...Introduction The integumentary system consists of skin, hair, nails and other glands. This assignment is about Mrs. Loiselle health condition. Mrs. Loiselle is a registered nurse who suffered from heat syncope because of dehydration and least amount of energy in her body. She worked whole evening i.e. she does not eat food and she felt weak. But, in the morning, she went for running without drinking or eating that made her unconscious and she fall on the ground. In the following question answers, I am going to discuss the lay terms and medical terms. Further, about the role of the integumentary system in contributing Mrs. Loiselle condition. Moreover, negative feedback helps her to return...
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...The integumentary serves to prevent water loss and the excess of water gain, resistance to trauma and infection, responsible to vitamin D syntheses, thermoregulation and sensation. Composed of three layers, the epidermis, dermis and the hypodermis (Saladin , 2015). During the preliminary experiments the researchers detected the change in heart rate and, skin conductivity when asked a series of questions such as counting backwards from 30. The response to numerous questions was steadily increasing the stress response in the subject being tested. The question that the experimental team attempted to observe was whether the difficulty of questions, stimulated a stress response in the subject, by an increase in heart rate, respiration and EDA. The main goal...
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...AND PHYSIOLOGY CONTENT Page Number 1.0 Introduction – Integumentary System 3 2.1 The Importance and Mechanism of Integumentary System 4 2.2 Impacts of dysfunction 5-6 2.0 Introduction – Anatomy Of Skin 7 2.1 Epidermis 7 2.1.1 Layer of The Epidermis 8 2.1.2 Specialized Epidermal Cells 9 2.2 Dermis 9 2.2.1 Layer of The Dermis 10 2.2.2 Specialized Dermal Cells 10 2.3 Subcutaneous Tissues 10 3.0 Tattoo 11 3.1 Types of Tattoo 11 3.2 The Procedure of Tattooing 12 3.3 The Risk Involved in Getting Tattooed. 13 3.4 Tattoo Removal 14 4.0 Conclusion 14 - 15 5.0 References 15 1. INTRODUCTION – Integumentary System The Integumentary system consists of the skin and its associated structures such as hair, nails,nerve endings and the sebaceous (oil) and sudoriferous (sweat) glands (Lindh, Pooler, Tamparo and Dahl, 2010,p.790). It is the largest of the body’s anatomy system and count for 12 to 15 percent of body weight covering 1.5-2m2 of surface area. The...
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...Martini textbook (ninth edition), you will study the basics of cells, tissues and some organs as integumentary system, skeletal system, muscle system and Nervous system. It is indispensable and Mandatory for the class to have Course Compass My Lab/Mastering as a tool provided with your book package at Miami Dade College Bookstore. Use the following course ID: cendon57714 Please make sure that you read everything in this handout because this is our contract and agreement with the rules of this class The above course links to the following Learning Outcomes: * Communicate effectively using listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. * Solve problems using critical thinking and scientific reasoning. * Use computers and emerging technologies effectively. * Describe how natural systems function and recognize the impact of humans on the environment. | This course does not have pre-requisites, but it is very important to have background in Chemistry and Biology. | | Corequisite(s) BSC 2085 lab | Course Competencies: Competency 1: The Sciences of Anatomy and Physiology Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to understand the meaning of these two terms by: 1.1 Defining anatomy and physiology, and explaining how they are related. 1.2 Defining homeostasis and its mechanisms, and explaining its importance to survival. 1.3 Describing a feedback system and differentiating between positive and...
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...around us, it is basically us. The human anatomy deals with basically all the parts of humans, dealing with molecules to bones to the way we function, but that can also get misinterpreted for Physiology which is the study of body functions and how the body parts work, which in this case it is something different. Anatomy and Physiology are two concepts that are related to each other, as stated before anatomy is the science of body structures and the relationship among them, while Physiology is the study of body functions and how body parts work together. Now, with all of that being said Anatomy differs from physiology in many ways, the study of anatomy usually focuses on the shape, size, and where they are usually located at. In my perspective anatomy is more like dissection of the body, you can easily cut up the body and with your very own eyes see what the body is, or in more scientific forms using a microscope for a more detailed view. A person can easily see what they are encountering on a body and what system is connected to what. In physiology its rather more vigorous mostly involving different types of properties (chemical, physical or electrical) that make the body function. Beginning from the process of how our heart rate is regulated to more difficult systems involving different visual perceptions. Physiology is usually involved with the work of living organisms or the tissue to understand the whole process; typically to do this you use dissection, medical imaging techniques...
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...Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)-Hydroxychloroquine Description: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus is a chronic auto-immune disease that can affect and/or damage any part of the body. Systemic means that it targets systems of the body (Integumentary, Musculoskeletal, Cardiovascular, Hematologic, Lymphatic, and Immune Systems) Lupus is also a disease of flairs (worsening of symptoms and illness), and remissions (alleviation of symptoms and general good health). In Lupus, there is a deviation in the Immune system, which fights off infections from germs, viruses, and bacteria. Auto-immune means that the Immune system cannot tell the difference between these “foreign” elements and the normal, healthy tissues of the body. Signs and Symptoms: Symptoms...
