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Speech Therapy Research Paper

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Speech therapy involves much more than simply teaching a child to correctly pronounce words. Speech therapy is a specialized therapy done by speech therapists who treat patients with communication delays, communication deficits or communication disorders. Speech therapy software has been clinically proven to help patients improve speech & language.

It is important for you to have a clear idea about your motivation for going to therapy because your reasons for seeking treatment will help you decide if the speech-language pathologist is right for you; The amount, length, and cost of treatment, Possible goals for speech therapy and, The amount of success to be expected.

All these things should be discussed thoroughly and frankly with the speech-language pathologist. It's important to ask about stuttering therapy in particular because many of the insurance companies will pay for therapy if it is restorative. …show more content…
Therapy for stuttering is boring, slow and too hard for young children. Therapy for stuttering can be stopped as soon as a child speaks fluently. These speech therapy programs can help speech therapists save time and deliver better results. If a survivor's progress is not consistently, measurably improving, insurance companies typically will end therapy. Voice Therapy-Trains clients to reduce vocal abuse and use strategies to help lessen the effects of vocal pathologies such as vocal nodules.

Stuttering tends to run in families so it is usual to find more than one member of a family who stutters. Stuttering is a normal part of a young child's speech development. Stuttering, for example, can often be remedied in weekly group sessions with "homework. It is common for stuttering to change over time or for emotions and attitudes about your speech to change as you have new

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