...SQL Server and fragmentation Just wanted to share a quick tip on querying on sql server fragmentation and fixing things if needed. On our production server, which was setup by our sysadmin with all defaults as per configuration. I was also told that there is a weekly job setup for rebuilding indexes if there is a fragmentation. I did accepted everything told at a face value. But now its time for some treasure hunting. I had to do some sql BOL searching as it was not clear to me how/where I could find such stats. Finally came across sys.db_dm_index_physical_stats function which needs several arguments and based on it it will return details about an object's fragmentation. Lets look at this function first. sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats ( DB_ID, OBJECT_ID, INDEX_ID, PARTITION_NO, MODE); Here db_id, and object_id can take [ null | 0 | default ] as a value and all mean same. To narrow down the results, you need to supply actual value. Index_id could be [ null | -1 | default ], and all mean same, alternatively you can provide 0 if object is a heap, or actual id of an index if object is an index. Partition_no is the partition id of index or heap. Alternatively it can be one of [ null | 0 | default ] as a value and all mean same. Mode is a scan level used to gather the information. It can be any of [ default | null | limited | sampled | detailed ], where default (null ) is limited. So to begin with I took one of our biggest table and made the query...
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...SQL Coding Proj. Draft Building of Tables and Inserting Values PARENTS TABLE The building of the tables were done in SQL which is a program that the PL/SQL coding is done in that talks to the computer to let the computer know exactly what it needs to create for this particular table. The tables were created for formality purposes to keep the assistant from doing any documentation of parents and children on paper. This saves a lot of time and writing. As a child enrolls in the facility, there information and their parent(s) information is put into the system and created. Once created, I then entered the information that was called out in the creation of the tables. This information is shown below. SQL> CREATE TABLE PARENTS( 2 parent_id numeric(5), 3 gender_code varchar2(8), 4 marital_status_code varchar2(15), 5 first_name varchar2(25), 6 last_name varchar2(30), 7 address varchar2(35), 8 city varchar2(25), 9 state varchar2(2), 10 zipcode numeric(5), 11 email_address varchar2(35), 12 phone_number numeric(10)); Table created. SQL> INSERT INTO PARENTS (parent_id, gender_code, marital_status_code, first_name, last_name, addres s, city, state, zipcode, email_address, phone_number) 2 VALUES ('1100','Female','Single','Kim','Jones','453 Dayton Drive','Midfield','AL','35667','KJon es@yahoo.com','2056377454'); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO PARENTS(parent_id, gender_code, marital_status_code, first_name, last_name...
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...Running head: KUDLER FINE FOODS: HR FOCUS Kudler Fine Foods: HR Focus Name School Business Systems II 502 Instructor Date Kudler Fine Foods: HR Focus Kudler Fine Foods is owned and operated by Kathy Kudler. It is a local upscale specialty food store that provides high quality domestic and imported foods. In the San Diego metropolitan area, the company has three locations; in La Jolla, Del Mar, and Encinitas. La Jolla is the Kudler Fine Foods headquarters. With Kudler’s current growth, the store is in need for an upgrade to their Human Resources (HR) management system (Apollo Group Inc, 2012). To get an idea as to what Kudler Fine Foods requires in a new HR system, an understanding of the store chain’s current system will be needed. For Kudler’s payroll system, the store uses Quick Books and outsources the processing of payroll to Intuit. Intuit tracks each employee’s information in their own database, which includes (Apollo Group Inc, 2012): * Personal information, such as name, address, marital status, birth date, etc. * Pay rate * Personal exemptions for tax purposes * Hire date * Seniority date (which is sometimes different than the hire date) * Organizational information (store for budget purposes, manager’s name, etc.) If there are any changes that are required of an employee’s records, the employee’s supervisor must submit a form in writing, where an accounting clerk with Intuit can enter the changes in their system. The accounting...
