...The film “Soul Surfer”, directed by Sean McNamara, illustrates the life of a teenage surfer after becoming an amputee due to a shark attack through an inspirational parable. The film inspires the non-disabled community while alienating the disabled community due to the simplistic undertone of a tragic event and the glossing over a crucial process for amputees; healing and recuperation. Although the film accurately illustrates the psychological effects and the acceptance of the amputation, the director prioritizes the audience’s emotional attachment to the moral lesson of the narrative by utilizing the “supercrip” stereotype. The “supercrip” stereotype leads society to objectify people with disabilities, due to the constant use of these inaccurate...
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...University of Phoenix Material Effects of Mass Media Worksheet Write brief 250-to 300-word answers to each of the following: |Questions |Answers | |What were the major developments in the |In the 21st century, rabid fans could turn their attention to a whole swath of pop stars | |evolution of mass media during the 20th |in | |century? |the making when the reality TV program American Idolhit the airwaves in 2002. The show was| | | | | |the only television program ever to have snagged the top spot in the Nielsen ratings for | | |six | | |seasons in a row, often averaging more than 30 million nightly viewers. Rival television | | |network | | |executives were alarmed, deeming the pop giant “the ultimate schoolyard bully,” “the Death| | ...
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...Lexical borrowing = slovní výpůjčky - adoption from another lg with the same meaning English is tolerant to other lgs, nenasytný vypůjčovatel (70% non-anglosaxon origin), welcomes foreign words, not homogenous lg like French (majority of expressions was taken from F.) reasons: lg feels a need for a new word; to pre-denote a special concept (Sputnik, gradually disappeared from lg; certain lg has a kind of prestigious position (matter of fashion, but overuse of English words; matter of political force); distinction of functional style (matter of development) – three synonymical expressions of diff. origin (anglo-saxon origin: home, French words (additional meanings): resindence, Latin words: domicile, Greek origin, etc.) layers of three origins : hunt/chase/pursue rise/mount/ascend ask/question (certain amount of intensity)/interrogate high tolerance in English; in French and in German – used to avoid it; in Czech – had to defend its position to German, Linguists tried to set certain rules for using words=re-establishion of Czech lg English changes pronunciation of borrowed words (E. is simply a germanic lg, but more Romans lg in vocabulary) the basic vocabulary=core vocabulary (be, have, do) is Anglo-Saxon, surrounding periphery of v. maybe borrowed (count a word each time that occurs) wave of new adoptions: swift adotion - in some periods in lg more words than usual are adopted, in the 13. century after the Norman conquest, natural mechanism!! self-regulated – if there...
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...Dragon Name Dragon The word dragon entered the English language in the early 13th century from Old French dragon, which in turn comes from Latin draconem (nominative draco) meaning "huge serpent, dragon", from the Greek word δράκων, drakon (genitive drakontos, δράκοντος) "serpent, giant seafish". The Greek and Latin term referred to any great serpent, not necessarily mythological, and this usage was also current in English up to the 18th century. Morphology A dragon is a mythological representation of a reptile. In antiquity, dragons were mostly envisaged as serpents, but since the Middle Ages, it has become common to depict them with legs, resembling a lizard. Dragons are usually shown in modern times with a body like a huge lizard, or a snake with two pairs of lizard-type legs, and able to emit fire from their mouths. The European dragon has bat-like wings growing from its back. A dragon-like creature with wings but only a single pair of legs is known as a wyvern. Comparative mythology Further information: Chaoskampf, Sea serpent, Proto-Indo-European religion § Dragon or Serpent and Serpent (Bible) The association of the serpent with a monstrous opponent overcome by a heroic deity has its roots in the mythology of the Ancient Near East, including Canaanite (Hebrew, Ugaritic), Hittite and Mesopotamian. Humbaba, the fire-breathing dragon-fanged beast first described in the Epic of Gilgamesh is sometimes described as a dragon with Gilgamesh playing the part of...
