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Upward Bound

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One of the biggest adjustments in my life thus far is transitioning from high school to college. Most of you are aware, it’s a difficult transition. From living on my own, to the rigorous courses, it is not facile. Among those challenging courses is English 1301; an undeniable accommodation from the expectation in high school English. English 1301 is the first semester of freshman English and is designed to promote critical thinking, reading, and writing. The concept of appeals is important when it comes to writing, the following appeals are observant in our everyday lives; pathos, logos, and ethos. In this essay, I will demonstrate the time I successfully joined a college readiness program at UTA; known as Upward Bound.

Upward Bound is a federally funded organization sponsored by The University of Texas at Arlington. The club was created fifty years ago, and has expanded immensely over the years. Upward Bound was founded in 1965 by the U.S Department of Education. This program equips students all around the country with the necessarily tools to succeed during and after high school. Upward Bound allows ages 14-18 take advantage of their …show more content…
Everyone is involved in their own discourse community, where you share similar goals, and work together to achieve them. Discourse community involves groups of people with the same objectives and intentions. I was introduced to this organization back in 2012 by a family friend. Her son’s excelled from this club, as it helped push them throughout high school in preparation for college. Being in high school the last thing I would think about was college or the future. I was too busy socializing and keeping up with the latest gossip. This club was perfect in the sense it opened my eyes to what was to come. Becoming a member wasn’t an easy task, I had to take a diagnostic exam as well as attend an oral interview with one of the directors of the

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