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English/1301 Writing Skills

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If you cannot rely on yourself to get work done, then you might as well stop reading this essay and rethink taking this course. Time management, organization, and self-reliability are the key to succeeding in English 1301 (Composition 1). This course will test your ability to get work done on time and of the highest quality, all while relying on yourself to get it done. There is no sitting in a room with fellow students or teachers to remind you of that deadline that is closing in quickly. Nevertheless, if you chose to take on this challenging course, you will learn new skills that you had not been introduced to before. Your writing techniques will improve, and you will notice that you look at pieces of writing and other forms …show more content…
You will be lucky to have Professor Suber as a mentor for this is not common in other online courses. Although, you cannot rely on these reminders to be your lone source for reminders to complete your work. Along with Remind 101, set a reminder on your phone to alert you every day to check Blackboard. Accidentally bypassing an assignment is easy to do, an additional reminder will allow you to double check Blackboard and your syllabus for any assignments that need to be completed. You should not expect Professor Suber to remind you of every assignment, she is already gracious enough to remind her students of anything. A clear instance of this would be a time when I looked at the Remind 101 text about a discussion board post. I immediately logged into Blackboard and submitted the intial post, as well as my two replies which were done one day early. I closed my laptop, sure of myself and my work. What I had missed was that there was a quiz due that day also in a lesson. To maintain fairness to all students in the course, I had to accept the 0 in my …show more content…
When taking an online course, it is easy to become complacent or lazy in your work. There may not be someone there to remind you of your assignments or tell you to go through the lesson for that week. The three keys to ensure success in this course are Organization, Self-Reliance, and Time Management. *You will not find these listed anywhere, these are simply the skills I deem most important* If you fail to adhere to the three keys, then this course will prove to be a strenuous task that you may not successfully complete. English 1301 (Composition 1) will be difficult and challenge you to do better. I would not necessarily say the work is too hard, but that managing your time and assignments is the most difficult part. As long as you follow the three keys of success, and consistently try hard in this course, then you will surely come out alive and passing. Along with this, do not be afraid to email Professor Suber. She is very patient and will always reply to you on time. Simply make sure to be professional and appropriate when contacting any professor. Good luck in English 1301 (Composition

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