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Upward Bound Essay

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There comes a time in life where it challenges you as a person, but like the old saying goes, "If at first you don't succeed,: Try, try, try again." Well I've experienced that several times throughout my life, but instead of letting it hold me down I learn to get back up and try again that's why my greatest quality is, perseverance because even though something may become to difficult and to demanding I always stay determined in the long run because in the end I know that I'm destined for success.

In Eighth grade, I remember sharing my excitement on what colleges I wish to attend, but what I remember most is the painful words of my teacher saying, "You're never going to make it to college. If I didn't make it to my college of choice, then what makes you think you will!" I felt as if I was imbecile and that even though with all my hard work and dedication it was going to end up being pointless because of who I was as a person . These words did have some affect on me, …show more content…
I reached out to a counselor of mine and requested information on tutoring or extracurricular clubs that would help direct me as a student on the college path. I applied to Upward Bound since I met the qualifications of being a first generation student, but also having the eagerness and readiness to learn. In the beginning I did have some doubt that I would be admitted because during that time I didn't have the best grades nor did I have the best help. I'll admit I associated with the wrong crowd, but I learned to distance myself from the negativity and strive for greatness; I learned the hard way since I realized I needed to buckle down when my GPA ended up being lower than what I wanted it to be. When I was admitted into Upward Bound it was one of the greatest accomplishments that could have happened to me because they are the main reason why I want to pursue my college

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