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Spurgeon Research Paper

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12. Many pastors today consider Spurgeon as someone to emulate. What things that helped make Spurgeon successful can you emulate? What things that helped make Spurgeon successful are you incapable of emulating? (10 points)

There are several things that made Spurgeon a successful pastor. Several of these I am able to emulate. The first was his reliance on the Lord for the funds and people to do the work that he felt called to do. For example, the Pastors’ College was an institution that he felt called to begin and thru his reliance on the Lord, Spurgeon meet people capable of being teachers and gained funding to help alleviate his personal strain. The second thing that I could emulate is tied into the first, which is prayer. Spurgeon was …show more content…
However, several of the things that made Spurgeon successful I am unable to emulate. The first, and most obvious, is his preaching style and comfort in the pulpit. Being a woman I am not able Biblically to be in the same position as he was. Additionally, I have not been gifted with the oratory talents that Spurgeon was blessed with. However, I can be a teacher and show the love and earnestness that he did to those I am teaching. I can also show the humility that he showed in being given the opportunity to teach. Secondly, this isn’t something I am incapable at doing, but just do really poorly and I think it takes a special kind of person to do, it listening to people. Spurgeon would spend hours and hours listening to people and helping them with their problems. I can listen to people, but I am more of the action doer than the listener. I have a tendency to zone out or get distracted. I truly want to listen and care for them, but I have difficulty in doing so. I also have trouble showing true caring and love to those that I am listening to. Spurgeon was known to be loving and caring and empathic to the point he would cry alongside those he was ministering to. This openness emotionally is not something I have been comfortable with my whole life and is very difficult for me to be able to

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