or free shipping or anything being given away, be sure to let them know at that time. Choose Incentives. While we are on the topic of giving something away or planning specials, know that this is something that you should definitely plan on doing. Everyone loves to get a special deal on something they plan on buying -- and who doesn’t love having a chance to get something for free? Advertise. Advertise your party wherever possible online. Take the time to find great places to advertise your upcoming online party. Make sure to pay attention to the posting rules in the sites you are looking to place an advertisement. You do not want to be accused of spamming. Forums for moms or for moms that work from home are excellent places to start advertising your online party. Have Fun. Make sure to really share your enthusiasm about your upcoming online party. If you...
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...1000 DHS. | Product Concept (How) | * It may have adjustable flat surfaces of LED monitor sizes with inserts or clamps to keep the monitor insecure place. | Benefitsto be delivered(How) | * Exhibits simple posters. * The product is portable. * Fitted with flexible light for optimal positioning. * Dramatically reduces the time required for viewing posters. * Can be considered as essential decorative furniture that adds touch to places. * Can be presented to executives, VIP's, meeting places, etc. if made of precious materials and carefully crafted. | Positioningor Business Goalsand Target Price | * This is a luxury item that is used by professionals and may be seen as a status symbol and therefore should be attractive, strong and elegant. The purpose of this product is to serve a need of the affluent society and thus be present well in the higher end of the market. * Product release is aimed for December 2015 with an expected gross margin of 50% and a dominant position in the market share. * The targeted sale price is 750 - 1000AED. | Target Market(To whom to sell) | * University professors, Company executives, Lawyers, Accountants, Auditors, authors, researchers, students writing theses, design offices. | Assumptionsand Constraints | * The table is made of wood and Aluminum only. * Special machinery is needed for its manufacture....
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...mothers. It is the only way these young girls can stand to do the pageants for the sake of their mothers. Settings: Funny face mainly takes place in a place called Garden City, I think that Garden City is what they call a special place in their backyard, since it is called ‘Garden’ City, it a place where they come to have fun. It is what would be considered the perfect place to be, since everyone seem very happy, for instance “She said I was beautiful and my mother, laughing, agreed” they really seem to be having a great time in Garden City. The poem switches between several places, but the main story takes place in Garden City. They go from being in Garden city to a stage where the girl has to perform and put on her funny face. Narration: The poem is written with a first person narrator. The writer is a young girl who is being forced to enter this Beauty pageant. It is propebly the mother of the child who is making her go. She do not really want to go to these pageant and she does not like being there. The girl finds it very shallow and fake in some sort of way. Form and structure: In the poem there is five verses, the verses is not uniform. The first verse has six lines, the second has four, the third has five, the fourth has four and the fifth only has two. There is no form in the lines either, they are all over the place, some of them is placed normaly and others are pushed to the side. Poetic language: There is a lot of Personification, when giving a human...
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...Family Values As I walked into the house, I could almost taste the eggnog that would be waiting for me on the table. Eyeing the plate of cookies, I forced myself to follow my Gram up the stairs to the attic. The cookies could wait. I had come to help my Gram set up her miniature Christmas village. For Christmas each year I would give my Gram a new building, ice skater, or tree to add to her village. Her face would light up as she found the perfect place for the village’s newest addition. About two weeks before Christmas I would arrive at my Grams house to help her set up the village. I would watch in amazement as she placed each individual piece in the same exact place as she had the year before - slightly altering the village to welcome the newest addition. This was my favorite Christmas tradition when I was a child, and I looked forward to it every year. Although I live a distance away from my Gram, I visit frequently and wish I had more time to do so. She has always been completely engaged in my daily life, and it would seem strange to not see her on the first day of school each year, camera in hand, eager to take my picture. My Gram acts as a second mother to me, and I can always count on her for support. I have grown to trust her completely and she always seems to be the person who is there to help me. My Gram is the first person I go to for help and I can talk to her about virtually anything. Regardless of the subject of our conversations, she loves the fact...
