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Stereotypes In Remember The Titans

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Remember the Titans definitely has a few stereotypes represented in the movie. To start with the most obvious one, the community was your stereotypical, violent, southern, segregated community that was common during the 1970s. A southern community sets the scene for racial prejudice, and violent outbursts. The southern individuals even had the southern way of speaking, which we in the 21st century would consider to be 'red neck,' helps connote racial prejudice as well. Moving more specifically towards individual stereotypes, blacks are immediately seen as 'less fit' in all aspects including the football team. This is exemplified when the white, defensive coach consoles the black players after getting harshly yelled at by the black, head coach. …show more content…
In general, the culture in this movie takes place in a high school named T.C. Williams in the highly racist Alexandria, Virginia in the 1970s. T.C. Williams High School has just been desegregated and is witnessing an immense amount of push back from the white community. People of color were considered less than whites and often treated as such. Although the formal norms are "all men are created equal," the informal norm was to separate, despise, beat down, and, sometimes, kill people of color. This informal norm could also be considered more a folkway rather than a mores due to the fact that even the police, the protectors of human life, did little to stop groups such as the KKK, or stand up against the street bullies (sometimes joining the fight themselves). Another piece of culture would be the football team itself. Due to the desegregation of the high school, the football team was also desegregated and a black head coach was put in charge. This team did not only have to combat and overcome the prejudice in their own ranks, but also from the community as well. However, slowly and surely their team, their community and their values began to change through the symbols that were brought to attention. An example of this would be the civil war grave site the team jogged to in the early morning. In an inspiring speech made by the coach, perspectives were changed, and people's closed

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