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...nineteenth and twenty third degrees north latitude, and the one hundred and fifty fourth degrees of longitude west of Greenwich. They are two thousand one hundred miles southwest from San Francisco, and about the same distance from Tahiti. The group consists of ten islands*, including two that are little more than barren rocks. The farthest are about three hundred miles from each other, measuring from their extreme boundaries, and their aggregate area is a little more than six thousand one hundred square miles. Of the eight principal islands all are habitable, although the small islands of Niihau and Kahoolawe are used almost exclusively as cattle-ranges. The most of the shores of the several islands are fringed with coral, but their origins seem to indisputably show in the numerous creates of extinct volcanoes scattered throughout the group, and in the mighty fires still blazing from the mountain-heights of Hawaii. By far the largest part of the area of the islands is mountainous; but from the interior elevations, some of them reaching altitude of from ten to fourteen thousand feet, flow many small streams of sweet water, widening into fertile valleys as they reach the coast, while here and there between them alluvial plateaus have been left by the upland wash. With rare exceptions the mountain-sides are covered with vegetation, some of sturdy growth, capable of being wrought into building materials and canoes, while lower down the ohia, the pal, the banana, and the bread-fruit...
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...1.0 Introduction 1.1 Origin of the Report The report has been prepared as a requirement for the completion of BBA Degree and course BUS 498, Project Work, SSM Sadrul Huda, course instructor, assigned to do an analysis report on “Promotional Activities of different private banks in Bangladesh”. For this purpose I, Mustafizur Rahman, ID – 2007-1-10-097 choose to prepare this report on Promotional Activities of 5 different private banks. The date of submission of the report is April 28, 2011. 1.2 Background Promotion is a form of corporate communication that uses various methods to reach a targeted audience with a certain message in order to achieve specific organizational objectives. Nearly all organizations, whether for-profit or not-for-profit, in all types of industries, must engage in some form of promotion. Such efforts may range from multinational firms spending large sums on securing high-profile celebrities to serve as corporate spokespersons to the owner of a one-person enterprise passing out business cards at a local businessperson’s meeting. Like most marketing decisions, an effective promotional strategy requires the marketer understand how promotion fits with other pieces of the marketing puzzle (e.g., product, distribution, pricing, target markets). Consequently, promotion decisions should be made with an appreciation for how it affects other areas of the company. 1.3 Objectives of the Study: Objectives of Marketing Promotions The most obvious objective...
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...SEMINAR ADMINISTRATION DEVELOPMENT 1 BUILDING SOCIAL BUSINES ‘D’ BY JULIUS KWAKU KATTAH STUDENT ID. NO. UD32228BEC40802 DOCTORATE IN INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS ATLANTIC INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HONOLULU, USA 09/07/14 ABTRACT The business strategy perspective argues that achieving competitive advantage hinges on pursing a coherent competitive strategy. Family businesses are also said to manifest a strong desire to develop enduring and committed social relationships with external stakeholders. This study examines the effect of business strategy on performance of family businesses and how their managerial social networking relationships with external entities moderate the business strategy–performance link. Using data from 54 family firms from Ghana, the findings indicate that: (1) the pursuit of the business strategies of cost leadership and differentiation create competitive advantage for family businesses; (2) social networking relationships with government bureaucratic officials and community leaders are beneficial to family businesses, but social networking relationships with political leaders is detrimental to family businesses; and (3) the benefit of business strategy to...
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...Land and Climate Area (sq. mi.): 2,988,902 Area (sq. km.): 7,741,220 Australia is the sixth largest country in the world. It is just smaller than Brazil and about four-and-a-half times the size of the U.S. state of Alaska. Australia is the only country that occupies a complete continent. It is also the driest inhabited continent in the world. About one-third of its land is desert and another third is composed of poor-quality land. A long chain of mountains, the Great Dividing Range, runs along the Pacific coast. Fertile farmland lies east of the Great Dividing Range, in the southwestern corner of Western Australia, and in the island state of Tasmania. Cattle stations (ranches) reach the edge of the barren interior desert. The famed Australian Outback is an undefined region that encompasses all remote, undeveloped areas. The Outback is seen as a mystical heartland or frontier—a symbol of Australia's strength and independence—where the climate is hot, life is hard, and people are tough, independent, and few. CultureGramsTMWorld Edition 2015 | Commonwealth of Australia | BACKGROUND include the emu, cockatoo, and kookaburra. Australia's snakes are among the most venomous in the world. BACKGROUND include the emu, cockatoo, and kookaburra. Australia's snakes are among the most venomous in the world. Among Australia's natural wonders is the Great Barrier Reef, a system of coral reefs that extends more than 1,250 miles (2,000 kilometers) near Australia's northeast coast...
