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Stereotypes Of Jesus Girl

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There are so many stenotypes out there that people are trying to break but some of them people don’t even relies they are using. If I said I’m a Christion most of the people that hear this say to me “Oh so you’re a Jesus girl”. What does that even mean? Yes, I love Jesus but why does that put me in a box with everyone else that does. There are all types of people that love Jesus but everyone just thinks we are all the same. I’m going to break some stereotypes about us “Jesus Girls” so listen up and open your mind.

1. We are "goodie-goodies"
Yes, we are trying to be a good person. Who isn’t? But it doesn’t mean we don’t mess up we are still human. We still have our bad days just like you. We just try not to have so many but we acknowledge that they are going to happen. The only difference is when we are in our dark place and having a bad day we lean on our God to lift us up. We trust that he will and for that we are grateful.
2. …show more content…
We don't have fun
This is not true! We have fun but many we don’t have your type of fun. We still go out and hang out with friends and go on adventure we just try not to make the wrong desitions when we are trying to have fun. We see hangout with friend’s fun and going out to events but we also see worshiping our god as fun. We see praising him and showing our love fun to. So, if anything we just have more types of fun not less. Don’t let your judgment of “Jesus girls” stop you from hanging out with one or asking them to coffee cause in the end they are still

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