...Miracle Economies Introduction: India’s record GDP growth of 8.49% per year in the five-year period 2004-09 is a case of improved productivity and | growth in states trickling up and aggregating into rapid growth at the national level. The acceleration did not originate in New Delhi. It originated in the states, especially the large, poor ones, and then trickled up. We have long viewed some states like Gujarat and Maharashtra as naturally fast-growing, and others like Bihar and Uttar Pradesh as irredeemable failures. We are used to thinking of Kerala as having good social welfare without growth, and of Punjab as the main economic dynamo north of the Vindhyas. Growth of Miracle economies: India achieved record annual GDP growth, averaging 8.45%, in the five years, 2004-05 to 2008-09. Historically, the chronically poor states were Orissa plus the BIMARU quartet (Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh), of which three have been sub-divided. These eight poor states participated in India’s boom. Indeed, five of India’s eight ultra-poor states have become miracle economies, defined internationally as those with over 7% growth. The best news comes from Bihar, historically the biggest failure. From 2004-05 to2008-09, Bihar averaged 11.03% growth annually. It was virtually India’s fastest growing state, on par with Gujarat (11.05%). That represents a sensational turnaround. Other poor states have done very well too. Uttrakhand (9.31%), Orissa (8.74%), Jharkhand (8.45%)...
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...Chapter -1 INTRODUCTION 1211536, 1211543 | A study on Indian Economy – Past , Present, Future 1 Introduction to area of study India has come a long way in terms of economic growth. There is broad consensus that the global centre of economic growth is moving to Asia, and as a large emerging nation with a growing middle class, India has captured the attention of developed economies looking for new investment and trade opportunities. The Softer indicators of economy – aspirations, health, and literacy – are all registering discernible improvements. Over two decades, India has implemented wide-ranging reforms that opened up the economy, dismantled the old licensing system and introduced competition into a number of sectors that had previously been dominated by public monopolies. Now, we live in a generation of relative abundance. While for the Western world it is going to be a demographic winter, we in India with some effort should be reaping a demo- graphic dividend. It is an India full of goodies –better consumption and lifestyle are in attendance all around. From the past two decades, we saw the twists in its growth and also twist in political atmosphere. With 27 per cent of the economy stagnant, it is no surprise that overall growth in India has slipped below 6 per cent. We are referring to the industrial sector, which has recorded an insipid 0.4 per cent growth in the first five months of this fiscal year beginning April 2013. It needs no emphasis that without a turnaround...
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...Discussion Paper 99 JOBLESS GROWTH IN INDIAN MANUFACTURING: A KALDORIAN APPROACH Michele Alessandrini* November 2009 Abstract Despite the remarkable economic performance in the last twenty-five years, India maintains a high discrepancy between the rate of growth of the economy and the rate of growth of employment. Labour elasticity to output has decreased over time and the capability of the Indian economy to generate employment seems to be limited. As a result, more than 60 percent of Indian workers are still employed in agriculture and 94 percent of total labour force can be found in the unregistered segment of the economy. This paper analyzes the jobless growth problem in India in terms of a Kaldorian framework where the linkages between agriculture and industry enter the labour demand through the changes in the terms of trade between the two sectors. Moreover, we investigate the role of the unorganized sector in influencing the growth of the registered employment. Using a dynamic panel dataset on registered manufacturing from the 15 major Indian states over the period 1980-2004, our System-GMM estimates show that states with a higher growth of demand for industrial goods originating from agriculture also exhibit a higher growth of employment. In addition, in those states where the weight of the unregistered manufacturing has risen over time, the jobless growth problem has worsened. Keywords: India, jobless growth, manufacturing, intersectoral terms...