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...THE ORIGINS AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE This page intentionally left blank THE ORIGINS AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE SIXTH EDITION ± ± John Algeo ± ± ± ± ± Based on the original work of ± ± ± ± ± Thomas Pyles Australia • Brazil • Japan • Korea • Mexico • Singapore • Spain • United Kingdom • United States The Origins and Development of the English Language: Sixth Edition John Algeo Publisher: Michael Rosenberg Development Editor: Joan Flaherty Assistant Editor: Megan Garvey Editorial Assistant: Rebekah Matthews Senior Media Editor: Cara Douglass-Graff Marketing Manager: Christina Shea Marketing Communications Manager: Beth Rodio Content Project Manager: Corinna Dibble Senior Art Director: Cate Rickard Barr Production Technology Analyst: Jamie MacLachlan Senior Print Buyer: Betsy Donaghey Rights Acquisitions Manager Text: Tim Sisler Production Service: Pre-Press PMG Rights Acquisitions Manager Image: Mandy Groszko Cover Designer: Susan Shapiro Cover Image: Kobal Collection Art Archive collection Dagli Orti Prayer with illuminated border, from c. 1480 Flemish manuscript Book of Hours of Philippe de Conrault, The Art Archive/ Bodleian Library Oxford © 2010, 2005 Wadsworth, Cengage Learning ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this work covered by the copyright herein may be reproduced, transmitted, stored, or used in any form or by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including...
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...1/13/16 The Basics of the Legal System – Chapters 1 & 4 Sources of Law in the U.S 1. The Constitution * The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land * The U.S Constitution establishes the federal government and enumerates its powers * The body of the constitution * Creates the three branches of government and grants certain powers to each branch * The amendments to the constitution * Protect individual rights by putting limitations on the governments ability to act in certain ways * Amendments protect the government, not private individuals The Legislative Branch * Created by Article 1 of the Constitution * House of Representative * Senate * Responsible for the creation of new laws * Congress is generally responsible for where the money comes from and where the money is spent * All statutes start as BILLS * Bills must be passed by both the House and the Senate * Bills that pass both houses must be signed into law by the president or.. * The president can VETO the bill * If signed by the president the Bill becomes a STATUTE 2. Statues, Codes and Ordinances * Statutes are enacted by Congress and state legislatures * Ordinances are enacted by municipalities and local government agencies * Code = Codified Law = Statute The Executive Branch * Created by Article 2 of the Constitution * President * Vice President * Cabinet Members * Responsible...
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...Race and Ethnicity Should racial profiling be a legitimate law-enforcement policy in some areas? Should Affirmative Action for state university enrollment be continued? Should the primary method of public school funding--property taxes in individual school districts--be amended to create more fairness in schools? Should high-school history classes and social-studies curriculum be changed to reflect diversity and multicultural perspectives? Should Christmas, Easter, and other religious observances be considered national holidays? If a university offers "African-American Studies" or "Black Studies" as courses, should it also offer "European-American Studies" or "White Studies"? How do certain television programs perpetuate racial or ethnic stereotypes? Should Columbus Day be discontinued in favor of a new post-colonial perspective? Should schools only purchase textbooks that offer revised or alternative histories of historical events? What should be done about racial disparities in the sentencing of criminals? Should the American government pay reparations and return land to Native Americans? Should hate groups have the right to distribute literature on university campuses? If research shows that certain racial or ethnic groups receive poorer medical care on average, how should this problem be corrected? Should governmental organizations have staffs that accurately reflect the racial, ethnic, and gender balance in society? Gender and Sexuality What should be...
