...A study was done which evaluated 13 of the commonly used criteria in abstinence-only education and found that 11 out of the 13 things taught were false or unproven when it comes to health, gender, and life beginning (The Truth). Some examples of these false things taught are that at 43 days old a fetus can think in the womb, 10% of women cannot reproduce again after having an abortion, and HIV can be transmitted through tears and sweat (The Truth). Furthermore, Abstinence-only sex education classes often teach that condoms are not effective at preventing pregnancies, when in reality in couples who use condoms correctly, women have less than a 3 percent chance of becoming pregnant by accident (The Truth). By scaring teenagers like this, abstinence-only classes hope that the teenagers will be scared out of having sex, when in reality they will do it anyway. The Director of Education at Planned Parenthood, Marilyn Anderson, talked about the goal of abstinence-only education when she said “The whole idea is to scare kids and make them think they’ll get HIV by having sex, but what’s walking into our clinic says kids are having sex, just without condoms” (“Abstinence-Only”). This shows that teenagers will have sex no matter what, and by educating them, they can avoid...
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...for Topic (statistics related to topic): Teenagers engage in sexual risk behaviors that have untoward health outcomes. The statistical data provided from the CDC is alarming: * 46% had ever had sexual intercourse * 34% had had sexual intercourse during the previous 3 months, and, of these * 39% did not use a condom the last time they had sex * 77% did not use birth control pills or Depo-Provera to prevent pregnancy the last time they had sex * 14% had had sex with four or more people during their life * An estimated 8,300 young people aged 13–24 years in the 40 states reporting to CDC had HIV infection in 2009 * Nearly half of the 19 million new STDs each year are among young people aged 15–24 years Nursing Diagnosis: Risk of STD infection related to lack of knowledge of STD prevention as evidenced by teenager sexual behavior. Readiness for Learning: Identify the factors that would indicate the readiness to learn for the target aggregate. Include emotional and...
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...pregnancies, services for men's reproductive health, STD screenings or treatment. If funding were to end, millions of Americans would be out of options. When most people think of Planned Parenthood they think, abortions. However, that is...
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...pregnant, getting infected with curable and incurable STDs. This is because people are not educated about sexual activities. Knowledge will be the power for educating people about Sex. In order to do this we need to find out what is happening now from the current education at hand. Pregnancy is at an all time high with students and young adults. Last the STD (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) rate is also rising among students and young adults. As of right now most of the schools in the nation have only a basic sex education class. It only presents the most basic of knowledge for our younger generations that are learning about sex education. Most of the material is just what is sex, how babies made or come where babies come from, and sexually transmitted diseases. Students need to be educated more about risk as well as how they can protect their selves from those associated risk. At the end of the day kids are going to have sex no matter what we tell them. Most of all of us have had sex at a young age and being better educated about it will help students make correct choices from events that can even ruin their lives. There needs to be more talk about STDs. Not just how you can get them, but how you can prevent them all together. Last is pregnancy, which is killing our younger students right now. Kids today need to be drilled with education about pregnancy. It does not just stop at preventing it, but what will happen in ones life when he or she gets or is pregnant. Pregnancy is tearing...
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...IEEE Std 802-2001® (Revision of IEEE Std 802-1990™) IEEE Standards 802® IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks: Overview and Architecture IEEE Computer Society Sponsored by the LAN/MAN Standards Committee Published by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. 3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USA 7 February 2002 Print: SH94947 PDF: SS94947 IEEE Std 802®-2001 (R2007) (Revision of IEEE Std 802-1990) IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks: Overview and Architecture Sponsor LAN/MAN Standards Committee of the IEEE Computer Society Reaffirmed 21 March 2007 Approved 6 December 2001 IEEE-SA Standards Board Abstract: IEEE Std 802-2001, IEEE Standards for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks: Overview and Architecture, provides an overview to the family of IEEE 802 Standards. It defines compliance with the family of IEEE 802 Standards; it describes the relationship of the IEEE 802 Standards to the Open Systems Interconnection Basic Reference Model [ISO/IEC 7498-1:1994] and explains the relationship of these standards to the higher layer protocols; it provides a standard for the structure of LAN MAC addresses; and it provides a standard for identification of public, private, and standard protocols. Keywords: IEEE 802 standards compliance, Local Area Networks (LANs), LAN/MAN architecture, LAN/MAN reference model, Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs). The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers...