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...PERFORMANCE OF TEXTILE INDUSTRY IN INDUSTRIALISATION: A STUDY WITH REFERENCE TO INDIA INTRODUCTION Prosperity of any nation is extremely difficult without industrial development – is a well established truth for all the economies – developing or developed. Economic development and industrialization have became so closely integrated with each other that progress of an economy is now accessed from the success it has achieved in transformation from agricultural set up into a industrial set up. Through industrialization a situation is created whereby many industries are set up rapidly and ultimately backward areas are converted into economically developed areas and backward economies into developed economies. Industrialization, infact is a composite term which involves a number of structural changes such as changes in the production techniques, factor intensities, industrial employment and output. Industrialization is not only a way to increase output or national income but is a means of introducing modern technology and changing ways of life and finally the structure of the economy because of its self-reinforcing quality. But the all above cannot be executed without a well planned industrial policy. The industrial polity provides direction to the pace of industrialization and industrial development. Hence, to industrialize the country, India too, framed industrial policy which was amended, modified and reoriented several times. The First Industrial Policy was framed in 1948...
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...Theme : Financial Management Topic : The Drivers of Indian Economy Presented By Shashwati Bhowmick Sr. Faculty (Retail Management) Footwear Design & Development Institute Chhindwara (M.P) Abstract Economic growth and development is the key to the growth and development of the nation. There are various factors, attributes which drives the economic growth. This paper studied about roles played by drivers of economy. The result focuses on the need, importance , implementation and management of these drivers by the government to ensure sustained economic growth and development of India. Introduction Economy is...
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...of Banking sector on Indian economy Author Author Shilpa Vivek Agrawal Shreya Deepak Saraf Novel Institute of Management Studies, Novel Institute of Management Studies Chinchwad, Pune. India. Chinchwad, Pune. India. Co-Author Dr. D.M Gujarathi Chairman BOS, Cost and Works Accounting University of Pune, India --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abstract Financial System is the most important institutional and functional vehicle for economic transformation of any country. India is slowly but surely moving from a regime of 'large number of small banks' to 'small number of large banks. The process of mergers and acquisitions has gained substantial importance in today's corporate world. This process is extensively used for restructuring the business organizations. In India, the concept of mergers and acquisitions was initiated by the government bodies. M & A in banking sector have been on rise in recent past both globally & in India. With the help of mergers and acquisitions in the banking sector, the banks can achieve significant growth in their operations...
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...— What does Development Mean — Economic Growth and Economic Development — The New View of Economic Development • Development as a Multi-dimensional Process • Three Core Values of Development — Development, Freedom and Opportunities — Human Development • Sustainable Human Development • What Makes Development Unsustainable? • Policy for Sustainable Development — Human Development Index — Progress and Setbacks in Human Development • Advances in Human Development—A Global Snapshot • The Limits to Human Development `• The End of Convergence? • India—A Globalization Success Story with a Mixed Record on Human Development — National Human Development Report - 2001 • Indicators — State of Human Development in India • State Level 2. The Environment and Development. 46 — Introduction — The Basic Issues • Sustainable Development and Environmental Accounting • Population, Resources, and the Environment • Poverty and Environment • Growth versus the Environment • Rural Development and the Environment • Urban Development and the Environment • The Global Environment — Consequences of Environmental Damage — The Indian Case • Consequences of Environmental Plunder — Public Policy SECTION - II Indian Economy at Independence 3. India's Economy at Independence. 57 — Introduction ...
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...strategy. Mamta is a researcher at the Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER). 1. Summary During the past two decades, India has moved away from its former ‘command and control’ policies to become a marketbased economy. This process started in the mid-1980s and gathered substantial momentum at the beginning of the 1990s. The process of reform has continued in this decade with a further opening of the economy and the creation of regulatory institutions to oversee the march towards fully competitive markets. As a result of the liberalisation, GDP per capita has been rising by 7% annually, a rate that leads to its doubling in a decade. This contrasts with annual growth of GDP per capita of just 1% in the three decades from 1950 to 1980. Rapid growth turned India into the third largest economy in the world in 2006 (after the United States and China and just ahead of Japan when measured at purchasing power parities), accounting for nearly 7% of world GDP. 1 Although India’s growth rate has been among the highest in the world, it remains a low income country. With a per capita income of US$950 in 2007, India ranks 122nd. 2 As well as a low average income, there are substantial disparities in economic performance between states. The average per capita Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) of Delhi, the richest state, is five times that of Bihar, the poorest. There is a broad consensus amongst policy makers that growth needs to become more inclusive by...
