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Schizophrenia Family Therapy

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There are a number of different methods to treat the mental illness, Schizophrenia. As it is certainly a disease that effects not only the person with it, but all of their family and friends around them; a method like family therapy helps everyone cope with it. Medications can be taken to treat Schizophrenia, but they are just a quick and easy fix, and have to be taken for the rest of the person’s life (The Mayo Clinic Staff, 2014). The purpose of this paper is to outline what Schizophrenia and family focused therapy is, and analyze some of the research done that has proven family therapy to be a successful method in helping both the patient with Schizophrenia, and their loved ones who’s lives have been affected as well.
Schizophrenia is a …show more content…
During the 15 weekly sessions of CIT-S, lasting about an hour, therapists touch on spiritual coping, communication with one another, psycho education and problem solving (Weisman De Mamani et al., 2014). In the Psych-Ed sessions families were simply taught about Schizophrenia and how to recognize the symptoms that will lead to a relapse (Weisman De Mamani et al., 2014). Of the 46 families of many different ethnicities who completed the study, 25 completed CIT-S and 21 completed Psych-Ed (Weisman De Mamani et al., 2014). Weisman De Mamani et al., (2014), found that overall, the family-focused therapy (CIT-S) outperformed Psych-Ed on three different measures: “diagnosis confirmation, symptom severity, and customer satisfaction” (p.805). Psycho-education was surpassed by CIT-S by 20%, and the symptoms were not as serious in the participants who completed family-focused therapy (Weisman De Mamani et al., 2014). I think the research that has been done in this study fully supports the idea that family-focused therapy is a very beneficial method when trying to treat Schizophrenia. As Schizophrenia is an illness that not only effects the patient, but also many other people in their lives, a method that helps the family cope, all …show more content…
They too found that the patients in the group that was given the family based treatment had a much lower relapse rate compared to those in a control group, 37% to 72% (Sellwood et al., 2001). Many of the care-givers that were in the study refused to complete the lowest number of therapy periods, resulting in no important improvement for them (Sellwood et al., 2001). One thing Sellwood et al., (2001) did point out in their article was the possibility of other aspects being the main reason for a longer stay in the hospital, such as finding space for the patient. I think there are many people who struggle with this, thus making them wait longer to get the help they need in the hospital. If the hospital had a better system or more rooms, a person could be in and out of the hospital efficiently, and be able to carry on with their treatment, and lives. An issue that comes along with family-focused therapy is confidentiality. In this kind of therapy, many aspects of the patient and their families’ personal lives are shared during the therapy sessions (Roberts, 2007). Some members may not want to share everything due to embarrassment which puts a hold on the session (Roberts, 2007). With the use of informed consent, and a therapist who is willing to go above and beyond, and create an environment that allows the family to feel comfortable in, the concerns

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