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...about sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) can be challenging yet, if learning was a success in only one person, then teaching was achieved. In the next few paragraphs the teacher will summarize a teaching plan, evaluate the teaching experience, provide the community response to the teaching, and identify the areas of strengths and areas of improvement from the teaching. The Teaching Plan As part of the teaching plan the teacher needs to research and be knowledgeable about the subject which in this case is STDs. After being knowledgeable about the subject at hand the teaching is more applicable to those who will listen. The teacher will discuss with the students briefly what the lesson will be about and will benchmark the students' level of knowledge on the subject. Then will expose the students to the lesson's objectives (Lewis, 2015). It is also important to identify the type of learners that will adapt to the lesson. To understand adult learners it was imperative to understand the different learning domains and styles and understand how and why adults learn. The domains of learning can be categorized as cognitive domain (knowledge), psychomotor domain (skills) and affective domain (attitudes) (Sincero, 2011). The primary learning styles are visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. The teacher made a pamphlet with information on STDs for the visual learners. For the auditory learners the teacher will engage the ladies in a discussion regarding STDs by giving examples and true stories...
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...++Starting Out with Programming Logic and Design, 3rd Edition By Tony Gaddis C++ Language Companion or Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Table of Contents Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Introduction 3 Introduction to Computers and Programming 4 Input, Processing, and Output 9 Functions 19 Decision Structures and Boolean Logic 27 Repetition Structures 41 Value-Returning Functions 49 Input Validation 59 Arrays 61 Sorting and Searching Arrays 72 Files 77 Menu-Driven Programs 86 Text Processing 89 Recursion 95 Object-Oriented Programming 97 Page 2 Introduction Welcome to the C++ Language Companion for Starting Out with Programming Logic and Design, 3rd Edition, by Tony Gaddis. You can use this guide as a reference for the C++ Programming Language as you work through the textbook. Each chapter in this guide corresponds to the same numbered chapter in the textbook. As you work through a chapter in the textbook, you can refer to the corresponding chapter in this guide to see how the chapter's topics are implemented in the C++ programming language. In this book you will also find C++ versions of many of the pseudocode programs that are presented in the textbook. Note: This booklet does not have a chapter corresponding to Chapter 15 of your textbook because C++ does not provide a GUI programming library. Page 3 Chapter 1 This chapter accompanies...
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...First, the effect of sex before marriage was infected by STDs (Sexually Transmitted Disease). Many STDs are present without symptoms until the disease is far advanced. Treatment becomes difficult in diagnosis and control, because partners must be listed with the medical community to be alerted of the STDs that are being transmitted by sexual partners. A short list of STDs is gonorrhea, syphilis, genital herpes, genital warts, trichomoniasis, and urethritis (usually caused by Chlamydia), which poses serious problems in the system of the kidneys. Lack of control of STDs leads thousands of women to develop secondary infections in the pelvic region, which in turn causes a high percentage rate of infertility. These diseases normally can be transmitted by sexual activities currently believed to be safe, such as oral/anal sex or clitoral stimulation and also sex before marriage. These diseases have a higher rate of infection compare to AIDS. Secondly, infected with AIDS also is the effect of sex before marriage. AIDS is the foremost STD everyone is quite aware of, which is spread by the HIV (virus). It isn't a pleasant sight to watch someone die of AIDS. Most of the world's AIDS patients die alone. Those who willingly have unsafe sexual practices including sex before marriage, run a greater risk infected by the disease. During sex of any kind this disease can be transmitted through blood (from the tiny abrasions that occur during sex), semen, and vaginal secretions. Besides the horrible...
