...Summer Internships 2010 PGDM 2009-11 Summer Internship Project Report On “Brand Promotion” & “Market Research” Undertaken at THE LUMBINI BEVERAGES PVT. LTD. PATNA Prepared by: RUPESH KUMAR PGDM (09-11/43) Company Guide: MANISH SAHAI (MDM Patna) Faculty Guide: Prof. RAJESH AGRAWAL (IILM-CMS-AHL) HARISH SINGH (CE Patna) 1 SUMMER INTERNSHIP 2010 Company Feedback Format (To be provided on Company Letterhead) Dear Sir, On behalf of IILM-CMS, we would like to thank you for giving Mr. ............................... an opportunity to learn under your guidance as a part of Summer Internship Program. We are sure that Mr. RUPESH KUMAR (PGDM-09-43) has lived up to your expectations. We request you to spare a few more minutes and provide us with a formal feedback regarding the candidates conduct and performance as per your interaction with him so as to enable us to focus on further development of the candidate based on your inputs. Thanks in Anticipation. For: Career Management Centre, IILM College of Management Studies, Greater Noida. 2 Company Feedback Format (To be provided on Company Letterhead) Company: LUMBINI BEVERAGE PVT.LTD. Location: Hajipur Industrial Area Intern Name: Mr. RUPESH KUMAR(PGDM-09-43) Internship Commencement Date: 15/04/2010 Internship Completion Date: 15/06/2010 Evaluation Parameter Rating(out of 10 on each parameter) Knowledge & Content Knowledge of Industry Practical Application of Knowledge Learning...
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...Several government officials, agro-processors, farming entrepreneurs and other stakeholders in the agriculture sector converged on the premises of the Fond Assau Agro-Processing Plant in Babonneau for its formal opening on Tuesday, September 6th, 2011. This modern facility was co-funded by the Republic of China on Taiwan and the Government of Saint Lucia at approximately Two Million EC Dollars (EC$2 million). The Taiwanese Government supported the refurbishment or modernization of the existing SLBC facility at the cost of EC$1.5 million and the land had been purchased by the government from the defunct St. Lucia Banana Corporation (SLBC) for approximately EC$280,000. The lively proceedings were led by Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture, Lands, Fisheries and Forestry, Hubert Emmanuel, who served as Master of Ceremonies (MC). Deputy Permanent Secretary, Mrs. Sonia Monrose delivered welcome remarks to an expectant audience. She noted that agro-processing serves to enhance food security; while improving the value chain by transforming primary agricultural produce making them ready-vacuum-packed for our busy housewives, house-husbands, restaurants, hotels, motels, supermarkets and other retail outlets throughout Saint Lucia.The Chairman of the Saint Lucia Marketing Board (SLMB), Mr. Stephen Best, pointed out that the Fond Assau Agro-Processing Centre, is a momentous occasion reflecting the foresight and vision of the Minister of Agriculture, Ezechiel Joseph; and...
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...Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN Women Women are the backbone of the development of rural and national economies. They comprise 43% of the world’s agricultural labor force, which rises to 70% in some countries. In Africa, 80% of the agricultural production comes from small farmers, who are mostly rural women. Women comprise the largest percentage of the workforce in the agricultural sector, but do not have access and control over all land and productive resources. During the last ten years, many African countries have adopted new land laws in order to strengthen women’s land ownership rights. This has helped improve the situation of rural women. To this effect, the lack of appreciation of the role of rural women in agriculture is harmful and gives rise to a lack of specific policies, policies which are misdirected, high levels of poverty, illiteracy and non-involvement in the design and planning of programs and policies, which involves a process of mutual learning that reflects the real and specific needs of rural women. Despite the important roles they play in agricultural economies, rural women in Africa suffer from the highest illiteracy rates and are the most visible face of poverty. Women guarantee livelihoods, especially in rural areas. As a result of their great efforts in agricultural production, women’s production helps to guarantee their self-sustenance. This is still not enough, however,...
