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Sacroiliac Joint: A Case Report

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There are several types of peer reviewed articles over vas number of topics. Using physical therapy as a board topic, there are millions of articles that can be used for research. Three of the many types are a study, a meta-analysis, and a literary review.
For a study, the article Effect of Muscle Energy Technique on Upslip and Inflare Dysfunction of Sacroiliac Joint: A Case Report by Saumya Srivastava, Dhanesh Kumar KU, and Harramb Mittal was used. The purpose of this study is to follow a patient with Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction (SIJ) from diagnosis, through treatment, and final evaluation. It is to determine if this is an effective treatment route for this type of injury. The length of the article was a total of 4 pages with two columns. …show more content…
and Nora Shields, PhD, BSc was chosen. The purpose of this article is to study research previously conducted to determine is aquatic and land therapy combined was more beneficial for a patient after a joint replacement. The article started with an abstract that gave precise information about each step of the article to follow. The researchers of this article used specific criteria to find their trial studies. Remainder of the study was a total of 10 pages with two columns. The first section described the problem that the trials addressed. In the next major subheading, the authors give their methods of finding the trail studies to examine. It first gave the eligibility for the trials and what they were wanting to research. Then for the data was assessed. They addressed possible bias that could have been part of the trials. Then the reader was given the results of these trials. Under results, there was detailed comparison and results of the trials. The conclusion for these authors is that the group was too small to give a final determination of the trials. Resembling the case study, the reader is unable to obtain much information about the subject. There was a strict criterion given that limited certain factors. Therefore, there is no certain way to know there was not a selection bias that filtered out trial information that may have skewed their

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