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...Workshop Assignment The “Combined Contraception and STD Workshop” taught me a ton of new information about the various types of Contraception methods and about different types of STDs. When it comes to things like STDs and especially contraception it is actually scary how little I know. Being a guy I grew up learning about the condom, and that is basically it. I was taught that men should carry a condom around in places like their wallets just to be safe and that it will save you from getting girls pregnant, or catching STDs. Even though this is fairly true, I know now that there are so many other ways to have safe sex and it is important to know all of them. I knew about “the pill” but as far as contraception went I was basically in the dark about things like the implant, women’s condoms, the vaginal ring, and that girls could even have shots injected into them to prevent pregnancy. During the talk I was given a card that read “inserted into the vagina” and I was supposed to go up and put it on a board with a bunch of different contraception methods. I very confidently walked straight up to the word that said “implant” and placed the phrase below it. I thought to myself that it must be implanted into the vagina and that’s how it works. Well, I found out that the implant was actually a little bar that was implanted under the woman’s skin, usually on the arm. This totally blew my mind because it never occurred to me that it could be implanted anywhere else, that’s...
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...August 25, 2013 August 25, 2013 Research Paper on Smartphone Selection: Most Influencing factors to the End-Customer Research Paper on Smartphone Selection: Most Influencing factors to the End-Customer Submitted To Samy Ahmed, Senior Lecturer, School of Business North South University Submitted By Rafiul Ali 091 0695 530 Md. Yasin Rubel 091 0349 039 Md. Fakhrul Hasan 091 1024 530 Md. Nur-Ur-Rahman 101 0923 030 Kazi Naqui Ismail 082 437 030 Submitted To Samy Ahmed, Senior Lecturer, School of Business North South University Submitted By Rafiul Ali 091 0695 530 Md. Yasin Rubel 091 0349 039 Md. Fakhrul Hasan 091 1024 530 Md. Nur-Ur-Rahman 101 0923 030 Kazi Naqui Ismail 082 437 030 Content Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Origin of the Report 2 1.2 Background of the Research 2 1.3 Objective of the Research: 2 1.4 Approach to the Problem: 3 1.4.1 Theoretical Framework: 3 1.4.2 Analytical Model: 3 1.4.3 Research Question: 3 1.5 Methodology of the Report: 3 Chapter 2: Literatur Review 2.1 Smartphone: 5 2.2 Brand Image: 5 2.3 Perceived Price: 5 2.4 Operating System: 6 2.5 Screen Size: 6 2.6 Battery Life: 6 Chapter 3: Research Design & Methodology 3.1 Problem Definition: 8 3.1.1 Core problem: 8 3.1.2 Marketing research problem: 8 3.2 Model Development: 8 3.3 Questioner Design: 9 3.4 Research Methodology: 9 Chapter 4: Research Question & Hypothesis Development 4.1 Research Questions: 11 4...
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...NOT MEASUREMENT SENSITIVE MIL-STD-961D 22 MARCH 1995 SUPERSEDING MIL-STD-961C 20 MAY 1988 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE STANDARD PRACTICE FOR DEFENSE SPECIFICATIONS AMSC D7117 AREA SDMP DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. MIL-STD-961D FOREWORD 1. This standard is approved for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense (DoD). 2. DoD 4120.3-M, “Defense Standardization Program Policies and Procedures,” discusses the different types of specifications used by the DoD. This standard establishes practices for developing performance and detail specifications prepared by or for the DoD. This standard covers the requirements for "standard" performance and detail specifications, meaning specifications that are used on multiple programs or applications. 3. It is DoD policy to give first preference to developing and using performance specifications. If it is not practical or effective to use a performance specification, a non-Government standard should be used. If it is not practical or effective to develop and use a performance specification or non-Government standard, a detail specification may be developed and used, but only as a last resort. 4. There are two primary objectives for the changes to this standard. First, for the DoD to meet its military needs in the current economic and political environment, it must increase access to an expanded industrial base that can meet defense needs at lower costs with state-of-the-art...