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...land borders with Thailandin West Malaysia, and Indonesia and Brunei in East Malaysia. Malaysia Agricultural sector contributes 12 % to nation’s GDP and employing 16% of total population of Malaysia, various crops such as rubber, palm oil, cocoa, bananas, coconuts, durian, pineapples, rice, rambutan are grown. Malaysia has started organic farming in fruits and vegetables and has come up with logo "Organic Malaysia". When we consider agriculture sector, country like Malaysia is world's main exporter of natural palm oil and rubber, which combine with saw wood and sawn cocoa, timber, pepper,t imber, tobacco and pineapple lead the growth of the sector. The First National Agricultural Policy (1984-1991) was drafted in response to the inability of previous policies to eradicate poverty and sluggish performance of the agriculture sector as the country’s engine of economic growth. The Second National Agricultural Policy (1992-2010) and The Third National Agricultural Policy (1998-2010) updates the policy to reflect current economic challenges and realities. In total, the agriculture sector contributed RM42b amounting to 9.5% of Malaysia’s GDP in 2004. During the period 2000-2012 the growth of the manufacturing sector continued to outpace growth in the agriculture sector. At the end of 2012, the manufacturing...
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...per cent of GDP and about two thirds of the population is dependent on the sector. The importance of farm credit as a critical input to agriculture is reinforced by the unique role of Indian agriculture in the macroeconomic framework and its role in poverty alleviation. Recognizing the importance of agriculture sector in India’s development, the Government and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) have played a vital role in creating a broad-based institutional framework for catering to the increasing credit requirements of the sector. The Reserve Bank has been very active in reinvigorating the co-operative credit movement in the country through a...
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...WHO REALLY BENEFITS FROM AGRICULTURAL SUBSIDIES? EVIDENCE FROM FIELD-‐LEVEL DATA Barrett Kirwan University of Maryland Michael J. Roberts North Carolina State University February 2010 [Preliminary and Incomplete] ABSTRACT The idea that agricultural subsidies are fully capitalized into farmland values forms the foundation of the argument that subsidies are entitlements and removing them would drastically reduce farmland asset values. Surprisingly little evidence substantiates this claim. Using field-‐level data and explicitly controlling for potentially confounding variables we find that landlords only capture between 14 – 24 cents of the marginal subsidy dollar. The duration of the rental arrangement has a substantial effect on the incidence. Initially, landlords extract 44 cents of the marginal subsidy dollar, but the incidence falls by 1.5 cents with each additional year of ...
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...Agricultural Extension in India Booklet No. 380 Agricultural Extension Education: AEES-4 Content Preface I. Introduction II. Pre-Independence Era III. Post-Independence Era IV. Motivation V. Extension Methodology in India VI. Training of Extension Personnel VII. Extension Organization in India VIII. Extension and Women IX. Extension and Rural Youth X. Emerging Thoughts in Extension Preface Agricultural extension is an educational process which has its goal to help the rural people to build a better life by conveying the useful and needed information at appropriate time. It is essential for agricultural development. It plays a major part in technology transfer to the rural areas. Though the concept of agricultural extension started in early 16th century but the actual functioning started only after the second world war. Dr. K. T. Chandy, Agricultural & Environmental Education I. Introduction Agricultural extension is a branch of agriculture which assists the farmers to bring about continuous improvement in their physical, economic and social well being through individual and cooperative efforts. In other words, it helps in the development of an individual and the village community as a whole. It makes available to the farming community the scientific and technical information, training and guidance to solve the problems in agriculture including animal husbandry, gardening, horticulture, silviculture, agricultmal engineering...
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...p12niloyr@iimahd.ernet.in / 9974184587 ) Pakki Lakshman Vivek ( p12pakkiv@iimahd.ernet.in / 9974189224) The Indian agricultural sector’s plight makes me recall one of the outstanding scenes of Indian cinema through Ashutosh Gowarikar’s Swades where the protagonist , Mohan Bhargava meets a poor Indian family fallen on hard times who earn their living through selling of clay pots. The unawareness of the real market prices of their goods makes the family suffer losses. Drawing parallels, the chief concerns of farmers in India have been the lack of price security of their produce which I believe, the FDI tries to resolve. The cabinet’s insistence in allowing Foreign Direct Investment in multi branding retail has met with mixed responses all across the nation with different people having varied opinions regarding its impact. With the prime minister oozing confidence over this reform, he has met a lot of opposition from people who believe this is going to harm the unorganized sector of the Indian retail while some feel that the constraints of 51% and the wave of oppositions that it faces will actually make no difference to anyone out there. The supporters of multi brand retail feel that agriculture is the sector which is going to be highly affected in a positive light by this reform. They are not wrong as the impacts are unmistakeable. The major problem that agricultural produce faces in India is that of storage. With around 33% of food getting wasted due to lack of proper storage, FDI...