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...Run Prospects for GDP Growth in India Ombir Singh Ombir Singh, School of Management, Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida Gautam Budh Nagar, U.P. PIN-201308, India Tel: -91-120-2344324 E-mail: odahiya@gmail.com Manju Dahiya Manju Dahiya, Research Associate, Institute of Development Studies, M.D. University Rohtak (124001), Haryana, India E-mail: manju11jan@gmail.com Abstract Due to global financial crisis, issues relating to the growth of Indian economy have been the subject matter of debate and discussion at home as well as abroad. Global financial crisis affeced the growth rate of every sector of the economy but not as much as high, slogans annonced by the corporate sector. The Indian economy has been achieving the high rate of growth after the reform process. In India, where rapid economic growth has become a national goal, analysis of the sources of growth assumes special significance to formulation of the macroeconomic strategy and policies that affect the future growth rate- as well as pattern. This study explains “How has the Indian economy growing after independence. Using the latest data on labour and a model of capital accumulation and productivity growth, we map out GDP growth on India economy until 2050. It estimates potential growth using the Cobb-Douglus production function in the Indian context and then examine their implication for policy. 1. Introduction During the last couple of years, issues relating to the growth of Indian economy have been the subject...
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...‘The employment relations system in India is undermined by the large proportion of workers employed in the unofficial economy’. Discuss. BACKGROUND Capital: New Delhi Population: 1.3 milliard Currency: Indian Rupee GDP Value: 3.33% of the world economy Political system: Federal parliamentary democratic republic – President (head of state), prime minister (head of government) Became independent in 1947 * Major economic reforms in the 1990s paved the way for high economic growth in India and involved the considerable liberalisation of the expansive labour laws. * There is a large rural sector and a large ‘informal’ sector in which unions and collective bargaining are rare. Trade union membership overall is low but membership and collective bargaining coverage is higher in the public sector and large enterprises. There are weak laws regarding trade union recognition and representation and poor enforcement of labour laws and collective agreement provisions. Current concerns include lack of protection for workers who have been made worse-off by the market-based labour reforms, poor growth prospects in key parts of the labour market, high rates of contract and casual workers, increasing downsizing and a low-value added IT sector. The Indian industrial relations system is rooted in British common law * The unionisation rate is low at 5% of the total workforce due in part to large rural and informal sectors, which are not unionised. Most union are concentrated...
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...Confederation of Indian Industry CII 13th Manufacturing Summit 2014 Make In India: Turning Vision Into Reality The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) is a global management consulting firm and the world’s leading advisor on business strategy. We partner with clients from the private, public, and not-forprofit sectors in all regions to identify their highest-value opportunities, address their most critical challenges, and transform their enterprises. Our customized approach combines deep in ight into s the dynamics of companies and markets with close collaboration at all levels of the client organization. This ensures that our clients achieve sustainable compettive advantage, build more i capable organizations, and secure lasting results. Founded in 1963, BCG is a private company with 81 offices in 45 countries. For more information, please visit bcg.com. The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) works to create and sustain an environment conducive to the development of India, partnering industry, Government, and civil society, through advisory and consultative processes. CII is a non-government, not-for-profit, industry-led and industry-managed organization, playing a proactive role in India‘s development process. Founded in 1895, India‘s premier business association has over 7200 members, from the private as well as public sectors, including SMEs and MNCs, and an indirect membership of over 100,000 enterprises from around 242 national and regional...
