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Camp Half Blood Movie Analysis

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Admit it, there are moments that you just want to jump into your favorite films so you could escape the real world and just live in whatever place you see on the screen. You are not alone, so you don't have to worry. A lot of people actually wishes to be a part of a certain world that they normally see in their favorite tv show or film. That is why certain production companies make theme parks so that the fans can actually experience and take a look of what it is really like to be a part of that fantasy world. These fictional places wouldn't be possible without the help of the incredibly advanced CGI or the computer-generated imagery. There are some scenes that takes months for animators to actually make because of the details it actually requires. …show more content…
The Percy Jackson series was originally written as a series of books by Rick Riordan. It is said to be located in Long Island, New York. It is considered to be the safest place for half-bloods or demigods, because it is protected by a barrier made by Zeus using his fallen demigod daughter, Thalia (until it was poisoned and was restored using the Golden Fleece.)

Camp Half-Blood serves as a training facility for demigods, it serves as their school but for combats like an archery field, sword fighting area, climbing wall with lava, an amphitheater, stables, and armory. People who loves the books and the movies would of course want to try and train in the Camp Half-Blood, even if only “half-bloods” are allowed to get in.

WILLY WONKA’S CHOCOLATE FACTORY (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)

Another amazing fictional place is a chocolate factory owned by chocolatier, Willy Wonka. What makes this chocolate factory unique is that it is actually more of a chocolate wonderland. Simply because, there is a room where you can eat technically anything (except the Oompa Loompas, because they're the factory workers) there is even a chocolate river. Who wouldn't want to visit this factory? Unfortunately, only the people who got the “Golden Ticket” managed to get into the factory. However, Nestle corporation managed to make a real Wonka Bar, so maybe that will do since they can't literally make a chocolate

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