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...Trends in Information Analysis and Data Management Trends in Information Analysis and Data Management Over the last decade, advancements in digital technology have enabled companies to collect huge amounts of new information. This data is so large in scope, it has traditionally been difficult to process and analyze this information using standard database management systems such as SQL. The commoditization of computer technology has created a new paradigm in which data can be analyzed more efficiently and effectively than ever before. This report analyzes the some of the most important changes that are currently taking place within this new paradigm. The first part of this report covers trends in database analysis by analyzing the field of data mining. The report covers the topic of data mining by providing an explanation of it, and then by providing examples of real-world examples of data mining technology. Benefits and challenges of data mining are then provided. The second part of the report outlines an even more recent trend in data science, which is the increasing usage of noSQL databases to analyze “big data,” also referred to web-scale datasets. The most recent and major technological developments in the industry are then provided and described. Data Mining Background & Definition Data mining involves the process of discovering and extracting new knowledge from the analysis of large data sets. This is most often done through the use of data mining software...
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...3. What is a reflective cross-site scripting attack? A reflective cross site scripting attack is when a single HTTP response is used to inject browser executable code. It is not actually placed in the application. 4. What common method of obfuscation is used in most real-world SQL attacks? They include character scrambling and masking, numeric variance and nulling, relying on an array of built-in SQL Server system functions used for string manipulation. 5. Which web application attack is more prone to extracting privacy data elements out of a database? SQL injections can be used to enter the database with administrator rights. The best way to prevent this is to use Java instead. 6. Given that Apache and Internet Information Services are the two most popular Web applications servers for Linux and WS Windows platforms, what would you do to identify known software vulnerabilities and exploits? A public domain by definition is far different than a systems PKI server. A public domain that stores certs is in a key escrow. 7. If you can monitor when SWL injections are performed on an SQL database, what would you recommend as a security countermeasure to monitor your production SQL databases? Of course. That’s a CYA and common sense thing. 8. What can you do to ensure that your organization incorporates penetration testing and web application testing as part of its implementation...
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...CHAPTER 1 PROJECT BACKGROUND 1.1 Introduction The simple approach Open Data File for Input soon became fraught with all kinds of problems that needed to be addressed. Computer system vendors needed to be able to support the critical needs of a growing and evolving market place that supported the data processing needs of organizations in all fields of human endeavor1. So an innovation comes up – database and DBMS - as a remedy to these huge crises. A database is a collection of related files that are usually integrated, linked or cross-referenced to one another. The advantage of a database is that data and records contained in different files can be easily organized and retrieved using specialized database management software called a database management system (DBMS) or database manager. A database management system is a set of software programs that allows users to create, edit and update data in database files, and store and retrieve data from those database files all using a DBMS2. It consists of a combination of pre-written software programs controlling the following functions of a database: Storage; Organization; Management; Update; and Retrieval of data. A DBMS is categorized according to the data types and structures in use. It accepts and processes data requests from an application program, and responds by instructing the operating system to access and transfer the relevant data. With a DBMS in use, it is easier for an organization to make alterations to their...
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...Mary Easterling Database Concepts Paper (Ch. 30 Web Technologies and DBMS) The internet or web was created in 1989, the internet grew into the powerful information exchange service that it is today. It has expanded the world at a pace that has astounded many experts in this new field. This new technology brought forth many new ideas for better, faster, easier ways to communication between the different computer formats, so the experts had get together and create a universal language that would be accepted with all computer hardware systems. Most web pages today are written in HTML, XML, JAVA, JavaScript are just a few examples. Websites now and in the past use the uniform resource locations (URL’s) to communicate inside the different browsers with the information or resources on a specific server. Without these locations, the information cannot be found or accessed, for example, to access Google.com, the browser needs to break down the information into an address to continue, and if the address is incorrect or cannot be located it will return a page not found error. Hypertext markup language (HTML) is the most common language that spans across the different platforms. This language is pretty easy to learn using the free basic instructions available on the internet, and now most high schools teach HTML to their students so they can create their own webpage. Most personal webpages today are a great example of what is called a static web page. “An HTML document that is...
