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Spiritual Retreat Research Paper

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Spiritual retreats are common among the Christians here at Barclay. However, I had never heard of a retreat until my first weekend at this Christ centered school. My first experience with a retreat was polarly different than the retreat that I performed for this assignment. Using the verses Luke 6: 12 and Luke 5:16, I planned out this retreat to follow the lead of my Lord Jesus Christ. I had been planning this retreat since the beginning of the semester, because I was excited to use my fall break as a retreat week. I knew I was going to be in the mountains surrounded by wilderness and solitude. Which made it the perfect time and place to follow Jesus lead. In action of this retreat I would spend each evening in solitude just as Jesus did, …show more content…
I took advantage of this flaw, and used it towards the good of my retreat. Whenever I found myself stressing about an upcoming human interaction, I would retreat to a lonely and dangerous place known as the wilderness. This place allowed me to be alone with the Lord, and to put my faith in him as I am surrounded by animals that are known to seek me as prey. However, in the wilderness, as those animals sought me as prey, I sought God to pray. As I walked through the quiet snowing retreat of the wilderness, I would fast from technology and rely solely on the power of sight and God to guide me safely through. This allowed me to think about and calm the anxious thoughts that occurred with each encounter. I would follow him through previous, good encounters. As I thought these through, I had a revelation that I was paying too much attention to people’s reactions to my own interaction that I forgot to react to them. I cannot count on two hands and ten toes the interactions that I have had with people that have purely been a waste of time due to my lack of personal interaction during our conversations. However, I have not yet spoke of my revelation; I realized that Jesus way of withdrawing before the event was key to his success. When I withdrew before entering into community, I found that I was a social fireball. This all thanks to my time spent with God, that helped me center on him when I interacted with

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