...Sticks and Stones As a child, you can be so traumatized that you will never recover. The trauma can be several different things. But parental failure, mistrust, and abuse are some of the most horrible things a child can be exposed to. Some children are never able to let their traumas go, so they can live on with their lives. And therefor it will keep hunting them for the rest of their existence. Questions like “Why didn’t my mother belief me?”, “Why me?” and a lot of similar questions will always be right there, right in the back of your head. Ready to strike when you least expect it, and in that way, strike the hardest. Exactly like in “Sticks and Stones” where Lewis is wondering what would had happened if his mother and the headmaster had done something before it was too late. In “Sticks and Stones” the agent ‘flashback’ is used repeatedly. Mostly to show the reader why Lewis is, whom he is at this point of his life, and to show why he has not been able to go on with his life. It is furthermore to show how the traumas have shaped the boy into an obsessed man. The flashbacks are used to make the reader almost feel the pain that Lewis felt by being ignored by his mother, when he cried for help after the incident on the edge. “Even when his mouth healed, and it was easier to say the words, she didn’t believe him. “It’s all in your mind,” she said” (p.15, ll. 119-120) Flashbacks are also a means to get the reader caught up in the story. It creates a different frame of mind...
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...”Sticks and Stones” by Trezza Azzopardi Fear is a curious thing. It has been said that fear is important. Because it's our survival instinct. It's what keeps one from touching a red hotplate. This story centers around the fear of being bullied. We're all very familiar with it. At one point, everyone has either been bullied or been the bully. Even if they don't want to admit it. It's a fact. The important thing is, not to dwell on it, but rise again stronger than before. It has also been said ”What doesn't kill you makes you stronger”. That's probably also true. Even though it might not seem that way at first. The story takes place in England, London. There are several characters in this story. Not a lot of information is given about all of them. Lewis is probably around 25 years old. ”It has been fifteen years since he jumped and fell” And he was probably around 10 or 13 at the time. He moved back to his mother's house. He has been having the same nightmare about the day he jumped. Only it's more vivid now. It's possible that he feels guilt about what happened with Paul Fry. ”Sometimes, he imagines he's the kind of person that challenges teachers like Scott and Walker, the kind that the Headmaster takes seriously” That must mean that he is quite the opposite. A very scared person who doesn't stand his ground. It seems that all he has been doing his whole life is running from this. Or ”jumping” when things get too dangerous. When he jumps off of the concrete defence,...
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...Sticks and Stones by Trezza Azzopardi He races to the top of the dune and looks down onto the strand. There is water and wet sand and dry sand and small pokes of sharp grass dotted along the beach. He stands on the lip of the concrete defence; looks east, to the line of groynes, then west, to the lighthouse in the distance. There's no one he can see, no one he can call to for help. Below him, the drop onto the beach is fifteen, maybe twenty, feet. He jumps because he has to, jumps out into the air, and sees as he falls one more thing; a cloud of white birds hanging on the skyline. There is a hot taste filling his mouth, like molten iron, and a black pain, and the knowledge that his teeth are through his lip. It's always this same dream that Lewis has, and he does the same thing when he wakes; he reaches up to feel the place where his bottom lip was opened, running a finger over his chin. He has a scar there still, almost imperceptible to the casual eye, like a ghost mouth that never opens, like a horizon. It has been fifteen years since he jumped and fell, and he has never been back to the beach. He has spent his adult life in the heart of England, at the very core of the city, as if putting himself in the dense centre of a world would protect him from another fall off the edge of it. But now he has returned to his mother's house, and the dream is more vivid here, in colour, with sound effects and rising panic, as if it too has finally come home. “There's a letter for you”...
Words: 1982 - Pages: 8
...Sticks and Stones af Trezza Azzopardi The main theme in the short story is bullying. The short story is questioning what the consequences with bullying are and what the consequences of bullying can have, to the adult life. As a child Lewis was a victim for two bullies, the most of his childhood he spent looking over his shoulder. Now where he is a witness to the bullying of Paul Fry, his old inner demons are coming up again. When Lewis tries to help Paul Fry it fails, he tries to help by writing notes about what he has seen and by going to the headmaster. When it fails for Lewis, it sends him into to something similar to a depression. He escapes from his life as a teacher and as a boyfriend to Anna, he turns back to his childhood home to live with his mother and try to fight back the inner demons and dreams about his childhood problems. The short story is told in an omniscient third person narrator and it is through Lewis’ point of view we see the events in the short story. We get Lewis’ thoughts and feelings through the omniscient narrator, the rest of the story is told by Lewis’ perspective. Lewis is an English teacher and he lives with his girlfriend, Anna, in the middle of England. We hear about Lewis’ adult life in the short story, but also his childhood story. We will have to understand his childhood story, if we do not understand his childhood story, we will not understand his adult life either. His whole life his mother had told him that if something goes wrong...