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...Review of Major DB Concepts • Data and Information – Data: raw facts – Information: processed data • • • • Database Metadata DBMS: Database management system Database system 1 An Example of Data • Sales per employee for each of Xcompany’s two divisions 2 Data and Its Structure • Data is actually stored as bits, but it is difficult to work with data at this level. • It is convenient to view data at different levels of abstraction. • Schema: Description of data at some level. Each level has its own schema. • Three schemas: physical, conceptual, and external. 3 Physical Data Schema • Describes details of how data is stored: tracks, cylinders, indices etc. • Early applications worked at this level - explicitly dealt with details. • Problem: Routines hard-coded to deal with physical representation. – Changes to data structure difficult to make. – Application code becomes complex since it must deal with details. – Rapid implementation of new features impossible. 4 Conceptual Data Level • Hides details. – In the relational model, the conceptual schema presents data as a set of tables. • DBMS maps from conceptual to physical schema automatically. • Physical schema can be changed without changing application: – DBMS must change mapping from conceptual to physical. • Referred to as physical data independence. 5 Conceptual Data Level (con’t) Application Conceptual view of data DBMS Physical view of data 6 External Data Level ...
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...|PRESTIGE INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCH | |Indore | | | |Project Report | | | |Payal Patidar | |BCA 6th Semester - 11641 | | | CONTENTS 1. Introduction a. Rationale b. Objectives c. Tools i. Software Requirements ii. Hardware Requirements 2. Methodology a. Design i. Algorithm ii. Flow chart iii. E-R Diagram iv. Data flow diagram 3. Tools i. Forms layout ii. Coding 4. Results 5. Conclusion 6. Reference INTRODUCTION ...
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...payroll. Adding a website with a RDMS and offering digital music downloads the company will be able to compete with other companies worldwide. The most popular affordable RDMS’s that are in use today are Microsoft Access that comes with Microsoft Office (Professional) is popular with most small businesses ("Microsoft Access Database: The Pros With Less Cons When Using Microsoft Access As Your Database", n.d.)., PostgreSQL which runs on multiple operating systems and is an open source database, meaning it is free (“PostgreSQL”, 1996-2012)., MySQL is also an open source database that runs on multiple operating systems ("Advantages And Disadvantages To Using Mysql Vs Ms Sql", n.d.)., MSSQL is a closed, propriety database that works great with Microsoft programs ("Advantages And Disadvantages To Using Mysql Vs Ms Sql", n.d.)., and Fire Bird which works well with Window and is also...
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...setup c drive, 8000, set d drive for rest in windows setup Mandatory prerequisites Only use the support programs included our 'AIO Software Pak'! Fresh install of Windows 2000/XP/2003 All Service Packs and Patches applied Hard Drive Partition 'C:/' (System) - Min 5 Gigabytes Hard Drive Partition 'D:/' (System) - Min 60 Gigabytes Make SURE the sensor has a Static TCP/IP settings and can get to the Internet Deactivate any Firewall application on the Windows Intrusion Detection System (WinIDS)! The new WinIDS sensor MUST be allowed to see ALL the network traffic. We would strongly suggest that the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA) is used to identify and correct common security miss configurations and resolve each issue prior to starting this install. Pre-installation Tasks -Make SURE that 'Internet Information Services' has been removed prior to starting this guide. If your unsure, go into the add/remove programs, select 'add/remove windows components', make SURE the 'Internet Information Services' radio box is unselected, if selected, unselect 'Internet Information Services', and remove the application, and all associated components. -Edit hosts file winids Download the 'WinIDS - All In One Software Pak' and extract the contents into the d:\temp folder. Installing the Basic Windows Intrusion Detection System (WinIDS) Install WinPcap Navigate to the d:\temp folder, double left-click on the 'WinPcap...' file, left-click...
