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Family Therapy Research Paper

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Family therapy is capable of bringing family members together and helps them figure out how to improve communication matters and reduce conflicts. Often, family members that care for individuals with schizophrenia, especially in children, feel extremely overwhelmed and are more than likely at a loss between the do’s and don’ts of treating the severe illness (NCBI). Family members are burdened by care responsibilities, reducing their quality of life, and at that point, they may seek therapy for themselves. This may cause aggravation and agitation within relationships resulting in irritability and arguments during a time when togetherness is essential. By attending family therapy sessions, relationships can be mended and a better understanding …show more content…
A negative symptom refers to reduced or lack of ability to function normally (Mayo Clinic). For instance, the person may neglect personal hygiene and go without bathing, brushing their teeth, or combing their hair for a period of time. In reference to social activities, the individual may avoid eye contact during conversation, speak unenthusiastically, or seem withdrawn from any activity altogether. A type of treatment that can be applied to these effects of schizophrenia is life skills training which allows an individual to relearn basic, daily tasks in order to improve self-management skills and social interactions while developing accurate perceptions of those social activities. This training helps enhance the qualities of life by encouraging an independent lifestyle. One specific form of life skills training is vocational rehabilitation, which focuses on helping people with schizophrenia find and keep jobs. This training aims to increase employability, by providing community-based preparation before entering into the competitive workforce, such as by working at a residential clubhouse (Schizophrenia Library). This can be useful for reinforcing everyday life skills, and individuals are protected at work by certain laws and

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