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...UW‐La Crosse: Doctor of Physical Therapy Degree Professional Curriculum (Revised 4/2/14) Course Number PTS 509 PTS 510 PTS 512 PTS 520 PTS 521 PTS 516 PTS 517 PTS 523 PTS 524 PTS 525 PTS 526 PTS 527 PTS 528 PTS 535 PTS 536 Format Lecture Seminar Lecture Lecture Seminar Lecture Seminar Lecture Seminar Lecture Seminar Lecture Seminar Lecture Seminar Contact Hours/Semester 42 84 56 14 56 Credits 3 3 4 1 2 Summer I (10 weeks) Title Human Gross Anatomy Applied Human Gross Anatomy Medical Physiology Intro to PT Practice & Evaluation Techniques Applied Intro to PT Prac & Eval Tech Summer I: Total 252/semester; 25hr/wk 14 28 28 28 28 28 42 56 28 28 13 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 2 1 Fall I (14 weeks) Physiological Regulation of Exertion & Disease Applied Physiol Reg of Exertion & Disease Physical Agents Applied Physical Agents Biomechanics & Kinesiology of Movement Applied Biomechanics & Kinesiology Foundations of the PT Exam Applied Foundations of the PT Exam Functional Neuroanatomy Applied Functional Neuroanatomy Fall I: Total 308/semester; 22hr/wk 16 Winter (2 weeks) PTS 651 PTS 518 PTS 519 PTS 545 PTS 546 PTS 611 PTS 619 PTS 620 PTS 625 PTS 626 PTS 627 PTS 628 PTS 631 PTS 542 PTS 543 PTS 544 PTS 623 PTS 624 PTS 728 PTS 729 Fieldwork: Introduction Winter: Total Fieldwork Lecture Seminar Lecture Seminar ...
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...responses to the received information” (Linton, 2016) The neuron is the functional unit of the system, and it conducts electrical impulses within the nervous system. The nervous system is separated into 2 parts: central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The CNS includes the brain and the spinal cord. The PNS includes all the nerves in the peripheral parts of the body, including spinal and cranial nerves. Osteoarthritis does not affect this body system. Osteoarthritis and Digestive System The digestive system consists of the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, intestines, salivary glands, pancreas, liver, gallbladder. Its main function is ingestion, digestion, and absorption of nutrients, salts, and water, and elimination of wastes. People with arthritis frequently develop constipation because they are not as active as they used to be or limit their fluid intake. Osteoarthritis and Circulatory...
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...Unit 4 Case Study 2: Skin Cancer Skin cancer is a rather harsh reality for many people that love soaking up the sun, however genetics and gene mutation may be playing a larger role in the development of carcinomas. Almost everyone has experienced a sunburn from staying out at the beach for too long, or not reapplying the appropriate amount of sunscreen. The damage that UVA and UVB rays can do to the integumentary system in a short period of time can cause life changing effects. Genetic mutations are sometimes caused by outside sources such as UVB rays, and other times linked to hereditary factors. In recent studies, direct links have been found between melanoma and specific hereditary genes that they believe are responsible. A gene is mutated when one or more cells change and create an abnormal protein in response to the change. With what I have learned in previous units about DNA replication, once a gene is replicated, it will continue to replicate its adapted form, this is important because this is how the mutated gene is being replicated at a cellular level. The bad cells are now being copied and replicated. The genetic mutations that pose the greatest risk of developing skin cancer are CDK4 and CDKN2A gene mutations. These two mutations effect the tumor suppressor, and stop the cell from performing its normal job. Gene mutations can be germ-line meaning passed from parent to offspring if they are hereditary. Genes can also be mutated by outside sources such a light...
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...disease you intend to study? Why did you choose this one? The illness that I have chosen is Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis [Commonly known as Motor Neurone Disease]. ALS is a neurodegenerative disease that spontaneously breaks down the tissues in the nervous system;the causes are unknown. The cells in the Nervous System that help transmit nerve impulses that control voluntary muscle movements are called Motor Neurons. These Motor Neurons spontaneously degenerate which means that the connections from the brain to the muscles are lost . Without the pathways for the nerve impulses to travel down the muscles, the brain loses control of the voluntary muscles. Sufferers of ALS have virtually lost the...