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...Engelsk afl. Sticks and Stones Bullying permeates the school. A new large-scale study shows that at least five children in each class regularly exposed to bullying. And that colleagues can not figure out to intervene and help the bully victim, although they would like. Everyone have been bullied somewhere, at school, at home, at work and outside. The bullies have no idea what they are doing. For them is just fun, cool or they are trying to be cool. But what they don’t know is that they are making the other people sad or makes them to suicide. We have all heard from news, that “a 11 years old girl suicide after being bullied”. Bullying is a huge burden for both the learning environment and students' learning ability. The negative attitude creates negative atmosphere. Strand, wet sand, dry sand and small pokes of sharp grass. Is what he dreaming often. He laces to the top of the dune and looks down onto the strand. There is water and wet sand and dry sand and small pokes2 of sharp grass dotted along the beach. He stands on the lip3 of the concrete defencea; looks east, to the line of groyness, then west, to the lighthouse in the distance. There's no one he can see, no one he can call to for help. Below s him, the drop onto the beach is fifteen, maybe twenty, feet. He jumps because he has to, jumps out into the air, and sees as he falls one more thing: a cloud of white birds hanging on the skyline. There is a hot taste filling his mouth, like molten iron, and a...
Words: 289 - Pages: 2
...Cowboys and Indians Summary (150 words): This is a short story written by Lorien Crowe. The story is mainly about the narrator and her cousin. The story is set in New Mexico where their Grandmother used to live but she passed away. In the beginning of the story, the narrator is attending the funeral, there are many family members there and she thinks it is a little bit dull and crowded. Finally, Daniel arrives, her favorite cousin. They decide to take off from the arrangement and head to a bar on David’s new Ducati motorbike. They have a couple of drinks and head to a remote place to enjoy the sunset. They enjoy their time there, light a joint and become hungry therefore, they decide to go to a takeout stand at the highway. After this, they go home and David takes off before the family sees him, it was as if he was never there. Characterize the narrator: The Narrator has two sides to her. When she was at the funeral, she seemed very calm and didn’t really try to fit in with anyone at the arrangement. However, when David shows up she feels more alive and wants to do things that she normally would not do. But now that she’s with David she feels free and suddenly wants to go to a bar get a couple of drinks, then afterwards go up, and look at the sunset whilst smoking a joint. It seems like she is keeping a façade when she’s with the family she can first really be herself when she is with David. Comment on similarities and differences between David and the Narrator: ...
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...1z NV-rapport Lærere: nv-ke: JS & nv-bi: LK Elevnr. 10 Navn: Tania Rehmat Chauhan | Aflevering: Fredag 13/12-2013 senest kl. 9.30 på inspektorkontoret til HL eller AJ NV Bi-Ke rapport Indledning Det overordnede tema i det naturvidenskabelige grundforløb har været klima, hvorved vi har haft nogle fokusfag – biologi og kemi. Nv biologi og Nv kemi har haft det samme undertema, hvilket er læren om jordens atmosfære og dens betingelse for liv. Begge fag har fokuseret på drivhuseffekten og drivhusgasser, dog med et syn fra både den biologiske og kemiske verden. I biologi har formålet været at forstå livet betydning. Uden liv på jorden ville klimaet ikke havde forvrænget sig, som det har gjort i dag. På jorden er der en naturlig drivhuseffekt, som er med til at jordens gennemsnitstemperatur ligger på 15 grader i stedet for -18 grader. Der er også en menneskeskabt drivhuseffekt, som kommer fra al den afbrænding af kul og olie, hvilket har skabt vores industri samfund i dag. Følgerne af alt den afbrænding er dog blevet kritiske, da ved afbrænding bliver kullet eller olien til CO2 og vanddamp. Hernæst blander CO2 sig med atmosfæren. Konflikten opstår når solen sender sine varmestråler ned mod jorden. CO2 og andre drivhusgasser absorberer størstedelen af varmen og på længere sigt varmere kloden op. Vi har blandt andet arbejdet med nogle forsøg vedr. fotosyntesens lysafhængighed – herunder flaskehaven. Vi har også lagt...
