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Stephen Crane's Novel 'The Red Badge Of Courage'

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The Red Badge
Courage In the heroic novel The Red Badge of Courage, the boldness, and the soldier's main perspective of war was not the only thing that was deemed not uncredible at the time. The author, Stephen Cran,e along with the book The Red Badge of Courage, went utterly unnoticed below most intellectual radars, and went untouched on most store shelves.After most hard work and devine hourly research over both controversial and non. Ideas of personal opinions of how war really was not just how they appeared seemed to just come into focus after reading Cranes novel. Stephen Crane produces his many revisions of this novel along with a argumentative and controversial last chapter and meaning. The ideas and thoughts about the revisions …show more content…
I could slowly start to see the ravishing ray of sunlight beaming upon over the river banks and past to hard destructed soil in which they had just conquered. I can start to even feel how all the soldiers felt after the turmoil of the war. With every word i could imagine Henry running with the American flag in his hand, the wind at his back pushing and shoving his hair every which way the gods pleased , with a casual shout every now and then Henry would rally his men up and never let them stay put in one location. He persuaded all the men to believe and follow him to their ultimate destiny. When henry and his comrades make it to the enemy's flag he seizes it with a firm grip and toss it aside victoriously. After all conclude that the war along with Confederate forces were done the men took their attention to the wounded or captured soldiers of the war. Most were asking each where they were from and surprised when they had talked to men from places they have never even been. One of the key parts to this ending is when Crane starts to tell us his true unblemished meaning of The Red Badge of Courage which is how he shows henrys involving emotional and

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