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...Social Care PHYSIOLOGY Introduction This assignment will investigate the human body organ system and how they work together . Appropriate or case study provided in this assignment will be used in order to investigate the functionality of body system. Main anatomic feature of the human body will be outline, how body system interact to ensure the body functions and grows will be discussed. The part two of the assignment will look at how the body responds to physical activity and it will also identify how the body coordinated internal activities. This assignment will also look at other human body conditions such as obesity, diabetes and discus as to deal with such conditions in order to ensure the wellbeing of individuals with such conditions. THE human body is composed of ten different systems which are made of organs working in coordination with one another. These organs have to work together as they need each another to fulfil its functions. Human organs support each other’s in order to perform their function. Below is brief descriptions and functions of human body system: 1. Central Nervous System (CNS): CNS is composed of brain, nerves, nerve endings, and spinal cord. It role is to control and coordinate the body functions (coordination of nervous). Will be responsible for sensory input, integration of data and motor output. 2. Cardio vascular system (CVS): is composed of heart, blood, and blood vessels wish includes arteries, veins and capillaries....
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...DUE Wednesday, Jan. 16th at the BEGINNING of class. SUNBURN: A CASE STUDY IN THE INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM DIRECTIONS: Answer the questions below in as thorough a manner as possible. Since you have more than a week to do it, your answers should be complete and polished. You may hand draw the diagram of skin, but the rest MUST BE TYPED or otherwise word processed and double-spaced. This assignment is due at the BEGINNING of the period, and any part of it not completed at that time will not be accepted for credit. Number your answers to correspond to the questions below. (NOTE: This material WILL be included on the next lecture exam; and you WILL NOT have this assignment graded and handed back to you before then. Be sure you have one copy to hand in, and one to study from.) One day in mid-July, a Walla Walla Community College student lies out in the sun for six hours. Later that night he notices that the skin on his trunk, legs and arms becomes red, swollen and extremely painful throughout the burned areas. By morning all of the afflicted areas have developed numerous blisters. These areas cover 35% of the trunk (front and back) and 25% of the arms and legs (front and back). 1. Draw a simple two-dimensional diagram of the skin, showing the three major layers (epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis) and the following accessory structures: a hair follicle, a sebaceous gland, eccrine and apocrine sweat (sudoriferous) glands, and an arrector pili muscle. Draw this diagram freehand. Do not trace...
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...directed toward providing pre-clinical concepts for nursing and other allied health professional students that includes a study of body organization, cytology, and histology, acid/base and fluid/electrolyte balance and all body systems including Integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, gastrointestinal, endocrine, reproductive, blood, lymphatic, cardiovascular, respiratory and renal. Basic principles of pathophysiology and pharmacology will be introduced. Demonstration and hands-on laboratory activities will be based on concepts of clinical physical assessment. Required Text: Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology, 10th Edition, E. N. Marieb Student Learning Outcomes (stated in objective, measurable terms. What will students know or be able to do when they complete the course?) Student Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to: Means of Assessment This outcome will be indicated by successful: 1. Understand the structure of the human body and it functions as it relates to nursing and other allied health professions. 2. Discuss the physiology of the major organ systems and how they relate to nursing and other allied health professions 3. Understand how these organ systems interact with one another and respond to various external and internal stimuli 4. Develop critical thinking skills relevant to the study of human anatomy and physiology. Completion of chapter exams and quizzes as well as class participation and discussion of...
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...Nutrition and the body system are related closely. There are many systems in the body rely on the diet, there are specific nutrients each human being should have to stay healthy. The digestive system breaks down food and separates it to different nutrients to let other systems in the body to use them. The largest body system is the integumentary system, which is connected to the skin. The skin requires several vitamins from food such as vitamin A, C, and zinc to repair damage like burns or cuts. Moreover, water is an important compound that should be taken a lot; it is responsible for many different functions in the body such as at the urinary system water helps the system to get rid of waste products and in the kidneys. Water is used to filter...
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...There are many kinds of pneumonia that range in seriousness from mild to life-threatening. In infectious pneumonia, bacteria, viruses, fungi or other organisms attack your lungs, leading to inflammation that makes it hard to breathe. Pneumonia can affect one or both lungs. In the young and healthy, early treatment with antibiotics can cure bacterial pneumonia. The drugs used to fight pneumonia are determined by the germ causing the pneumonia and the judgment of the doctor. It’s best to do everything we can to prevent pneumonia, but if one do get sick, recognizing and treating the disease early offers the best chance for a full recovery. A case with a diagnosis of Pneumonia may catch one’s attention, though the disease is just like an ordinary cough and fever, it can lead to death especially when no intervention or care is done. Since the case is a toddler, an appropriate care has to be done to make the patient’s recovery faster. Treating patients with pneumonia is necessary to prevent its spread to others and make them as another victim of this illness. NURSING PROFILE a. Patient’s Profile Name: R.C.S.B. Age: 1 yr,1 mo. Weight:10 kgs Religion: Roman Catholic Mother: C.B. Address: Valenzuela City b. Chief Complaint: Fever Date of Admission: 1st admission Hospital Number: 060000086199 c. History of Present Illness 2 days PTA –...
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