Words: 1853 - Pages: 8
...Sticks and Stones: Bullying in America Thomas Martin BEH – 331 September 20, 2011 Professor Shalanda Moten Table of Contents Introduction 3 Bullying Defined 3 Bullying in Schools 5 Bulling in Gangs 6 Workplace Bullying 7 Innovation in Intervention 8 Aggression Replacement Therapy. 9 Promoting Issues in Common. 11 Managing Workplace Bullying. 12 Conclusion 13 Sticks and Stones: Bullying in America Introduction Bullying is an age-old problem that persists into the twenty-first century. Although it is one of the most pervasive issues in American schools, bullying tends to receive very little attention from faculty or administration. Learning institutions often advertise themselves as bully free environments, but events occurring on these campuses are frequently those that are responsible for long-term trauma and for the emotional scarring of those who are victimized. When incidents of bullying are ignored or downplayed, aggressors gain increased confidence and tend to repeat similar offenses. This often creates a cycle of aggression and rule breaking behavior that extends into adulthood. “A study showed that sixty percent of identified bullies during their grade six through nine years eventually were involved in at least one criminal conviction by age twenty-four” (Whitney & Smith, 2007, p. 21). Childhood bullying is not only an issue in its own right. It is one that has also been found to lead to dire consequences in adulthood. Clearly, what is...
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...Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. I remember saying that when I was little because I was picked on for having a skin disorder which caused me to have white blotches on my face. I said that as a source of defense of the verbal attack. I find that language can hurt anyone; however, the severity of hurt is all dependent on the person and how sensitive they are. I am not that much of a sensitive person being that I have developed a tolerance for the opinions of others. To be successful, you have to take things with a grain of salt and keep it moving because if you dwell on the things people say, you will never progress unless you take what people say and make it benefit you for the better. With this statement, I neither agree nor disagree because words are something permanent. Yes, a broken bone may hurt, but the pain is temporary. Words stick to a person, especially if it is something with meaning. I grew up in the country and people would always try to knock me for going in the military and going to school. I even had people to tell me I was arrogant for doing so. I used the words from those people as my driving force to make myself a better person. Referencing to the book, language and gender is something that is very true. If you tell a woman she is fat over and over, more than likely, she will try to either lose the weight or conceal her body. If you call a man fat over and over, more than likely, he will think nothing about. As I stated...
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...“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me” is a saying that implies that what others say should not have any effect on you since it is not a physical action. Although it does not hurt the recipient physically, it does leave a mark mentally. What others say can have a lasting effect, its effects can last for moments before it is quickly forgotten or remain in the back of the recipient's mind for years to come. Although names can be ignored and disregarded, it is easier said than done. Even small comments can have a long-term effect. For instance, when someone points out something out that's embarrassing, the remarks vary from person to person. Perhaps it's a bit of acne or a weird laugh, but most people don't mean...
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...attraction? And it's 100% natural; no artificial colors or flavors. Boy only needs to meet girl for boy to want girl, yet some people think they have to force boy and girl together. You don't. Remember that attraction thing? If is ain't there, there's no sticking boy and girl together, no matter how much glue you use. But if there is attraction, it's like sticking a wet tongue to a flag pole—they'll stick together just fine on their own. No glue required. Really, it works. Thousands of years of trials and tests have proven it. Try it out for yourself. The same is true for the rabbit race. Rabbit race? Don't I mean rat race? No, rabbit race. The rat race is the pursuit of money and power. The rabbit race is the pursuit of...something a bit more fun than money and power combined. Still don't know what it is? Ask your more educated friends. The ones witht he stupid grins on their faces. They know what it is, and they'll have fun explaining it to you. Men and women are naturally attracted to each other like opposite ends of a magnet. Opposites attract. Negative sticks to positive. Boy sticks to girl. No glue required. So why is are busybody old ladies, senile old men, and the rest of the married population trying to get me married? What's the deal? Is there a conspiracy? Do you they win a prize if I get married? Did they lose a bet? There are a few possiblities. One: They are so happy and marriage is so wonderful that they want to share the joy with others. If this were true...
