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Sponsor Report


Submitted By sportees22
Words 318
Pages 2
All organizations that have purchased a booth at 2014 NAKHE Congress are entitled to: * One 11’ x 11’ booth space including one 8’ skirted table, two chairs and table cover (if needed). * Two full-conference registrations for company employees, including all scheduled sessions, workshops, meals, and beverage breaks * Announcement of sponsorship at all events * Promotional materials included in conference bags * ½ page ad in the congress program * Two invitations/tickets to the following events (including all “food events”) * Reception for Past award winners – Wednesday, 6:00 p.m. * Reception after Hanna Lecture – Thursday, January 9, 8:00 p.m. * Homans Lecture/NAKHE Awards Luncheon – Friday, 12:30 – 2:00 p.m. * All Conference Banquet/Keynote speaker * Sargent Lecture/Luncheon – Friday, 12:30 – 2:00 p.m.

All-Conference Sponsor - $20,000

Sponsorship of entire conference is available. Cost $20,000. The All-Conference Sponsor receives all of the above (in the Exhibitor Package) including: * Up to seven (7) 11’ x 11’ booth spaces (entire exhibitor area) including 8’ skirted table, two chairs and table cover (if needed) for all spaces. * Logo prominently displayed on Congress computer bag that is handed to all participants of the conference. * Special Guest status at all events, luncheons, and receptions. * Sponsorships of ALL luncheons and receptions (See Special Event Sponsor below) which includes banner (or equivalent corporate brand) prominently displayed and special recognition at following events: * All-conference * VIP * Banquet * Hospitality breaks * Full Page Ad on the back page of the Congress * Logo on all promotional and marketing materials including Congress flyer sent to all potential participants * Logo prominently displayed on NAKHE

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