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...Sandra Carlson Business Law 3321 421 U.S. 809 Bigelow v. Virginia Facts: Jeffrey C. Bigelow was the managing editor for The Virginia Weekly, a newspaper which was published in Charlottesville, Virginia. He was charged with violating Virginia law on May 13, 1971, after printing an advertisement for a New York City agency that helped women arrange for, finance and obtain abortions. The ad print was as follows: UNWANTED PREGNANCY LET US HELP YOU Abortions are now legal in New York. There are no residency requirements. FOR IMMEDIATE PLACEMENT IN ACCREDITED HOSPITALS AND CLINICS AT LOW COST Contact WOMEN's PAVILION 515 Madison Avenue New York, N.Y. 10022 or call any time (212) 371-6670 or (212) 371-6650 AVAILABLE 7 DAYS A WEEK STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. We will make all arrangements for you and help you with information and counseling. 1 Specifically, Mr. Bigelow was charged with violating Va. Code Ann. § 18.1-63 (1960). The statute made it a misdemeanor to encourage or prompt the processing of an abortion "by publication, lecture, advertisement, or by the sale or circulation of any publication, or in any other manner, encourage or prompt the procuring of abortion or miscarriage". Mr. Bigelow was tried and convicted in Albemarle County Court. He appealed to the Albemarle County Circuit Court, where he was granted a de novo trial. De Novo is Latin for ‘new beginning’, so a de novo trial is a completely new trial. Typically, a trial de novo is ordered by...
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...The Filipino Diaspora: Why We Seek Greener Pastures “And all the earth shall be filled with thee, and all the sea...” That statement above – addressed to the Jews – is contained in the third book of the Sibylline Oracles. It may have been slightly exaggerated when it came out sometime in the 2nd century B.C., but that prophecy uncannily came true the following century. Witnesses such as Seneca, Philo, and Greek geographer Strabo – the last believed to have remarked that one can’t go anywhere without encountering a Jew – confirmed that a massive Jewish diaspora did take place in a number of cities in the Roman Empire. Today, it can be said that no ethnic group suits that statement better than Filipinos. On whatever land or sea it may be, in any of the four corners of the world, there’s sure to be a Filipino. What makes them want to leave their homeland with such dogged persistence? Numbers Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) can be found from Norway to Nigeria. Each Sunday, they are found milling around Victoria Park in Hong Kong and the cobbled streets of Rome. As of 2009, there are about 8.6 million overseas Filipinos, plus about 2 million more who are undocumented. These include people of Filipino ancestry who are citizens of other countries and Filipino citizens working abroad on a temporary basis. Considering that we are a nation of about 100 million people, these figures represent a substantial percentage which cannot simply be ignored. The burning question ...
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...400 Must-Have Words for the TOEFL® This page intentionally left blank. 400 Must-Have Words for the TOEFL® LYNN STAFFORD-YILMAZ LAWRENCE J. ZWIER MCGRAW-HILL New York Chicago San Francisco • Lisbon London • Madrid • Mexico City • Milan • New Delhi San Juan • Seoul • Singapore • Sydney • Toronto • • Copyright © 2005 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. 0-07-146707-6 The material in this eBook also appears in the print version of this title: 0-07-144328-2. All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners. Rather than put a trademark symbol after every occurrence of a trademarked name, we use names in an editorial fashion only, and to the benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringement of the trademark. Where such designations appear in this book, they have been printed with initial caps. McGraw-Hill eBooks are available at special quantity discounts to use as premiums and sales promotions, or for use in corporate training programs. For more information, please contact George Hoare, Special Sales, at george_hoare@mcgraw-hill.com or (212) 904-4069. TERMS OF USE This is a copyrighted work and The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. (“McGraw-Hill”)...
Words: 38362 - Pages: 154
...NEED MORE TOEFL MATERIALS?? Go Here: http://www.yosite.ru 400 Must-Have Words for the TOEFL® This page intentionally left blank. 400 Must-Have Words for the TOEFL® LYNN STAFFORD-YILMAZ LAWRENCE J. ZWIER MCGRAW-HILL New York Chicago San Francisco • Lisbon London • Madrid • Mexico City • Milan • New Delhi San Juan • Seoul • Singapore • Sydney • Toronto • • Copyright © 2005 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. 0-07-146707-6 The material in this eBook also appears in the print version of this title: 0-07-144328-2. All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners. Rather than put a trademark symbol after every occurrence of a trademarked name, we use names in an editorial fashion only, and to the benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringement of the trademark. Where such designations appear in this book, they have been printed with initial caps. McGraw-Hill eBooks are available at special quantity discounts to use as premiums and sales promotions, or for use in corporate training programs. For more information, please contact George Hoare, Special Sales, at george_hoare@mcgraw-hill.com or (212)...
Words: 38371 - Pages: 154