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To Kill A Mockingbird Monologue

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“Then, if ever, come perfect days.” But, this is April – not June. I don’t know what happened, but I’ll take it! I set out for a walk – I’ve set certain goals. Today should be two miles. But soon – I wasn’t walking to get in my two miles – I was strolling, strolling in God’s world with God supremely present. I couldn’t will my self to go any faster.

I strolled north on Cogan to King. There were vistas to behold. Brown woods, green grass, blue skies, yellow daffodils, purple magnolia buds, white and pink magnolia trees like very large cones of cotton candy. “Oh, thank you, God” was all I could think. It must be something like this in heaven.

Listen, I hear the mockingbird. It’s bad luck if you kill a mockingbird, you know. It leads

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