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...the system.” (wingenious.com) Database architecture type s can be broken down into three broad categories, each of which can have several subcategories: One Tier, Two Tier- client/server, and “N” Tier- client/server. The One Tier architecture is best suited to the single user and relatively small amounts of data. It runs on the user’s local machine and references a file that is stored on that machine’s hard drive, thus using a single physical resource to access and process information. For multiple users and small scale applications Two Tier client/server architecture would be better suited than One Tier architecture. Users interact through a GUI (graphical user interface) to communicate with the database server across a network via SQL (structured query language. For the large...
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...Individual Microsoft® Access®Exercise Complete the following tasks using Microsoft® Access®: • Create a database consisting of two tables. • Name both tables. • Create fields for each table. The first table must contain the following fields: o Student ID number o First name o Last name o Gender o Phone number o Address o Major o Minor • The second table must contain the following fields: o Student ID number o Course o Letter grade • Establish a primary key for each table. • Create a relationship between the two tables. • Set appropriate properties for all fields. • Enter at least five mock student records in the first table. In the second table, enter at least three courses for each student listed in the first table. • Create a report containing student ID numbers, first names, last names, courses, and letter grades for all students. • Create a query to search for students who received an A in a course. Display student ID number, first name, and last name in the query. Read the following scenarios: You are working at a support desk for a company providing onsite and telephone support to customers with Microsoft® Access®questions. On this particular day, you are presented with the following three situations: Situation 1: Jack, a veterinarian, has experienced tremendous growth within his business. All animal records are shelved in folders and are sorted alphabetically by the owner’s name. Jack is ready to rid himself of the time and space these files take...
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...Database Systems Adam Fabian DBM / 380 Database Systems Database Systems are emerging as an essential technology in today’s digital society. As human dependence on technology continues to evolve, databases continue to provide the backbone to any customer or data based system and assist organizations in storing vast amounts of information in a reference-able and organized manner. Database systems are specially designed pieces of software that store and organize vast amounts of data in a logical way that users can understand. The size of a database can range anywhere from a few simple records to millions of user accounts with detailed information and data. At my work, databases play an integral part in our company’s success. My current employer, Phoenix Diagnostic Imaging, handles thousands of records related to patient examinations conducted at our facility. The data for each patient is stored in a patient object within the database and referenced using the functionalities provided within the database application. Each one of these objects stores personal information, insurance information, examination data and images, paperwork from each visit, and referring doctor contact information. Employees use this system constantly to access patient records and insert new data into the patient records. Database architecture plays an important role in the success of a database. The three main types of database architecture are the one-tier, two-tier, and...
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...2.20 Write an SQL statement to display unique WarehouseIDs. SELECT DISTINCT WarehouseID FROM INVENTORY; 2.29 Write an SQL statement to display the SKU, SKU_Description, WarehouseID, and QuantityOnHand for all products having a QuantityOnHand greater than 1 and less than 10. Do not use the BETWEEN keyword. SELECT SKU, SKU_Description, WarehouseID, QuantityOnHand FROM INVENTORY WHERE QuantityOnHand > 1 AND QuantityOnhand < 10; 2.31 Write an SQL statement to show a unique SKU and SKU_Description for all products having an SKU description starting with ‘Half-dome’. SELECT DISTINCT SKU, SKU_Description FROM INVENTORY WHERE SKU_Description LIKE 'Half-dome%'; 2.33 Write an SQL statement to show a unique SKU and SKU_Description for all products having a ‘d’ in the third position from the left in SKU_Description. SELECT DISTINCT SKU, SKU_Description FROM INVENTORY WHERE SKU_Description LIKE '__d%'; 2.36 Write an SQL statement to display the WarehouseID and the sum of QuantityOnHand, grouped by WarehouseID. Name the sum TotalItemsOnHand and display the results in descending order of TotalItemsOnHand. SELECT WarehouseID, SUM(QuantityOnHand) AS TotalItemsOnHand FROM INVENTORY GROUP BY WarehouseID ORDER BY SUM (QuantityOnHand) DESC; 2.42 Write an SQL statement to display the SKU, SKU_Description, WarehouseID, Ware- houseCity, and WarehouseState of all items not stored in the Atlanta, Bangor, or Chicago warehouse. Do not use the...
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