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...Harvey Industries has noticed a sizable decrease in their profits. The steady decline in profits combined with a three year loss in the past four years has caused financial difficulty for the livelihood of the company. There are several reasons that the company has come into trouble. Financial Distress and Recommendations Inventory seems to be a big problem within Harvey Industries. There are several people involved with the replenishment of inventory. Orders are currently being placed by the stockroom foreman, the purchasing manager, and the manufacturing manager. It would make more sense to have only one person in charge of ordering. Consider the idea that one person notices the inventory is low in one area. That person decides to place and order. Before the order arrives,...
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...Due: 7-11-11 The serenity of Caribbean waters or the rich culture of European countries all take me to a place far from the monotonous day to day routine of life. The mere thought of getting away from it all immediately brings calmness to my spirit and a recharge to my battery. Travel carries a universal theme of being therapeutic and has often been noted as one of the best forms of medicine. Therapy is played out by the simple idea of being in a place outside the norm, taking time to rejuvenate with rest and relaxation and creating lasting memories to draw from for those times when travel is needed but not warranted. These are instances where getting away may not be conducive to a persons schedule or budget and memories then become priceless commodities that can be pulled out at any given time. There are millions of places to travel to nationwide and abroad. Tourists are constantly seeking new beaches, museums, national parks and places that allow them to see and visit sites outside of their normal cities. Frequent travelers often take trips seasonally, annually or at will if money is no issue. However, the average consumer may simply look for outlets to relieve stress and places that allow them to do so. Taking a vacation does not necessarily have to constitute flying clear across the country just to get away. Going to a place that you have never visited before could be medicinal therapy in and of itself if it allows a break in routine. Rest and relaxation are two...
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...currently studying BTEC Sub-Diploma Business Studies, BTEC ICT Full Diploma and BTEC Sub-Diploma Travel and Tourism. I’m a hard-working and disciplined person as I do strive and try to do the best I can. I carry a positive attitude around the environment because I can communicate well with others and help out when needed. The reason I have applied for this role is because it’s a role that suits me and which I’m comfortable at. I would like to work because I would like to gain some useful experience that will help me in the future. For the 12 months, I have been looking at various places to work but now, I feel I have found the right place. I’m also happy to help out with placing the stock at the right places. I’m very keen on earning myself a place here because I have been waiting for a chance to work here and at other places for a long time. I’m also exceptionally organised as I like to keep stuff in place rather than it being in a mess. I’m also confident with advising customers on what there is in stock, what to buy and what not to buy because I’m a friendly and easy-going person. I’m also very welcoming as I’m capable of greeting customers with a positive attitude. I’m also a team player as I can get along with whoever I’m with and co-operate well with them. In order to fulfil this role, I will make sure I satisfy the customers’ needs, manage the store well in terms of keeping it clean and tidy and work well with others...
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...Effective communication in the work place is essential for a successful work place environment. I have been in numerous work places where the communication was poor and I have been in work place environments where the communication flowed and we were very successful in getting the job done. Understanding each other and what each other bring to the table, brings a level of respect amongst the employees in the work environment. There was one time when I was stationed in Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri my new job was going to be a instructor, teaching new soldiers the job of Combat Engineer. My part of that process was teaching them demolition training in which we teach them inert training and when they passed that, they were allowed to go outside to the demolition range and blow up C-4 and dynamite. Effective communication between myself and other instructors was paramount as we had to weed out soldiers that needed more training and wasn’t yet ready to use the real stuff. We had to continuously confer with each other every hour sometimes every thirty minutes to make sure that we were on the same page reference to the soldiers. Being that demolitions have no one’s name on it, we had to ensure from a safety standpoint to leave certain soldiers in the classroom to continue training on inert demolitions. To be absolutely effective in what we did as instructors, we placed a high commitment on communication as we had hand held walkie talkies on us and we were in contact on cell phones...