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...The plot starts with a boy entering the alley with a gum in his mouth, he is a litter bug he was throwing stuff on the streets. he sees the sign DO NOT LITTER. “huh, do not litter. Doesn’t matter if I litter something this doesn’t make the whole city dirty. Stupid signs” He then sits on the bench and sticks his gum out under the chair. leaves his cap nd He while singing baby. Scene 2 An old women sits on the bench and waits for the bus. As she puts her hand on the sides to stand up she gets gum sticking on it. She gives some very convincing advices to audience and a few curse words, later sticking the gum only at the edge of the bin Scene 3 A man of 40 yo comes with the mug of coffee and is talking online on skype to his manager and as he is about to throw his mug at the bin the gum sticks his shirt sleeves. “OH my God” he than looks at his phone “Im sorry Roger give me a minute please.” He rubs the gum on the wall and looks at his phone again “ these people are illiterate this city is dirty, I am considering a transfer. It is very disappointing. Arghhh” Scene 4 2 girls enter talking with psters in their hands 1 “the world’s finest MBA’s are coming to our conference” 2nd “I know. This will be very amazing. We should distribute invitations. 1st “should we mail?” 2nd “ yea we should mail them today” They start putting posters on and one of the girl sees the gum “AHHH stupid boys!” They get the gum out with the help of the scale and cleans off at the bench and leave...
Words: 356 - Pages: 2
...Importance of communication Effective communication is essential to the success of any business organization. Since the world is becoming a global village it is of utmost importance to effectively communicate within and outside of an organization. However, due to large organizational sizes and tall organizational structures it becomes difficult to get any message across. This creates boundaries in the organization, internally in terms of various departments and externally in terms of customers. To overcome this dilemma, in the video Messages that Stick', Professor Chip Heath emphasizes on the importance of making the point stick rather than just getting the message across and explains how to go about it. Professor Heath commences his lecture with focus on urban legends, that is, myths and stories. Urban legends have been stuck in peoples' minds and have persisted over decades, spanning over cultural boundaries. For instance, the story of the dead girl who appears on a dark eerie roadside is known almost world over, yet in different situations. In the American version, the man who finds the girl is in a car. In the European version, the car is replaced by a carriage. Whereas in the Chinese version, the mode of transport is believed to be a horse. The professor explains that urban legends succeed even though they lack many advantages that organizational messages have. They do not have support from top management. They do not have advertising budgets, or public relation...
Words: 1606 - Pages: 7
...Effective communication is essential to the success of any business organization. Since the world is becoming a global village it is of utmost importance to effectively communicate within and outside of an organization. However, due to large organizational sizes and tall organizational structures it becomes difficult to get any message across. This creates boundaries in the organization, internally in terms of various departments and externally in terms of customers. To overcome this dilemma, in the video Messages that Stick', Professor Chip Heath emphasizes on the importance of making the point stick rather than just getting the message across and explains how to go about it. Professor Heath commences his lecture with focus on urban legends, that is, myths and stories. Urban legends have been stuck in peoples' minds and have persisted over decades, spanning over cultural boundaries. For instance, the story of the dead girl who appears on a dark eerie roadside is known almost world over, yet in different situations. In the American version, the man who finds the girl is in a car. In the European version, the car is replaced by a carriage. Whereas in the Chinese version, the mode of transport is believed to be a horse. The professor explains that urban legends succeed even though they lack many advantages that organizational messages have. They do not have support from top management. They do not have advertising budgets, or public relation assistants. They often arouse...
Words: 1603 - Pages: 7
...beginning we asked two simple questions before the initiation of the project. First, we asked if people use wireless charging or not, majority of the participants said NO since they were not familiar with wireless charging technology. Then we asked if they would use a lighter portable battery different than PowerBank. This time, majority of the participants said YES. We all want to stay online; it’s a big want-rather than a want nowadays staying online is a need. It’s always preferred to a dead battery. So, we decided to come up with Dispobatt. What is Dispobatt? It’s a disposable battery for smartphones. It will look like an RFID Tag more or less, a transparent circuit that charges smartphones for the given amount of percentage. You’ll stick it to the rear panel of your device and it will start working, charging your phone immediately. This immediate connection will happen due to the combined use of NFA technology Qi technology together. Now you’ll probably ask what NFA and Qi technologies are. Well, in the simplest term Near Field Audio™ (NearFA™) is a new wireless audio technology that allows mobile devices to transmit sound to an amplifying speaker within a short distance. Most existing mobile devices such as iPhone, iPod, iPad and Android devices are supported by NearFA™. For instance, it only allows transmitting sounds and needs physical connection. Qi is an interface standard developed for inductive electrical power transfer over distances of up to 4 cm. The Qi system...
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