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...(In Crore taka) % Change 2005-06 482340 - 2006-07 516380 7% 2007-08 547440 6% 2008-09 575060 5% 2009-10 607100 6% 2010-11 646340 6% 2011-12 688490 7% 2012-13 729900 6% 2013-14 774540 6% Share of Agriculture sector in GDP: Growth of GDP by Sectors In the estimation of production based GDP, 15 sectors are considered where some sectors are further divided into different sub sectors. All the 15 sectors are grouped into three broad sectors-agriculture, industry and service. The broad agriculture sector consists of two sectors namely, (i) agriculture and forestry and (ii) fisheries. Similarly, the broad industry sector comprises (i) mining and quarrying, (ii) manufacturing, (iii) electricity, gas and water supply and (iv) construction sector. The broad service sector includes the collective outputs of the, (i) wholesale and retail trade, (ii) hotels and restaurants, (iii) transport, storage and communication, (iv) financial intermediations, (v) real estate renting and business activities, (vi) public administration and defence, (vii) education, (viii) health and social work and (ix) community, social and personal services. At current market price: GDP by sectors at current market price since FY 2005-06 have been shown in the below table: Sector/Sub-sector 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 1. Agriculture and Forestry 62223 70124 80201 89426 100588 113582 138879 148758 161737 a. Crops & horticulture 46118 52468 60578 67247 75339...
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...CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.0 Background of the study In Nigeria, despite the dominance of the oil sector, agriculture still plays significant roles in economic development. It provides food for the growing population and raw materials for industries. It also serves as a source for foreign exchange and capital formation (Awotide and Agbola, 2010). Nigeria is an agrarian country whose agricultural sector is dominated by smallholder farmers who operate several scattered plots and produce a high percentage of total food in Nigeria (Kakwagh et al, 2011). The importance of these smallholder farmers cannot be over-emphasized in Nigeria. However, with the myriad of demerits associated with land fragmentation, this phenomenon is still wide spread in...
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...Boeing versus Airbus: The ‘endless’ crusade for continuation of subsidy! (A case study) Case reviewer: Angelica Sharma* Brought up in a family in which my parents were always ready to help anyone, closely or even remotely related to them, but not without being duly satisfied about the urgency, righteousness / desirability of assistance (mostly financial) that was asked for, I have, overtime, come to view non-market incentives like subsidies, grants and tariffs from a mind-set that I have found moulded in their company. I look upon my parents as really great protagonists of market-economy without undermining their sense of sympathy and concern for the hapless lot around them in that country, they proudly refer to as India. They always made a distinction between who deserved and who did not deserve the favour that has been asked for. And also, they were particular to find out when, in what form, how much and for how long the assistance, if any, was to be there. Strangely, even to day, they remorsefully recall the few instances of having wasted their scarce productive resources on individuals who, they later-on found, never wanted to be on their own. But they did learn a lesson from these experiences. I have grown in such family environment of respect for merit, hard work and self-pride. It is endowed with this sense that I intend to ponder over the Boeing-Airbus subsidy-related trade-rift and comment on the perceptions, policies, arguments and counter-arguments...
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...National Agro-Food Policy (2011-2020) in Agriculture Sector In Malaysia, agriculture remains an important sector and it plays role as food providers, create employments and generate earnings from export products. The development of the agricultural sector is generally governed by a comprehensive and market driven agricultural policies. The agricultural policies were formulated and have enabled the agricultural sector to grow sustainably and also contributed to economy development in Malaysia. The agricultural policy set the direction for the agricultural sector. As a result, this sector has been transformed from a conventional and passive sector that focused on single commodity to a dynamic, diversified and modern sector. There are many challenges faced in the agricultural sector. For example, competition for land with other sectors, short of labor and increase of cost of production requires a new set of strategic direction. The competition in land use for food production and bioenergy is expected to increase from 8% in 2008 to 20% in 2020. In the global scenario, the increase of world population, climate change, trade liberalization and the changes of lifestyle due to higher disposable income require a special attention and direction. The world population is projected to increase from 6.2 billion people in 2010 to 9.2 billion in 2050. Climate change will definitely affect the production of food commodity. The demand for better quality and affordable by the majority of the...