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...India and the United States India and the United States SOC 325 DR. Elaine, Bontempi November 15, 2008 India and the United States Abstract India will become the most populous nation by 2030. Thanks to the fast growing software and IT revolution, India is changing its role around the world as formable economic competitor. Despite these achievements, it should be noted that employment growth in the Indian services sector has been quite modest, underscoring the importance of achieving rapid industrial and agricultural growth. Poverty and the threat of HIV/AIDS are threatening India at a very alarming rate. In contrast, the United States houses about 4.6 percent of the world’s population, which was estimated to be nearly 6...
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...Innovations and Inclusive Growth A Case of Banking Industry in India Kiran Kumar Kakarlapudi Background and Motivation India has entered high growth trajectory with the initiation of economic reforms in the early 1990s with a policy shift towards free market economy.1 While on the growth front, the economy has performed considerably well, on the other hand the issue of distributional effects of growth has gained momentum in the academic and policy environment. Thus, in the eleventh and twelfth five year plans, emphasis has been laid to achieve sustainable economic growth with inclusive development (Singh, 2011). The empirical evidences on India’s growth pattern show that, the fantabulous growth performance, to a large extent, is driven by high growth in the service sector which has grown at 8.1 percent per annum during 1990-91 to 2007-08. Similarly, the share of service sector Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has increased from less than half to 68 percent in 2007-08 (Acharya, 2008). 2 The insights from the studies on service sector growth in India reveal that the spurt in the service growth is driven by the rapid growth of business services (which include Information Technology), communication services, financial services, hotels and restaurants, and trade (distribution) services, which is facilitated by the advent and rapid diffusion of information technology (Gordon and Gupta, 2004; Banga, 2005; Verma, 2006; Eichengreen and Gupta, 2010).3 Further, it has been argued that, rapid...
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...- Prof. POOJA MISHRA AGRICULTURAL SECTOR IN INDIA GROUP DETAILS Aashish Kumar Arya 13DM003 Akanksha Khar 13DM017 Abhay Goyal 13DM006 Akash Jain 13DM019 Abhishek Surendra Rane 13DM008 Ankit Saraff 13DM029 INDIAN AGRICULTURAL SECTOR EXECUTIVE SUMMARY India accounts for only about 2.4 % of the world’s geographical area and 4 % of its water resources, but manages about 17 % of the world’s human population and 15 % of the livestock. Agriculture is a critical sector of the Indian economy. Though its contribution to the overall Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country has fallen from about 30 % in 1990-91 to less than 15 % in 2011-12, a trend that is expected in the development process of any economy, agriculture yet forms the backbone of development. An average Indian still spends almost half of his/her total expenditure on food, while roughly half of India’s work force is still engaged in agriculture for its livelihood. Being both a source of livelihood and food security for a vast majority of low income, poor and vulnerable sections of society, its performance assumes greater significance in view of the proposed National Food Security Bill and the ongoing Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) scheme. Accelerating the growth of agriculture production is therefore necessary not only to achieve an overall GDP target of 8 % during the 12th Plan and meet the rising demand for food, but also to increase incomes of those dependent on agriculture...
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...Globalization bring people are the world more choices and opportunities and can have a significant impact in developing countries such as India. India has made a substantial amount of progress in the last two decades in terms of its economic development. Development is a qualitative measure of progress in an economy and closely linked with globalization. It refers to development and adoption of new technologies, transition from agriculture-based to industry-based economy and general improvement in living standards[2]. Although in some cases, globalization has not held true to benefit in India’s development, it has undoubtedly improved overall economic growth and living standards since 1990. This paper will explore the following question: how has social and economic development in India been affected by the implementation of the structural adjustment program (SAP) and its policies over the past twenty years? It will examine the effects of the SAP; more specifically how its policies have benefited social and economic development. Through the exploration of foreign direct investment (FDI), I will examine how direct investment in India by other nations has allowed for growth in trade and industry and greater employment opportunities. Because the SAP has had both positive and negative effect on economic development in India, I have an opportunity to determine whether the benefits outweigh the detriments, and to discuss how the modernization theory has affected the type of policies...
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