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...Our heritage is a big part of what makes a country unique. Heritage enhances our quality of life and sense of place. It reflects the distinct expressions and aspirations of our country and its culture. Heritage is not just about the past. It is about the places, spaces and stories that we should value today and save and preserve them for tomorrow. Heritage places and heritage buildings are fundamental to our sense of history community and identity. Communities across Canada, the United States, and abroad have been capitalizing on their distinctive heritage assests by revitalizing their business cores and reclaiming them as the commercial and social hubs of the community. Besides economic value, heritage resources have intrinsic value in the information they contain about the past. They can teach us great deal. Who lived here? What happened here? Buildings, landscapes and archaeological sites can give us a unique insight into our past- knowledge that sometimes cannot be obtained any other way. Our heritage helps us make sense of our rapidly changing world and guides us into the future. Well-maintained historic buildings, streetscapes and landscapes contribute to safe and comfortable neighborhoods and foster local identity and pride. Old buildings embody energy and materials. Reusing older buildings saves the destruction of trees, saves the energy used to transport them to mills and create new construction materials, and saves more green space from development. Heritage conservation...
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...Simran Suner Health and Social Care: Homework 2 During a trip to the Wolverhampton Mander Centre, I came across a number of potential hazards, which could potentially cause harm within this setting. The Mander Centre is a place where many service users can go to enjoy themselves, to shop in the many stores or to go eat in the fine restaurants – the town is place to hundreds of visitors per day, using the faculties available, constantly. This is why I was surprised to see a large number of hazards which could easily harm the service users in this area. One of the first hazards I came across was a bag full of sand, which was supposed to be keeping in place protection barriers, however the heavy bag had been left in the middle of the pavement. I believe this to be a major risk, a service user could easily trip and fall over this bag, which could result in major injuries. To prevent such a thing from happening, I would simply inform a nearby builder or a police officer (who are always round town) about the situation and thus allowing it to be placed correctly. I would not attempt to do this myself, as I do not know why this was placed or where this should be placed and attempting to pick up such a heavy bag, could lead to me resulting in a back injury ; if the item is not lifted and placed properly. The second safety hazard I came across was a large box of waste pilled in front of a closed up shop. This box was over pilling and cans and cups were fallen across the floor. I believe...
Words: 611 - Pages: 3
...Associate Level Material Appendix B Security Assessment Directions: Choose one of the Facts for Consideration sections from Ch. 3 of the text and list the page number for the section you chose. Then, complete the following table. List five threats appropriate to the environment from the section you chose. Rate the risk for each threat from 0 (low) to 10 (high). Then, list five appropriate countermeasures. Once you complete the table, write a brief explanation of the countermeasures for the two threats with the highest risk total, stating how the countermeasure reduces the risk associated with that threat. This assessment is based on the Facts for Consideration on page _93___ | | | | |THREAT |RISK |COUNTERMEASURE | | |Probability |Criticality |Total | | |Example: | | | | | |Physical assault |9 |4 |13 |Highly visible officer presence | |Missing prisoners |4 |10 |14 |Check prisoners and count each...
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...activist, and lecturer. She was the first deaf blind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree she was blind. You might be wondering why I have decided to talk to you about this quote, but instead of me just telling you, I will take you to a journey that might place you in my position. Let me ask you this, with a raise of hands how many of you would like to live in a house like this? Well, it is a common goal in today’s fast-paced society to achieve monetary wellness in order to live what some people call “the good life”. In this house you have the latest technology and a crew of people that are more than willing to take care of all of your needs. Now, picture yourself in this house. It certainly does not compare, right? So what is my point? Why am I showing these pictures? Well what you do not know is that in the second picture lives an aged couple who had been married for over 20 years. They had lived together the toughest years of their lives in that simple house. They had seen their daughter grow, they saw how she would fail, but they also had the opportunity to see her achieve all of her goals. Now if you show this picture to her now grown and mature daughter, she would not see just a house, she would see her home. The place that had been her shelter and though it was not a mansion, it had people inside of it that gave her the tools needed to succeed. She had love, she had companionship, she had support. Which leads me to the initial quote: “The best and most beautiful things...
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