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...The History of New Holland Worldwide The history of New Holland dates back to October 1872 with the humble beginning of the New Holland Machine Works in a one person Farm-Equipment Repair Shop. No one paid much attention when a 26-year-old Machinist named Abraham Zimmerman opened a tiny repair shop at New Holland, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. The first machine build by Zimmerman was a small portable feed mill. Designated to be the no.1 mill it launched the New Holland Machine Works into the feed grinding business, from which, it has never departed. Abraham Zimmerman decided to expand his little company by incorporation and selling stocks to his friends and customers. In 1895, the New Holland Machine Works became the New Holland Machine Company, a name that would carry the firm to prominence in farm Equipment Company. During the next half century, New Holland introduced highly successful machines such as Balers, Rock Crushers, Limestone Pulverizers, Conveyors, Milling Machines, Engines, Coal, Furnaces and an early rotary Lawn Mower. In 1947, New Holland Machine Company came under the ownership of Sperry Corporation; additional plants were acquired in Mountville, Belleville, Pennsylvania and Lancaster. The New Holland Machine Company was now poised to become the industry leader in grassland farming in next decade and brought 100 new products into the line, including Fertilizers spreaders, Farm wagons, crop dryers and crop drying fans. In 1970 an exciting boldness characterized...
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...clients. Customer satisfaction surveys are used in Florida to collect data about these attributes. It is also important to understand how employee performance affects customer satisfaction. Our findings show that customer satisfaction was not significantly influenced by agent performance and that Florida Cooperative Extension benefits from the experience of its workforce. Given the importance of customer satisfaction as Extension's performance measure for the Florida Legislature, we suggest that administrators should emphasize customer satisfaction as a major factor in employee performance scores. Bryan D. Terry Coordinator, Statistical Research bterry@mail.ifas.ufl.edu Glenn D. Israel Professor gdi@mail.ifas.ufl.edu Department of Agricultural Education and Communication University of Florida Gainesville, Florida Introduction Given the importance of ensuring program relevance, quality, and impacts, as well as the use of customer satisfaction surveys in accountability, understanding the relationship that exists between employee performance and customer satisfaction is critical to identifying how well an organization is fulfilling its mission. Thus, Cooperative Extension must deliver relevant, high-quality programs that, in turn, help improve the lives of clients (Ladewig, 1999). In Florida, these attributes (relevance, quality, and impact) are measured, in part, using a statewide customer satisfaction survey. The survey includes questions about clients' experience with...
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...Connection between Poverty and Obesity English 135 DeVry University Farm subsidy payments are over $10 billion and are authorized to make payments to people “who aren’t even farmers anymore” (Morgan, Gaul, Cohen, 2006, para. 3). This has been going on, in some cases, over 10 years (para. 6). As long as you owned the farmland, you don’t even have to be growing anything and you would continue to receive a subsidy check (para. 3). Bottom line is all these billions of dollars in government subsidies contribute to lowering the cost of processed foods; not a good occurrence if you have low-income and cannot afford the high cost of healthier foods. The processed foods are so cheap to buy and are the unhealthiest that can be consumed by any human being. They are high-density, high-calorie, high-fat junk food that the unfortunate and less-advantaged part of our society has no choice but to buy because it is all they can afford. Studies show a strong connection between poverty and obesity, the government should appoint a task force to regulate and limit or repeal farm subsidies and overproduction of certain agriculture commodities like corn that is used to create highly processed, cheaply priced, high-calorie, high-density “junk foods”, so that prices of natural whole foods can once again be competitive and give the low-income consumers healthier food choices, thus contributing to the reduction of obesity. The U.S. budget for government financial subsidies to U.S...
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