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...Recognized as an American National Standard (ANSI) IEEE Std 1284-1994 IEEE Standard Signaling Method for a Bidirectional Parallel Peripheral Interface for Personal Computers IEEE Computer Society .- Sponsored by the Microprocessor and Microcomputer Standards Committee h Published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 345East 4Tth Street, New York, N y lwlz USA. lEEE December 2, 1994 SH 1 7335 Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF VICTORIA. Downloaded on July 29,2010 at 20:21:17 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. THIS PAGE WAS BLANK IN THE ORIGINAL Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF VICTORIA. Downloaded on July 29,2010 at 20:21:17 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Recognized as an American National Standard (ANSI) IEEE Std 1284-1994 IEEE Standard Signaling Method for a Bidirectional Parallel Peripheral Interface for Personal Computers Sponsor Microprocessor and Microcomputer Standards Committee of the IEEE Computer Society Approved March 30, 1994 IEEE Standards Board Approved September 2, 1994 American National Standards Institute Abstract: A signaling method for asynchronous, fully interlocked, bidirectional parallel communications between hosts and printers or other peripherals is defined. A format for a peripheral identification string and a method of returning this string to the host outside of the bidirectionaldata stream is also specified...
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... . . .} called vertices, and a set E = {e1, e2, . . .} called edges, such that an edge ek is determined with an unordered pair (vi, vj) of vertices. The vertices vi, vj that belong to an edge ek are called the end vertices of ek. A graph is generally represented by a diagram, with points representing vertices and line segments joining these vertices representing edges. This diagram is generally referred to as a graph. For example, the figure below depicts a graph. [1] Figure 1: A graph with 5 vertices and 10 edges According to the definition above, an edge is associated with a vertex pair (vi,vi). A self loop is an edge that has the same initial and final vertices. Edge e1 in the above figure is a self-loop. Hence, a given pair of vertices may have more than one edge, for example, edges e4 and e5. These edges are termed parallel edges. A simple graph is a graph that does not have any self loops or parallel edges. There are many applications of graph theory in various fields. In engineering, in physical, social, and biological sciences, in linguistics, and in numerous other areas graph theory helps to solve many problems. Any physical involving discrete objects and their relationships can be shown by using graphs. The concept of Graph theory began in 1736 when Euler considered the Konigsberg bridge problem. [1] 1.1 Konigsberg Bridge Problem: One of the classic and well known examples in graph theory is the Konigsberg Bridge Problem. The first solution to this problem...
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...What is the first thought that comes in your mind when the word “crime” comes up? Thievery, murder or possession of illegal drugs. Would you think of prostitution? Prostitution is considered a crime in 74% of the countries in the world, Taiwan is one of them. This may not seem like news because prostitution is considered an inappropriate and immoral act nowadays. However, prostitution is a necessary job to some individuals. Prostitution is only considered inappropriate because it is dangerous and illegal. However, if prostitution was legalized, sex workers would become protected, law enforcement sources could be saved and used in other crimes such as terrorism, and minors who are enslaved by brothels would be unleashed. Legalizing prostitution...
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...human sexuality topic that would be most relevant to college students. For most college students, condoms, birth control, and relationships are the topics they think of first when it comes to sex. What peaked my interest are sexually transmitted diseases with college students. Usually in class, the book will show pictures and get the medical list of symptoms with ten to twelve STDs. Never have I seen a presentation or a lecture directed at college students. For most college students are having sex, and yet the topic of STD is not being discuss. From my friends to family members, I have never known someone directly having a STD. The most common sexually transmitted diseases among college students are chlamydia, herpes, and human papillomavirus. I think college students should know about this because it is prevalent in our lives - with the lifestyle college students have from partying by consuming alcohol and then wanting to have sex. This isn't something like Ebola where the disease does not affect you because you live far away from the source. Sexually transmitted diseases are common and prevalent in society. Having the knowledge about the types of treatments and signs to look for can save you dealing with a decision for the rest of your life. Nearly 10 million people between 15 and 24 years old contract STDs each year (James 2014). Chlamydia One of the most common sexually transmitted diseases is Chlamydia. Chlamydia is an STI triggered by a microorganism called Chlamydia...
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